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Everything posted by Adam

  1. If he was building a hot dog stand, would you ask him to teach you about how to case hot dogs? Nancy Pelosi? Surely you can come up with something better! Bwa ha ha ha!
  2. It is neither a cemetary nor hhallowed ground. They could build on the wtc site for all I care
  3. Well said- but I think we have completely obliterated the constitution and it is beyond repair. Washington and Lincoln would have helped build the facility that the mosque will be a part of. And I laugh at these people who claim muslim violence.....this is a horribly violent country
  4. I laugh at some of this garbage....ohh, if you hate the constitution, you hate america........oh, thats a body blow....lol THERE IS NO CONSTITUTION. The idiot democrats and republicans used that for toilet paper a long time ago. If you are against the mosque being built, you hate what america was founded on as much as the rest of this silly little country
  5. No- that's Burgess Meredith....hwaa hwaaa hwaa
  6. What does this guy guy have to do with anything
  7. Again- no difference between this so-called public outrage and fundamentalism. Let's not be selectively politically correct. I wish I had the time to go up there and start building the mosque myself.
  8. Just remember- some are more equal than others......
  9. Bring up Michael Moore.....that's real legit. Give the people a proper funeral and move on. Nobody should mock the dead. It isn't funny when liberals do it, or when neocons do it.
  10. I like bbq and heavy metal, but unfortunately I don't live in a business area...sorry, but please try again
  11. Too bad I can't take time off work to go up there- I would start building it myself! I laugh at all the cowards out there
  12. The pope would duck and run, just like he did with the pedophile priests. Benedict didn't start jumping up and down in rage when the abortion doctor was assassinated by a fundamentalist. Yeah, when they do it, it is fundamentalism, when we do it, it is public outrage.
  13. Radical Islam is not the enemy- that is a misconception. Radicalism is the enemy and it exists in all religions and politics. Many americans have radicalized against the terrorists and take it out on innocent people- both muslims and people who defend them. People really need to step back and take an objective look at things. It would help break the cycle of hate that the radicalists continue to perpetuate. A cycle that will gain nothing positive regardless of outcome.
  14. This is exactly what the terrorists want- mistrust and ill feelings. If that is how it is to be, they have already won the war on terror against us. I was always brought up to believe that people are innocent until proven guilty- not just by law, but by the way we live. Just because some muslims are bad, does not make the majority bad. Same for christians. Islam is not the enemy- some people are blind to that. Those blind people fight at the side of the terrorists but don't realize it.
  15. What is being lost, is that the mosque is meant to be a small part of the proposed multi purpose facility. I feel there is a lot of positive symbolism to be found in the location. But current america is built on negativity and misses that completely
  16. Don't be so sure we are going QB in the first round. We have one of the worst OLs in history. We don't have a single starting caliber OT on the roster, despite everyone's infatuation with Meredith
  17. I liked the nfl better when we didn't know what they got paid.....who cares.....
  18. +1000, my friend. You hit the nail on the head. I am proud to call you a fellow american. Unfortunately, this country bears no resemblance to what the Founding Fathers set up- it is a nation of hate and fear- which reduces us to nothing more than a bunch of cowards. The transition of this country to what I said it the reason that the war on terror was a failure- we have become so fearful that we turn our backs on each other and become exactly what it is we fear. Nobody asked christians to apologize for the terrorist that assassinated the abortion doctor in Kansas City (I think that is where it was, but beside the point). Yet people constantly hold innocent people of the muslim faith accountable for the act of madmen. There is a reason that I no longer partake in organized religion- I don't know if I am strong enough to resist the temptation of hating my fellow man. I can worship god in my own way, without others telling me how to do it and I don't have to bow down to hate. I can't tell you how happy I was to see your post- it leaves a little bit of hope. On rare occasions, both Presidents Bush and Obama came out and said that muslims are not the enemy, terrorists are. I don't understand why those ocassions were so rare. I apologize to you for that.
  19. The offense is miserable. We don't have a starting tackle on the roster, we have little at WR and don't know what we have at QB. I really see us getting the top pick. The offense didn't look any worse when Jauron was head coach......sorry...... We might need to go 2 tight end and fullback to help with the blocking on every passing play, which means we better have good WR's......guess what we don't have?
  20. Should catholic churches be removed from Kansas, because a Christian Terrorist assassinated the abortion doctor? Of course not- they aren't to blame for what a madman does. Same thing here- these people want to help make things right- they aren't terrorists and shouldn't be treated as such. Religion is neutral is all cases....people are nuts in most cases.
  21. It isn't the right thing to do, cutting one of the QB's on your roster, unless you can pick up something better. I couldn't care less how the spoiled-brat fan base feels about him or Jauron. The sheep will come around when the team starts winning. Whether you want to believe it or not- IT CAN GET WORSE.
  22. I don't agree with everything you said, but I give you a +1 on saying American electorate, instead of just the people who voted for him.
  23. I thought he did ok for a rookie. Had some zip on a bunch of his throws, but he also had some slow reads, where he should have thrown it away- resulted in sacks. I didn't have a good feeling about him coming out of college.
  24. Sorry, but I am not falling for this, as I so stupidly did with the "Bush Bad" stuff. President Obama is one guy and can only do what the rest of the government will allow. He can't arbitrarily make things right on his own, just because he wants to. No President gets (or should get) that type of power. We AREN'T a monarchy.
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