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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Ok, and Club Levy and Club Wade had horrible results.....right...... Wood and Levitre are second year players, while Wang hasn't played a single down. We don't have an offensive tackle on the roster
  2. Those were terrorists- not true Muslims. Sorry, 1Billsfan, but if you blame the Muslim faith for any of that, you are the dope. Find a passage in the Koran where it has a tenet of convert or die?
  3. Or get pounded because lack of size/skill on the offensive/defensive lines
  4. Poorly conditioned? Please.........they lacked talent, but were not poorly conditioned. This concept that they became fat and poorly conditioned after Rusty Jones left is laughable.
  5. Its a PR move.....get over it. Nothing will come of it and NASA will do what they always have done.
  6. Yes and Polian was a great GM......can't have it both ways- either the coach is supposed to pick the players or the GM is supposed to pick the players.
  7. Oh, we haven't yet begun to pay. If last week's special on the History Channel has any truth to it (and I have no idea), get ready for a mess. If it is true that our infrastructure of interstate systems, sewage systems, etc.....are nearing the end of our lifespans, then expect taxes to go up, entitlements to disappear and rage to skyrocket as the economy sinks. If anyone knows if there is truth to this, I would like to know- there was talk about how we can no longer just patch and put band aids on these things.
  8. I think its obvious that we did better under Reagan than Carter, but I am still not comfortable saying that they are completely responsible for what happened during their terms. Government is more than just the President.
  9. Obama won in a landslide without all that. In today's America, you don't have to be good, you just have to convince the sheep you are- they are the majority party 24/7.
  10. Donahoe's problem is that he didn't stick with anything. He build a pretty good offense that needed some line help in his second year. Instead of building on what we had, he blew the offense up and brought in defensive players- then wasted a draft pick on Parrish. He gave up on coaches too soon as well.
  11. In all fairness, the politicians are a refection of society. We are no better than them
  12. I sure hope you aren't serious about that statement. Disagreeing with policy is one thing, but comparing Social Security to the Holocaust is completely another. FWIW, it was before my time, but a lot of conservatives I know consider Richard Nixon the best conservative president in recent history. I have heard good things about him from people on the left. I was fairly young when Reagan was president, but most of the people on the left that I talk to consider him a good man and an ok president. I will never forget the celebration in school when the hostages were freed from Iran. On a separate issue, I think these rankings are more a reflection of the federal government as a whole during a president's term, than a reflection of the man who held the Oval Office.
  13. I don't know- and that isn't what I am saying. What I said is that hearing these snot nosed kids saying that dropping a bomb that will kill millions of people and melt the faces off others is a good result. The soldiers that did it were sickened by it from what I do understand. It was a bad ending to part of a war that never should have needed to happen in the first place, if things were solved in WWI. Then again, my history class taught that President Nixon was the first to be impeached, so what do I know...... War is stupid and so is the human race
  14. I guess you have a point- when you get too far to one side of the 'spectrum', you end up with the same thing
  15. I don't think FDR was a socialist, but I think that is what you meant- he s on the other side of the spectrum from fascism. I wouldn't mind if President Roosevelt was in office right now- he is worlds better than President Obama.
  16. While I personally don't know what could have done (I don't trust my knowledge of that era). I have been told by way too many people that dropping the bomb was good and that people that don't agree don't know what they are talking about. While I understand that some people do feel it was necessary, I can't even hold an intelligent conversation with those who think it was good.
  17. You consider Hoover and Roosevelt to be fascist? Please explain yourself
  18. Shouldn't Lincoln or Washington be first? I think Bush was terrible, but it really is too soon after his Presidency to put it in accurate historical context
  19. Went through a lot with my dad's passing last summer. You do what you can to make them more comfortable and you do what you feel is right at the time. Don't second guess yourself.
  20. You don't think the results of the Bush/Cheney administration had an effect on the election? Granted, the opposition was a step above John Kerry, but not many people would have had a chance. Cheney was for torture, but didn't have the guts to call it torture- he had to launch his ridiculous propaganda campaign to call it something else. Also, isn't he for gay marriage after he was against it?
  21. You are obviously referring to me with that comment. Cheney is a blowhard and holds a lot of the responsibility for what we have in the White House right now. You obviously are talking about someone else with the racist comments- I don't know who would have said that.......
  22. I would take the Trent Dilfer from that time period over any QB we have had in the last decade- although we would have to protect him. To this day, a lot of the Baltimore defensive players are convinced that letting him go is what kept them from being multiple-time superbowl champions. Trent Edwards is a so-so QB. Not sure if he ever will be better than that. I think he is better than Fitzpatrick and I don't have a clue what Brohm is. We don't need to worry about QB until we are stout at the line of scrimmage on both sides. As to the Kelly comments- I couldn't care less what he thinks. I enjoyed watching his playing career, although I think he was overrated. I agonize over his family tragedy as well. And about running the wildcat as our base offense? That's as crazy as running the option as our offense.
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