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Everything posted by Adam

  1. You are correct- Levy didn't worry about the X's and O's. He hired guys to take care of that. He was more of a CEO that kept things in order- and he did a heck of a job changing the culture of what was one of the most woeful franchises in league history. Those players would have run through a wall for him. he wasn't perfect, but you take the bad with the good, and there was plenty more good with Levy
  2. I understand what you are saying, but will take no joy in seeing it happen. I don't enjoy saying "I told you so" either- except in the case of sports- which doesn't really matter
  3. After getting burned, it is tough to trust that people will do good. Personally, I don't think I will ever be capable of that. I see this world as a sucky place, where nobody can put up with anything that is different from themselves.
  4. It is a naive outlook, but I wouldn't call him a simpleton. It isn't wrong to want to trust people, but we live in a bad world right now. You just can't trust people- no matter how well intentioned they seem. Maybe his outlook is better than mine- isn't the goal of the terrorists to foster a ton of fear and mistrust, making it easier to push their agenda and recruit. Conner's outlook might leave people more vulnerable than ours, but it takes a heck of a lot of guts. Sometimes I wish I was more like that.
  5. The only reason I am defending Jauron is because he is being unjustly ripped. I don't think he is a great head coach, but he isn't the reason we were losing. Evaluating what the coaching staff did over three years, I think they were one of the few strengths we had. We had Dallas beat on Monday night, because players were in position to get five turnovers- the players threw the game away. We had Denver beat at home 2-3 years ago, based on guys properly playing assignments (Cutler completed a ridiculous pass on 3rd and forever to beat us). Coaching has never been a glaring weakness during the past decade. Fans like to simplify things, so they will be easy to fix. It will be awhile before the new group is good. Fans will have to be patient.
  6. He is a good player during the week. Too bad our games are on Sundays.
  7. We are changing schemes on both offense and defense after a terrible season. We are better but unproven on the defensive line and awful on the offensive line. We are very unproven at QB and WR. We are weak and unproven at LB. I think our spot has merit. Sure, good coaching may move us up a few spots, but we are not good. Not yet.
  8. I have never bought into that- if Norwood's kick goes a few feet more to the left, our next season gets changed? Levy is a better coach? No on both.
  9. Couldn't agree with you more. The private sector steals, so does the population. We live in a culture of excess and corruption and vote for politicians who will allow it to continue because they are a part of that culture.
  10. I said what I said. Levy came in here and changed the culture of a complete and total loser. Case closed.
  11. I am seeing some very ignorant things here. Levy was a great coach. Not many coaches can deal with idiots like Kelly, Smith, Thomas and Reed and get everyone on the same page. We beat some very talented teams that had great coaches during that era- Pittsburgh, Kansas City and Miami spring to mind. We also beat Parcell's Giants, by the way- and a football game is a football game.
  12. I can't even remember the name of the guy who coached the Lakers before Phil Jackson.......
  13. His lack of intelligence for what- accepting a job in a "city" like Buffalo? Maybe he should have been as smart as Cowher, Shannahan and Kubiak and not have considered such a dump with that type of fan base. The Bills' problems over the past decade hasn't been coaching- their record isn't because of Wade Phillips, Greg Williams, Mike Mularkey or Dick Jauron. Despite all of the problems tearing the organization apart, those people over achieved. Win loss record is only attributed to a coach by people who don't have a clue- the organization as a whole wins or loses. Wins and losses can occur due to a bad bounce of the ball- like our home loss to Denver 2-3 years ago. As far as talent level, we took a total bum like Roscoe Parrish in the second round. We busted on a first-round RB a few years ago, we busted on a very high pick in LT Mike Williams. Our drafts over the past decade have been abominations, as have our free agent pick ups. The offensive and defensive lines have degenerated into garbage over the last 10-12 years to the point where some stooges think that Aaron Schobel is a blue chip player. Bad talent aquisition and listening to the fans have doomed the Bills to mediocrity over the last decade, not bad coaching. It takes intelligence to see that. Jauron and Mularkey saw that, and thats why they walked.
  14. Wow, if we had Chan Gailey, or even Greg Williams instead of those softy Marv Levy, we wouldn't have choked in those four superbowls...........
  15. He did it because he is a decent person- just like the other people I mentioned. I say decent, but I don't understand how people like Beck, Olbermann, Limbaugh and that bunch look at themselves in the mirror- they will bring this country down through the turmoil they create quicker than any terrorist will.
  16. I was told by someone who used to work in the oil industry that the blowout preventer wouldn't have stopped this from happening. I didn't understand his explanation and it was so technical and over my head, I don't even remember what he said. BP should be accountable for the cost of stopping the leak, cleaning the mess and supporting everyone that is financially damaged for as long as they need it. Beyond that, I don't care about punitive damages or if they go under. We need to end our oil dependency and be punitive towards those in our country that are dependant. It won't be easy, but it has to happen
  17. Beck isn't an idiot, nor is Olbermann or Limbaugh. Quite the contrary, they feed on idiots, which dominate the population. America likes to be angry, loves to jump to conclusions and oversimplify things. In the real world, things are seldom black and white- the people who paint things as being black and white tend to get many loyal disciples- people who can't think for themselves
  18. I good offensive mind would cut Parrish. He is worthless.
  19. About the same impact Club Levy had...........
  20. The heck with PR. My problem with BP is about what I have heard about them using saltwater instead of the mud they were supposed to- then they saw there was a problem, they kept using it. I will admit I am not very knowledgeable- I know someone who is, and despite not understanding what he tells me about it, I understand that he told me that BP screwed this up through something horribly beyond negligence. There shouldn't be a cap on the restitution.
  21. Much of the financial burden should fall on BP, but to hang them out to dry and clean it up themselves is to cut off your nose to spite your face. It is in our best interest to get this cleaned up as quickly and efficiently as possible before more damage can be done. Government should be involved, private sector should be involved, if we can get anyone else involved we should. This needs to be fixed. No- I don't blame Bush for the Katrina response- I blame the Democrats and Republicans. They are what is ruining this country and will end our run as a superpower. Neither cares about America, they just care about themselves. Obama bad, Bush bad....grow up America, cause right now you suck.
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