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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I think he should be bashed for this- the Government should not be active in the actual clean up, but they should be bringing US Companies into the effort- I don't think the attitude that this is BP's mess and they have to clean it up or it won't get done works. This might be a bit outside the box, but I can't help wondering if NASA would be of any assistance in this- they have the know-how to get things done in all times of hostile environments. Its nice that Obama says "Plug the &&^%&*& hole", but that really doesn't do much as far as getting it done
  2. I have a lot of friends in the region. The stuff they are telling me just makes me sick. Personally, I would like BP out of our country, but that probably isn't feasible in the real world.
  3. Either way- this will have some severe consequences. How the heck do you get rid of that much oil!
  4. Personally, I don't care. I want to see success on the field- improvement in the pass rush, running game and run defense. Do that and wins will come- you don't go out there to "win" that isn't a direction- it is lack of one.
  5. When we burn off the oil- and from what I understand it is when and not if......will the smoke plume affect flight patterns? Will that cause the costs of flight to increase? Will it cause the flight of shipping to increase? Will that quantity of oil-based smoke cause any changes to the atmosphere (Don't confuse this with Global Warming)? It may affect a lot of things financially and otherwise. Will the smoke be extremely carcinogenic and how far will it travel?
  6. They were soft because the offensive and defensive lines were among the least talented in the league over the last 10 years. Taking TV's out of the weight room? Maybe there will be more inter-player communication in the weight room, but that really doesn't do much
  7. I think the Bills have gone with what they think the fans want long enough- and the win/loss record proves it. It is time the team decides for the fans what the fans want, like successful organizations do. Claussen is a bust and the next five years will bear that out.
  8. Not what I meant- I am saying the cop has to make the decision on shot to kill or shoot to incapacitate the guy. The people who are telling him/her where to shoot aren't in the situation and don't know what they are talking about. They shouldn't be making a bad situation more life threatening for the cop than it already is.
  9. What I was trying to say is that the cops usually have a split second to make a decision. Unless you later find that they are just plain nuts, leave the decision on where to shoot to them.
  10. Its not the republican way, its the american way. They won't move for impeachment, as they are still licking their wounds from their last stupid impeachment attempt Yeah, and when we get the incumbents out, only elect new incumbents to do the exact same things, we can again trumpet to the world how we are the greatest dumbest place in the world
  11. Never smoked it, never will. I have no interest in it. That said, I have no problem with it being legal.
  12. I somewhat disagree- it should be at the cop's discression. If they think they can apprehend the criminal, then by all means. If they think that will put their own/others lives at risk, then do what you have to do. I am all for only shooting to kill if it is necessary, but sometimes it is.
  13. Fox News and MSNBC are oxymorons......and the people who watch are just morons! I almost spit out my lunch laughing, when I read this. I used to have a graduate assistant named Noam, who loved to talk politics. Funny thing is, all he liked to do was argue- and he could argue either side, depending on who he was talking to- and he knew each side's argument better than the people he was talking to- it was pretty funny!
  14. N, actually you just made it up now. What is real is the fact that our defense could have taken us to the playoffs with me playing QB that year. Flutie was a joke and so was his whining about Jimmie Johnson stomping on his son......
  15. I think we should add Bush and Obama to Mt. Rushmore- NOW
  16. I think our offense will be a bit better, as Gailey is a guy who knows how to manufacture points with his system. Usually, it won't be enough for us to win games this year. We have stopped trying to clear up the symptoms of being bad with band-aid fixed and big names, we are finally in rebuild mode, something that should have been done a long time ago. We have added a guy who will have the opportunity to make big plays a couple times per week in Spiller. I don't think Carrington will be dominant, but could be a Phil Hansen/Aaron Schobel type player. I don't think Troup will be dominant this year, but Ted Washington bounced around the league, before he caught fire for us- Troup probably will be similar. I am not sure about Easley, but he was a value pick- get enough of those and you will do well. As far as the talk about changing coaches changing everything- that is simpleton fan talk. Everyone talks about our problems on the offensive line, defensive line, linebacker and QB and then forgets about it in the next minute and blames the coach. This is why good pro teams just smile and nod at their fans, then ignore them and take their money. I hate to tall you people this- I don't believe Jauron was going to take us back to the Superbowl, but I think we could have made it just as far if he were the coach during the Levy run of the early 1990's. He got the players to buy into his system and play hard- that is the only job of a head coach. If the front office put player aquisition on his plate, then bad on them.
  17. Like they are any worse than the Democrat and Republican lemmings.
  18. If they have souls, keep them away from Buffy.....that always goes badly
  19. We are doing what we should have done 10 years ago- rebuilding. I am tired of people wanting to cling to mediocre players who happen to be the best thing we have. Neither Lynch nor Jackson is a franchise-type player, we weren't deep there, but are now. Yes, we might take a step backwards record wise next year, but that is the price of rebuilding. I am a bit fan of the Troup and Carrington picks. Moats has some potential as well
  20. There wasn't anyone worth taking at QB or left tackle. Sorry, but draft position doesn't make the player better or worse. By the way, McNabb better watch some video of how Trent Williams cut his QB's career short at Oklahoma. Really hard to find a franchise LT, too bad we traded a potential one away because sheeple didn't like him. Also, very weak QB draft. I am as happy with the one we got as any that were available from the first pick on. Spiller is potentially the best player we have on offense already. You can't build the 3-4 defense, get the QB and fix the OL all in one year, you go with what is available and don't rush. Sure, the fans are desperate and think we have to win now, but nobody that matters should even care what the sheeple think. They don't matter.
  21. I think we are wording the same idea differently.
  22. Some people think that, some don't. I don't have a problem with either group. Its just when you have to fall back on insults to entertain people that it becomes a problem- it doesn't take any creativity or intelligence. Kind of reminds me of the morally corrupt circus run by Vince McMahon. Glad to see someone out there going after his wife, during her run for senate.
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