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Everything posted by Adam

  1. As the head scout, Modrak evaulates what he gets from the other scouts and puts them in an order, which the GM reorders. Our scouting department had declined over the years, since Butler was elevated. Trust me, if you had to do something like that, you wouldn't be taking as many cheap shots.
  2. Dick Cheney was a blowhard and his administration was just as bad as the current one. Oh, hindsight is making Clinton and Reagan administrations actually look tolerable
  3. It won't work- these are nukes and Iran doesn't give a damn.....they would/will fire them on anybody
  4. Yes, I know we are surrounding Iran and I also know it is a useless strategy. You talk about Obama like he is different from Bush. The country complained about Bush then reelected him- not that Mr. "I recite the Steelers" would have been any better.......
  5. We already set up a faux democracy in Iraq. The XBOX comment (XBOX 360, bu the way lol), was more about troops and citizens are dying for no reason, as the war has had no goal since the removal of the taliban. It has been a meaningless occupation. We should have helped them to set up a viable government- not a faux democracy, but anything that the citizens wanted. Then we should have left- that would have been victory. But our government got ADD and moved on to another administration in another country they didn't like (Iraq)
  6. You mean that document which allows for them to push for a moratorium in the first place?
  7. Yeah, we are dishonoring the dead if we don't set up a faux democracy, like we did in Iraq. In order to win a war, their has to be a goal. Sorry bud this isn't being played on your XBOX 360 and your statements are VERY disrepectful to the dead and to those who are still living.
  8. I heard Modrak was responsible for the Raiders drafting Heyward-Bey and Janikowski
  9. My poll is for the bills to make a list of people who understand how to get a job done- that list will exclude their fans.
  10. The military isn't about being right. From what I understand, McCrystal is a highly decorated and very competent person- he had a brain fart, but he made a critical mistake and did it publicly. Our society doesn't accept that. Our society is wrong about many, many things.
  11. When going to the Buffalo/Houston playoff game in 1993, the Oil/Choke light came on in my car. Didn't think much of it, cause it always came on after about 30 minutes of driving. It came on after the game and I had to pull over to the side of the road, because neither me nor my friends could stop laughing
  12. Goodell is a moron and has been since the day he took over. The ENTIRE preseason should be eliminated and the regular season should be shortened to 14 games. This will cut down on injuries to players than we pay to see and will prevent starters from being benched at the end, as there would be less time to pull away
  13. I don't know much about the tea party. Republicans aren't racist- they are garbage, just like the democrats. America is dumb. They want one all powerful leader to come in and fix everything. Again, America is dumb
  14. It doesn't have to- it shouldn't. But some people feel that anyone with different beliefs are evil. I have seen the mistreatment of both muslims and christians for their beliefs- and it was mistreatment of people that have done nothing wrong.
  15. From my understanding, the paperwork clearly traces the ludicrous decision to use seawater to counter the ocean pressure back to BP. The other owners have an obligation to be in on the decision and to turn BP in to the appropriate regulatory agency. Haliburton should be well aware of the danger presented by the decision and should have refused to dig. It appeared cheaper for those companies to just go along for the ride if things worked out and there wasn't a disaster. The federal government should investigate what is being done beforehand, but I don't think that is feasible, unless you think utopia is achievable. The government should have stepped in sooner, but hasn't been able to get out of its own way for decades, if not more. Its time to bite the bullet and invest in an infrastructure that doesn't involve oil. I don't think this country has the patience or education for something like that- we are a bunch of babies that want what we want- and we want it now.
  16. Levitre and Wood are still unproven, Hangartner isn't all that good, neither is Green. We don't have a viable left tackle. Add to that, we play in one of the toughest divisions........
  17. That was sarcasm- since you put a little piece of my post in there. Nobody fully owns the oil well- what are you saying? I hope you aren't saying that it means that nobody's accountable. A terrible decision was made, which directly led to this disaster.
  18. Our line is absolutely awful. Can't consistently get short yardage in the run game and can't keep pressure off the QB
  19. Can any of those groups prove the other wrong, without being proven certifiably insane, themselves?
  20. Many people say that, but the fact is, people like their side to be validated. It is the reason for racism, war and many other types of hatred.
  21. This country hasn't had a great helmsman since Lincoln- rip Obama and/or Bush all you want, but the American people are idiots. Say that other countries have idiots as well, all you want. I don't care what other countries have. I couldn't care less what they say- it matters what is being done. And our government has really dropped the ball on this whole disaster, although people who think they wanted it to get worse are as clueless as those who blamed Bush for 911 Yes, I do know- it means you are accountable for decisions that are made about that well. Did you know what talk radio does?
  22. Sure looks like it- I returned his music to the MY Music folder and it reappeared in ITUNES (I will have him check to make sure it is all there). Plenty of room on the C drive to save games and music now. I even left 15 GB on the D Drive, so I can set it up to hold restore points.
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