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Everything posted by Adam

  1. http://www.gohuskies.com/sports/w-softbl/m...danielle00.html
  2. Unfortunately, the best solution would have been using the proper mud, instead of going cheap and using seawater in the first place. BP shouldn't get to call the solution to this. As many solutions as possible should be implemented immediately. The economy and ecology of a big part of our country is at stake. Personally, I don't care what punitive actions are taken- now or afterwards. The leak must be sealed at any cost. I don't care if BP remains solvent or goes under- doesn't affect me either way. Personally, I think they will go under. Also- I laugh at the people who feel bad for the shareholders who did nothing wrong.........people invest in tons of companies that screw up and fail, I don't shed tears for them either. If BP falls, another shall rise.
  3. I applaud the move. Tenure was a good thing to retain teachers, before it was abused.
  4. The was completely trained and tested to make sure she was ready. All of the training in the world won't hold up against those types of waves. I applaud her effort. Too bad this country doesn't have more people like this!
  5. I agree- but the problem is that parents do the same thing.
  6. He didn't push the ref- while he was down, the ref invaded his personal space
  7. The fact that I am a loser with no life and wear a pointy D&D hat with stars on it everywhere I go
  8. The fans should be sitting in a jail cell. Its not kids having fun- its vandalism
  9. I may be mistaken, but didn't his production at Penn State decline when they moved to a 3-4?
  10. Yes, but the wizards and sorcerers can use those pesky lightning bolts to bring it down.....where does that leave you?
  11. Fruity Flakes cost us the game, there is NO doubt about that. I wish I bought a box of that awful cereal and stomped on it myself.
  12. Throw out the stats, they will trick you both ways. Aaron Schobel has been a very good player for us who has been very productive. With the front offices we have had, if we took money from him to bring in somebody else, we'd end up with a scrub. He isn't a game changer, but he is a guy who can help you a lot.
  13. If he played today, I bet nobody calls him that
  14. I wouldn't say that- but if rocks were being thrown at the border patrol guy, he has every right to defend himself. Don't throw the rocks and you won't get shot- same as idiot fans who come onto the field- don't do it and you don't get tasered. I do hate to see a kid die though. Same could be said of the good 'ol US of A
  15. That isn't thinking- it is oversimplifying! Were we in position to beat Tennessee in the playoff game because of Rob Johnson's heroics, or because of Antowain Smith breaking off a long run and great play by our defense. Did we lose to Pittsburgh and miss the playoffs a few years back because Bledsoe stinks or because the offensive line was as soft as the fans complaining about the cold? QB's don't win or lose games. Organizations win and lose games. Games can be won or lost on a simple bad/good bounce of the ball.
  16. Aside for Okung, the top OT's weren't that good this year. It's good we waited and took Wang. I can't wait to see the Trent Williams pick blow up in Shanahan's face- maybe he will get McNabb injured too because he is a lazy piece of garbage. Our offensive line is the result of nearly 20 years of bad drafting, and despite what was said earlier, things don't turn around overnight. It took Miami about three years to rebuild that offensive line- Pennington and Long came in at the end of that. When Baltimore and St. Louis exploded onto the scene about a decade ago, it was after years of great drafting. Buckle up, Bills fans- you will wait and you will be patient!
  17. WE don't know the facts and probably never will. Both sides will fill in the blanks with what suits them. Nobody will be satisfied, but everyone does the angry dance. A kid was killed, we all share in the grief, even if the kid was in the wrong and the guy was just defending himself. What a horrible world we live in.
  18. Rob Johnson became less of a QB from being here, so did Edwards. At least Johnson had a #1 WR in Moulds and a real defense to take pressure off him. Buffalo is nothing but a graveyard for coaches and QB's and is so full of bitter fans. Please let me know when wins and losses are a QB stat. As of now, they aren't.
  19. Recommend it? Nah, its an angry rant. Nobody wants to see something like that happen. Remember- I have a lot of good friends down there that BP owes a livelihood.
  20. That's a good thing? I always thought it would be great to have as many good candidates as possible. Unfortunately, that isn't the American Way. The American way is to fix or buy your way into office and use as many of the lemmings as possible. People can say the lemmings are in all the other countries they want.....I don't care about those countries.
  21. I'd rather get the job done, then come down hard on them. They- along with the oil company in Oklahoma, owe the people of the gulf a lot- and they will continue to owe them until they are made whole. And that means the ability to go back to what they were doing, where they were doing it. If BP doesn't make things right, we should consider ourselves attacked and send our military to seize their assets- ALL OF THEM.
  22. And why is nobody talking about the oil company in Oklahoma, which owns almost half the rig!
  23. No it isn't- Chan will take his lumps for the first few years and if the front office replaces scrubs like Parrish with actual football players, we may start to see results in 2-3 years. Hopefully this time, they ignore the fans and keep the coach though.
  24. A boycott won't touch them- the gas stations are privately owned. Get off it and let the CEO "Get back to his life" as he so aptly put it.
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