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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Oh, I forgot, he was supposed to play dress up and work in the gulf to improve his image.
  2. Conner has as much right to be wrong as those who disagree with him
  3. That EASEUS program is awesome!!!!
  4. XP service pack 3. Can I just delete the partition?
  5. Token black guys? I don't understand that. Also, racism is very logical and is a human flaw. People don't like that which is different than they are- which is one of the main reasons why some of the people on this board are unnecessarily abusive to you, even when you aren't involved in a discussion.
  6. I have been doing maintenance on a friend's computer over the weekend and I have a question. His hard drive is divided into C and D, as many are, but whoever set this machine up put 16 GB on the C and over 60 GB on the D. Is there any way to change the amount of space? Everything in on the small part and it is running slow- he doesn't have room for everything either.
  7. Just played Madden 2009 on my friend's XBOX 360. I haven't bought a Madden game in years- it is so bad- you push buttoms and watch. Used to be a lot better.......game play sacrificed for graphics
  8. liberals and conservatives are both idiots. Regardless of color. Both hate America.
  9. I would advocate a system that has the principal and/or the school board and other teachers view teachers in their classrooms. Also, have post school day meetings. The eye test is the most effective way- and the teachers can discuss what they see working and what isn't. Another thing is that some student should be allowed/expected to fail- making it to college isn't for everyone and the idea that it is has devalued the bachelor's degree. And the idea that if kids aren't doing well, the teacher should be fired is as moronic as firing the coach of a losing team. You don't know if that is the problem- most often, it isn't.
  10. I would prefer to have him on the field opposite one of our safties or linebackers. As far as the discussion, run heavy teams don't do much anymore. Spiller will be more of a threat to catch the ball than Lynchever dreamed of being and he comes into the league knowing more about picking up the blitz than Lynch ever will
  11. There is enough blame to be passed around and the conservatives and liberals should shut the .........up. I don't care that the liberals blamed 911 on the supposed conservative Bush or that the conservative in their infinite wisdom are taking their vengence by saying that the government intentionally dragged their feet to make this worse. Whoever registers with either party is an idiot. Our government has become unmanagable and too bureaucratic that they can't get anything done when they need to. Although much of the cost should be handed over to BP for their negligence, we should be using every resource- government and private sector to get this fixed. While I am not an environmental wingnut, we live in this country and need to take care of it and the area around it- the gulf is being ruined and we have to get it fixed. If anyone questions whether BP, Haliburton and the other company in Oklahoma are liable, as I said before, I know someone who used to be in the oil business and by the way- he is pretty much to the right of Cheney and Rove if you want a basis on his opinions- apparently the normal mud (forgot what it was called) HAS to be used at that depth, as seawater will not counter the pressure at that depth. There were warnings that the seawater used was failing, but they continued using it. Furthermore- and I know I will screw this up, as I don't fully understand what was said, the Blowout preventer wouldn't have helped because of something with the location of the leak on the pipe- with that flaw, the ridiculous and indefensible use of seawater was a recipe for disaster
  12. What about the oil company in Oklahoma? Don't they own about 40% of the destroyed rig?
  13. There is, but there are a lot of brilliant minds at NASA, who have to understand the ramifications of performing tasks at varying levels of pressure. It sure couldn't hurt and this is more pressing than anything else on their table right now. Very good point- while he obviously shouldn't have to force them or the other oil company to do it, that seldom makes a difference.
  14. There is no magic bullet solution and it is a waste of time to look for one. You just have to weigh variables on a case to case basis, and if that ruffles parents/students/teachers feathers, that's too bad.
  15. I DESPISE Anderson. He is slightly better than Rob Johnson was, but less mobile
  16. Loss of life is always tragic, which is why I refrain from the RIDICULOUS term of collateral damage- which is a PC way of saying killed people. Still, they should have let the Israeli's search the cargo. Israel would be foolish to be overly trusting towards anybody. In today's world, you can't afford to trust anybody and nobody is innocent. I will be the first to say that this world COMPLETELY SUCKS.
  17. As somebody who follows the Browns as much as the Bills- NO FREAKIN WAY!!!!! He is terrible. Indecisive with the ball, can't handle pressure, has no arm or accuracy. I would prefer to bring back Jim Kelly- and I mean that!
  18. Campbell has a better arm and probably the same mobility as Fitzpatrick. He also is very good at not turning over the ball. I think he still has the potential to be a solid starter, if he isn't damaged goods from playing for a sham of a team- much like Edwards, Fitzpatrick, Losman, Bledsoe and Rob Johnson. We need to fix the QB position, both OT's and WR. I think getting Spiller addressed our EXTREMELY overrated RB situation- what exactly is Lynch's role, anyways?
  19. When defenses get small and quick enough to counter today's multiple -WR looks, then we will go back to the defense wins championships axiom. At that point, the traditional blocking FB will appear again along with the running game. The smaller defenses will be overwhelmed.....and so the cycle will continue........
  20. Basically, long term barometers need to be used- short term america methods are ALWAYS wrong. Look at the top 15% of a graduating class- are they getting good jobs? Don't look at the group that shouldn't be going to college anyways. No child left behind and getting rid of the bell shaped curve were both bad ideas.
  21. When you have difference makers, like Revis, that NT from Carolina as well as overall strong offensive and defensive lines, you can expect to win. The Bills have had the worst offensive and defensive lines I have ever seen and no difference makers. Jauron was expected to make lemonade out of lemons, and in the NFL, you can't do that. Put Jauron in NY and he would have done quite well. That's a fact
  22. He was a good QB on a bad team. If he came here, he would be a good QB on an embarrassing team. Campbell would have been an upgrade, there is no doubt about that.
  23. Darn it, I thought I was onto something big........
  24. We will win 4-5 games this season, but will be better this year than last year- and better than that next year. It is a passing league, because it is a faster, more explosive game.
  25. I read about the training she had- she was ready for this. If not, she would have probably screwed up when the wave hit and would have been dead. Better than the non-parents who let their kids play more than 1 hour of video games per day
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