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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Tim- I personally apologize that the talk-radio generation wasn't brought up to understand how you treat a guest. They think everything is about how they feel about things. If you are still reading any of this, thank you for providing a national perspective and I am sorry for the way you were abused.
  2. Someone made rocks with Ron Paul's picture on them?
  3. A conservative who isn't completely against regulation- we have to get people out there to cover this up. Nobody should know about this!!
  4. Actually, it is the fault of the original GW- George Washington, himself. He created several constitutional loopholes that allowed this mess to happen
  5. none of you have the foggiest idea who the best qb is out of the group or how much potential any of them had. You all would have hated if we had signed Gannon before we saw him in Oakland. Wasn't there a parade for Bledsoe......before he was run out of town?
  6. It also works well with a flux capacitor
  7. Cut preseason to one game and the regular season to 14 games. It lowers the risk of injuries to players that people pay to see and decreases the chance that one team pulls away for a division title- forcing them to play their starters until the very end.
  8. Personally, I think the time would be better spent giving incentives to develop alternatives. I've done a bit of reading (nothing too much) on hydrogen fuel cells. It was very intriguing, particularly if they can eliminate much of the hazards as it relates to possible explosions.
  9. That doesn't mean we are regressing. We are changing offensive and defensive schemes. That's just like judging a pitcher's stuff by looking at their win loss record.....
  10. True fans can do either- they do what they want
  11. "Reading makes our english speaking good."
  12. Hopefully both parties drop lots of people to the independents and we end up with independents running the country!!!
  13. I think we have stabilized our defense. Another good draft or two, then I think we can start being really good/dominant. I think Troup and Carrington can really develop into key players. I also think McKelvin and Byrd can be good in the new defense, but as a unit, our secondary is suspect at best.
  14. We should have taken Okung! Oh wait....he was taken...... We should have taken Williams.....oh wait- he was taken and got his QB killed last year..... We should have taken Davis.....oh wait.....he was taken and plays like a third round player Maybe what we should have done, is draft Wang in the first round, so he could be a franchise tackle.......
  15. I'm more for drilling to try to sell it to other countries that to use it domestically. If that doesn't work, then use it domestically....but the focus has to be eliminating our need for it, so we can stop supporting foreign governments. I don't see this country as having the willpower to get it done though.
  16. A Jake Long caliber OL was not available when we picked. Ted Ginn was a great college player, but probably won't amount to much in the NFL. I think Spiller will be very good and is something to build on. When you aren't a player or two away, reaching for a player in the draft can set you back several years- like we have been doing for a decade
  17. A lot of factors have to come together. If the #1 read on a play is open, then it is easy to get rid of the ball. If you have to go through your progressions a second time, because nobody is open, then there is a pretty good chance you will get hit-whether it is a sack or not. The threat of Spiller taking the ball the distance hopefully will keep defenses honest. Not only does he have the speed to get to the corner, he also has a good burst to get through the hole and get 4-5 yards. I also think he is much better at picking up the blitz than Lynch and Jackson.
  18. I am talking about passing on the best available player to fill needs with lesser players. It makes you mediocre.
  19. Did anyone read the 'if that were true' part of what I said?
  20. Because the 'win now' mentality has to go. We need to rebuild slowly and effectively, not reach for need.
  21. But wouldn't improving education lead to reduced spending?
  22. Best case scenerio has Spiller taking screens and going for long gaines, which will open our passing game a bit. Spiller's outside running ability could open up slants and crossing routes on play action. Lynch turns into a solid short yardage back and the defense keeps games close, so we don't have to score much. Worst case scenerio- Our offensive and defensive lines are sieves- nothing works. It will be closer to option 2 than 1, but we are making progress. We should draft high enough to get a QB and skilled OL or DL next year.
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