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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Yeah, cause there was a quarterback worth taking.....go back to listening to WGR until you come up with a better answer
  2. We are completely rebuilding and need to take the best player available.
  3. Arians and Gilbride were on Superbowl winning teams and Hennig has been extremely successful in many places I would like to replace Parrish with Hardy or Dexter McCluster
  4. Not true- we have deluded ourselves into not rebuilding. The rebuilding needs to start
  5. I didn't mean he was going to be Bruce Smith. I meant that he would make an impact on a defense that has no playmakers
  6. That's not a big deal though. He would start and make a huge impact. a 3-4 DE not worth the second pick? I remember a guy named Bruce Smith and he was worth the top overall pick-twice! Every position is very important, because if you have a weakness, it will be picked apart. We need to be in total rebuild mode
  7. I think people need to be serious. I really hope we don't look for guys who can make what we have better. We are mediocre at best at our top positions. We need a plan in place to turn over the roster with 3-4 good offseasons- we need to be in rebuild mode, as our division is completely in another league than we are. We can't rush this, we need the best players available.
  8. No he didn't. Lomas Brown, Glover, etc.... were pretty good. Just cause the media says Barry Sanders did it all himself and that Wayne Fontes is a buffoon doesn't make either true.
  9. You do know there will be more than just two candidates, right? I just question the will of this country- it ain't what it used to was...... I find it amazing how often people in this country watch things they hate......
  10. Everything is tied together. No player establishes his worth on his own. No player gets wins or losses attributed to their stats either.
  11. Does that mean you'll be firing the American people too? Those are the people who elect the politicians.
  12. It is a real question- did man create an image of God to suit his/her own ego or create something they were comfortable with? The question really isn't about whether you belief in the existence of a God, which I definitely do.
  13. Did God create us in his image, or did we create him in ours? I am not asking that to be a pain....
  14. So they are useless, because they aren't #1 WR's? That's the same ridiculous mentality that people use when they called Dan Wilkinson a bust.....over a decade in the league is not a bust.
  15. The way politics have worked for the past few decades, neither Bush, nor Obama were in position to be anything good. The goal of the other party was to demonize them both.
  16. You are probably right, but he would be a much better candidate than Palin- who I think would probably be the worst president ever.
  17. I know what you meant, but the timing was very poor for that joke. I don't know how a country recovers from something like that- absolutely horrible for the families of those politicians as well. Its a horrible world we live in.......
  18. If it happens, it happens. When you reach for players in the draft, you are always playing for higher position next year anyways. If we take Clausen it is more of a reach pick than Parrish was- and look at how that has panned out.....
  19. This team DOES NOT NEED TO WIN BIG NEXT YEAR. They need a clear and defined plan and they need to stick to it, without interference if they don't win quickly. Every position feeds off the others. Without a good line, the QB can't function at a high level, nor can the QB function without a good line. Without a good RB, your passing game is hampered and with out a good passing game, your run game is stifled. There is no fix other than patience and a few good drafts. Win now is a failure and that is a fact
  20. I like Mortensen and I think he is right on about impatience. Donahoe's biggest mistake was running Bledsoe out of town without having somebody ready to step in. Sure, the plebians wanted him gone, but they shouldn't have a voice in anything
  21. What is their quality of life over their? Not being sarcastic- I don't know and barely have the motivation to type after being caught in the duststorm to end all duststorms three days ago
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