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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Sorry, but we will continue to stink up the field no matter who the coach or QB is until the offensive and defensive lines solidify. Jauron's biggest flaw was that he couldn't tackle or pass. We have no starting caliber OT on the roster and Kyle Williams isn't a starting caliber NT, despite being the best we have.
  2. There is no room for either side. Both sides have poisoned this country beyond repair, because they couldn't care less about the country- to be honest, I don't know if either side acknowledges there is a country. They are so full of themselves that all they see is the garbage in the mirror. Take both sides of the argument and stick them
  3. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.......
  4. Yes, she should be in the White House 24/7 until the budget is balanced Should Walmart and Verizon executives be doing something to end the recession too, or should they be shamed by their activities too?
  5. The offensive line woes are not Dick Jaurons's fault. That falls to Brandon, Donahoe, Butler and Koufax
  6. We live in a country where everybody wants everything right now and doesn't want to work with it. All it takes is a bunch of lawyers to make it unclear. I agree that it SHOULD be clear though
  7. I was being sarcastic. The bill of rights should be for individuals unless otherwise specified.
  8. Yeah, but if the first ammendment can apply to a business, why not a military entity?
  9. So you are for lowering national security so religous groups can be happy. If illegals try to get married they should be turned over to homeland security immediately.
  10. What happens when a couple of illegal immigrants want to get married? Left to their own devices, the church will grab the money. Doing all this doesn't fix the economy or help security. There really is no purpose in it.
  11. Just shred the constitution and go with separate but equal for everything
  12. Particularly the comment about Chuck Dickerson......what is that piece of lard doing now-a-days? Probably still pandering to morons on the radio somewhere, since he can't coach. Yeah, I'd prefer Hank Bullough
  13. They can have their own country....hope there isn't a lot of kids there though.....or carpenters....you know- stuff that fits the norms
  14. Just got back from the ER, they never heard of a disease called "Libertarian Darin," but asked that I keep them updated And I don't plan on a child molesting-defender in Rome decide what is normal. He can stay in his own country
  15. I saw him mock our QB's, OJ Simpson and say that we need big production out of a rookie
  16. I dug up an old buffalo news from when we beat KC to go to the superbowl- we had adult writers, like Larry Felser, Milt Joffe and Milt Northrop, who wrote for adult readers. Sullivan writes for angry children....
  17. I don't usually agree with Hossage, but I can't understand why someone would want him banned. This is a discussion board after all, not a daily affirmation. What he said didn't warrant being banned from the chat either. What Sullivan did is the equivalent of a radio guy hanging up on someone who can refute his arguement.
  18. Aside from Hamas, terrorist organization don't have governmental power either- it is a religous group forcing their will on others- such is "The will of the people"
  19. A can see that you are trying to make things easier, but I see I few fallacies in your solution. 1. One religion would not recognize another religion's marriages. Problem would arise from this, as they always do when you give power to religions. 2. Societal norms are ok, but never should become the law of the land. I don't even think it really is a norm anymore. I know many homosexuals, most are contributing members of society, some with families and kids. 3. A lot of the arguement reminds me of how segregation was justified. This is why the majority is not allowed to rule in our republic
  20. I never talked about civil unions, I was talking about marriage.....
  21. Please explain- it sounds like you don't think that atheists should marry. Is that the case or am I misreading you?
  22. Nah. Maybe poorly worded, but not mean. The Buffalo News, like the other papers won't close completely, it would still be online and many of the people would find employment elsewhere fairly easily in the media world. Even Sullivan would find another job, as people who do the job he does of irritating people seems to be the most important job nowadays, which is a shame. What people need to realize, is that he, like the evil muppets on wgr 55, play characters and aren't really bad people when they get to be themselves.
  23. Hey- I have a brilliant idea! Let's just get the top pick every year. Forget the season, forget the playoffs. We can sell season tickets to the Draft. If you have to have a top 10 pick to have a shot at a player, then you don't have a good group of scouts. Scouting wins championships. We probably win 3-4 games this year, but if we win more, I'd be ecstatic. Winning builds a winning mentality. Some people just don't get it. I have worked at the NCAA Division I, II, and III levels, a NJCAA institution and the NFL. Winning leads to winning. That's the way it is and the way it always will be.
  24. I am for taking children away from parents who allow them to play more than 20 minutes of video games per day. These parents are social deviants and allowing there kids to do this is tantamount to child abuse. Put the kids in a caring environment, which will allow them to be functioning members of society, instead of being like their deviant parents
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