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Everything posted by Adam

  1. If there were more people like you, the world will be a better place. Unfortunately, it is fill of sickos and wackos
  2. You said if it can save Americans, you are all for it. Personally, I prefer the Petreus move in Afghanistan to using waterboarding. Persuading the enemy to join you is a very effective method and something he is very good at. I still shudder when I hear people saying that it was good that we did what we did in Japan with the bombs. People I have talked to in the military wouldn't go beyond using the word effective. Still, to people over here, it is like a video game, where kills are meaningless. We are no less violent or capable of doing evil than the people we fight against. Never ever forget that or you lose what you fight for. And for the record- not all of this is aimed at you
  3. I hate to come across as that condescending- I really try to avoid being a jerk. Its just offensive that people continually make it out as if winning takes just common sense. It is very difficult, which is why it is so hard and doesn't last very long. A lot of variables have to line up that don't usually tend to.
  4. While I actually am against the torture methods, I was trying to make a different point. If we torture them and it doesn't get out, fine. If it does, then ok- just say we tortured them- don't candy coat it, trying to play the good guy.
  5. Pretty pathetic. I have been a coach, administrator, statistician, media liason and fan for over 20 years. I think I have a better idea in what it takes to build a winner than you do. Its not the QB and its not the coach. There has to be more cohesion from the top of the organization to the last guy on the bench to win- that's why it ain't easy, kid. So you keep playing Madden and listening to your buddies on the radio who tell you just to change the QB or the coach. If it were that easy, people like you could do it.
  6. Some people think that others are just here for their entertainment. When they are used up, scoop them up, bury them and bring on the next victim. Concussions are serious business, one of the most serious injuries you can have. People that think otherwise should be brushed aside until they grow up and are able to live in the grown up world.
  7. Everyone needs to isolate one cause of our losing- be it Jauron, Edwards, Peters, or the horrible buffalo weather. People feel better when they do this, because it makes the problem simple to fix. Unfortunately, these people become wrapped up in their own delusions, unable to cope with reality. These are the delusional people that wear jerseys to work every day and listen to the idiots on talk radio like Dickerson, Bullfrog and Simon all day.......These people are like friends to them, validating their delusions all the more, making them more incapable of dealing with life's daily tasks.
  8. So now that the 100% at fault Jauron is gone, Edwards is 100% at fault. I love people who listen to talk radio- to all the critics- the only 100% is how much more Ron Jaworski knows that your talk radio listening to selves. Given talent to work with Edwards should be fine. By the way- I was also 100% right a couple years ago when I said they shouldn't rush him back from the concussion.
  9. America doesn't elect politicians to "Get the job done." They prefer things with short lived entertainment value.......Which is what caused most of the problems we have now- short lived entertainment, short term profits, etc.....
  10. Do you even know what you are talking about? team's can't win with the west coast offense anymore? That is rubbish. You sure can- but the team has to be built for it- the RB's need to be able to pick up the blitz and catch the ball, which renders Lynch worthless. WR's need to be able to run numerous routes- we don't even know if Evans can go over the middle well (I assume he can), but we are still woefully thin at WR. OL's need to protect the QB- we definitely haven't had that since the early 1990's. We also need a defense that can stop the opponent on third down and in crucial situations.....haven't had the personnel for that in awhile. You can get by w/a QB that has an arm like Trent's, but you need to surround him with talent and let him develop- we haven't done either. Some of the many reasons we are just as pathetic as Oakland
  11. Gailey knows that he will be keeping Brown- he is looking at the others who are fighting for spots
  12. BP knew the risks when they cut corners on safety with the well. They knew those risks were realized before the rig blew up and continued right along. I think you misunderstand me- I probably would have made those same decisions, as would most of the people on this board. There are very few who can avoid corruption.
  13. I wish you people would stop pushing the left/right paradigm. It is really fictional, although the brilliant people in this brilliant country brilliantly fall for it hook, line and sinker. This country really needs to grow up and realize that no system is a silver bullet that will make everything run perfectly and that any economic/political system will fail after a given amount of time, due to human nature. ACORN is no less corrupt than BP or any other organization that is around for awhile.
  14. Chan Gailey is very capable of being a good NFL head coach. Hopefully this stint in Buffalo will help him get back to the NFL level
  15. Gailey is a very good football coach, but face facts. We don't have a starting caliber OT on the roster, we don't have a proven QB, we are weak at WR, transitioning to a 3-4 with Eric Flowers II starting and no depth anywhere but RB. We were built around special teams and are weak on both sides of the ball- sorry, but 4-5 wins this year. It is about time we started rebuilding- I am happy with that!
  16. na na na na....na na na na....hey hey hey....good bye....
  17. Someone who says one thing and does another is a blowhard. Not anymore than our current politicians, though, if that makes you feel any better. I answered your question, now find me a serviceman who is routinely waterboarded (not to mention the other things.) If you are going to do those things is one thing, but to try to put a soft, cuddly name on them is another. We don't have the moral high ground and haven't for a long time. We need to stop acting like we do. Personally, I am against torture, but war in stupid and calls for many horrible things.
  18. That is completely impossible to know- We have been bad for a long time. Personally, I think it is personnel, but there are too many variables to isolate what the problem has been, or put it in order. I think we would have been better off at this point had we kept Donahoe- but the "Most Knowledgable and greatest fan base" wanted him gone. Modrak has had his share of success over the years. I think the scouts under him need to be overhauled.
  19. He is the source of the term 'enhanced interrogation techniques.' If you are going to use torture to interrogate captives, then have the guts to call it that, instead of trying to claim some moral superiority. Politicians are supposed to come across as level headed- how do you think our current president got in office- aside from having the worst opponent since FrankenKerry.......
  20. Cheney is a great military strategist, very few would argue that, but he is a one-trick pony. If there isn't a war going on, he doesn't have much value- and that doesn't mean he can't mistakes. Sometimes when you have a destabilized situation, like what is going on in the middle east, the best thing to do is let the warring factions continue their war- attacking could unify them against you. I don't know, maybe you view the civilian deaths as 'collateral damage' since its over there. Personally, I find that term to be very common among cowards- and I didn't say that you said that. I think we would have done well to leave things alone. Israel and Pakistan have nuclear weapons to keep Iran in check. We should be nation building over here instead of over there- our infrastructure is already readying to collapse- without that, we are nothing.
  21. This is just a post from someone who wants to assign blame for losing to one person, so they can rationalize that the problem is easy to fix.
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