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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Most of those other jobs you are talking about don't work the same as the entertainment industry. Actors and athletes get treated differently in this country
  2. I hate to say this- but the things mentioned that we don't like have been legit for years. Saying they aren't legitimate doesn't make it so.
  3. They are the save as actors in a movie- if you want someone good, you have to pay for it.
  4. It is year one of a rebuilding project.......your delusions of grandeur will result in disappointment. I am not looking in terms of wins and losses- those can be flukes. I look at the field, in terms of improvement. I doubt we see much improvement in pass protection or run blocking, but our run defense should be a bit better, once Troup replaces Williams at NT. I hope the secondary can maintain or be close to what they did last year.
  5. That's naive. I wouldn't be shocked if they do. They will either elect a democrat or republican in 2012. Cause the American people are idiots!
  6. Personally, I think its time it invest in the country- Rebuild the ENTIRE infrastructure from scratch- interstate system, sewage system, power grid, the whole freaking thing. Give incentives for whatever new energy source fits to replace fossil fuels- I hear things are looking up for hydrogen fuel cells right now as far as containing potential explosions. If we don't do it now, the cost will be greater later. The other stuff can wait
  7. Yes, you care about what is written and you want to judge people by what was written thousands of years before they were born- something that was neither written by Jesus Christ nor the Prophet Mohammed.
  8. You can't argue with fact. The majority of muslims are not terrorists. You are a biggot, plain and simple.
  9. That won't win in today's NFL, sorry. Jauron was forced to do that, having no NFL caliber offensive linemen and a young QB- along with a dearth of talent at WR. Smash mouth football doesn't win anymore. You pass to set up more passes. That is the way the NFL works, that's the way it is.
  10. The only thing that is undeniable is that people don't live by a book- that is ludicrous. People are good or bad on their own merits. Did Jesus Christ teach people to torture and murder him in cold blood?
  11. People have killed in the name of Jesus Christ and still do- as a matter of fact, wasn't he killed by his eventual followers? The fact is that the majority of Christians and Muslims are good people, but are besmirched by psychotic killers. If people actually realized this, the war on terror would be a lot easier to fight. I think Bush is a good man who got some bad advice. the majority of people just want to simplify things and place blame on one person- which makes it easy- replace that one problem and everything is fixed. I prefer to look at our government as a whole and judge the entire thing.
  12. I don't differentiate. Whoever said it is an idiot, regardless of political ideology or what they actually think of the war.
  13. I have yet to notice the difference between the two. They are both.........ughhh
  14. I don't remember- I read it somewhere or saw it on tv somewhere. I just remember thinking someone has to be an idiot to say something like that.
  15. I put Jackson and Spiller well ahead of Lynch. Lynch is more of a smash mouth RB and he can't pick up the blitz or catch the ball as well as the other two. There isn't as much value in that type of RB as there used to be.
  16. Didn't they embarrass themselves a few years ago by calling him betray-us?
  17. What has Johnson, Easley and Hardy EVER done at the NFL level?
  18. He is more of a sorcerer than a wizard! know your mages!
  19. I think the front office is the key issue. We have had years of terrible drafts. Notice that everyone is saying how much they like what Nix and Gailey are doing, but when talking about Jauron, there is no mention of Russ Brandon? Was there any talk of Levy's involvement in the draft when we had Polian- absolutely not- Polian was a strong figure and got us good players. If Jauron truly wanted all those smallish linemen, he should have been fired sooner. and it doesn't stop there- Levy's decision to draft Whitner instead of Ngata- Whitner still may be a great player, but he needs something in front of him. The selections of guys like Lynch, Parrish and linemen who can't play. Bad front office, lack of talent and poor drafts all go hand in glove. Injuries happen- that's why you need a good front office to build some depth.
  20. I will relay that to all of my Muslim friends and hope they don't try to convert or kill me. The real world isn't black and white and you can't paint a minority of idiots (terrorists) into the majority, nor can you say what that idiot did to the doctor in Kansas City a year or two represents the will of Christians. I am sure you won't believe this, since you think everything is black and white, but a good number of Nazis actually helped Jews to escape concentration camps before their executions. By the way- those "Users Manuals" have actual names.........but I guess it isn't just Muslims, you just disrespect everyone. There we go again- blame the politician. Obama and Bush are the type of politician that America calls for. It isn't a conservative or liberal issue- it is American society. They appoint these figurehead leaders and blame them when things aren't perfect. America acts like they want a monarchy, so one leader has the power to fix everything and takes the blame when it doesn't work out.
  21. Bill Bellichick doesn't care who coaches the Bills- he's beaten every coach we have throw at him. Maybe (gasp) he has a firmer grasp on who a good coach is than the all-knowing Buffalo Bills fans
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