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Everything posted by Adam

  1. The real losers in this are the ones who read Sullivan's plebeanic drivel. It isn't worth the paper it is printed on. Hopefully the Buffalo News will join the many newspapers that have found there way to the scrap heap over the last couple years.
  2. I am mixed at the concept of letting religous groups the power to make the decision. People clearly shouldn't get to vote on it, but giving religous groups power, seldom ends well. Again, things that can't harm anyone are things that should be ignored.
  3. Nothing wrong with being a troll....just watch out for fire and acid!
  4. Ok if you want a realistic comparison, how about a law that says if a parent allows their kid to play video games or watch TV for more than 20 minutes a day, they are stripped of guardianship permanently and the kids will be given to someone who actually will look after them. That is realistic, cause any parent who allows more that that 20 minutes is unsuited to look after a child anyways.
  5. I think it is normal to eat chicken. We should hold a vote to kick non chicken eaters out of the country. This talk about "alternate life styles" makes me laugh. Unless these so-called alternate life styles cause direct harm, you just live with it. That is how America was meant to be. Majority vote doesn't mean that the so-called minority has to submit
  6. Allow me to clarify- it is basic human nature to fear that which is different. Some people have the intelligence and inner strength to fight those instincts, while others are mentally weak
  7. We all are biggots to an extent, based on human nature. We hate that which is different. I am all for leaving it to religion to decide- those are some of the most money grubbing people in the world, and if it wasn't in their hands, they would drop their religous facade in a second. Yeah, homosexual marriage is a real threat to heterosexual marriage. Give them an inch and there will be no more heterosexual marriage. This is why sane people understand that the majority DOES NOT rule in our republic. Not that the majority is against homosexual marriage. In the Unified Stupid Association, all you have to do is claim to be the majority....
  8. Um, no....you are wrong too. The Buffalo News will easily find someone else who can rile up the sheep who are too dumb to know any better...
  9. Untrustworthy....whatever. Tell me who on a message board you would buy a car from. Untrustworthy, that's rich. As I said, Sullivan isn't a reporter, he is a leech that feeds off the frustrations of others.
  10. Wrong. He would just have had to work a bit harder in the 1900's to have the same drivel. He fits in well on WGR with the idiots they have and the idiots who listen to them
  11. Well, you can bet that cretin, Jerry Sullivan, is laughing all the way to the bank on this one. It means he did his job. He is NOT a journalist, nor does he do legwork. That isn't what he gets paid to do. he was hired to anger people and incite them.much like Rush Limbaugh or even Andy Kauffman, if you want to go back that far. He is like the talk radio shows that the idiot sheep listen to. He wouldn't give his real opinion, as you would probably find that boring and sane. Every newspaper has someone like him.
  12. Jerry Sullivan is clueless- saying Detroit will be in the running for the top pick- they will win between 7 and 9 games. He is like talk radio- he appeals to MORONS, which unfortunately are in the majority. Personally, I would enjoy making him tap- but he wouldn't last long enough
  13. If it is left to the church, they will reverse field quickly, cause money talks.
  14. You can argue which was better for the rest of your life- they both played like Hall of Famers
  15. Interesting. But how can we objectively claim there is or isn't a god- that would seem very subjective to me
  16. Are you mistaking science and religion? We are back to the debate of "Did God create man in his image or did man create God in his image"
  17. I am ripping the 90's Bills? Um, no. They are one of the greatest assembleges of talent ever put together. I think Kelly was overrated, because he had a fatal flaw- that isn't saying that he didn't have a great career. Marino's career was wasted in a place that used him to sell tickets- they never built anything. Bruce, OJ and Thurman all were better than Kelly. Its all a matter of opinion, who is better than who though
  18. If they had all the talent that Kelly had to work with........You add the run blocking ability of our line along with Thomas and Davis to Marino.....
  19. My point is that we won 13 games/season despite those deficiencies, but it caught up to us in the playoffs. Put a Marino, Elway or even Esiason back there and we win a few superbowls easily.
  20. Calling plays based on the formation and reading where the coverage will be are very different. It is well known how much work Frank Reich put into working with Kelly on reads every single day
  21. Jim Kelly wasn't even close to being the best Buffalo Bill ever- the guy couldn't read defenses. Sub Marino or Elway for him and we win a few Superbowls. Esiason was better than him.
  22. Any relation to Superfly Snuka?
  23. If I was an OL and Kelly got in my face, I would tell him to go learn to read a defense......
  24. That platform doesn't exist with the Unified Stooges of America. People are gutless here and will continue to vote democrat or republican
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