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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Since I am from a jewish family, but don't participate in organized religion, can someone please tell me what is ok for me to do and where? I want to be extremely careful and not upset all of the violent, self rightous americans out there........
  2. I think Brohm is a lock to make the team- once we get NFL receivers and an NFL line, he might be something, as may Edwards. Sure, Brohm was playing against backups, but he was surrounded by backups as well. Like it or not, but between those two, I don't think QB is a priority next offseason. Spiller is the type of player that makes everyone around him better. That run last night was all him. I also like Jocque Bell a lot. Wouldn't mind taking what we can get for Lynch or Jackson- for all the hype, they really are good, productive players, but not the type that scares anyone. Spiller will terrify people and make the play action have value. Dwaun Edwards might be the value pick up of the offseason for the whole league. Kyle Williams played well as did Stroud. I think the offseason will be about upgrading OL, WR, LB
  3. This doesn't have to be about improving relation. The people they supposedly have to improve relations with won't change anyways. Muslims will hire them, then rob them blind? Highly unlikely.
  4. Allow me to clarify, as I see what I said it getting jumbled. I am not making this christians vs muslims. I see that a great number of americans fear muslims, because of the actions pf a few idiots. I was tying that to my fear of christians, due to the actions of a few idiots. Hope I stated that better this time.
  5. Exactly- the protest is against one specific religion. And that makes it baseless I have come across so many intolerant christians that I get nervous around christians that I don't know- but I don't prejudge them based on that.
  6. No religion should factor into whether is should be built or not, but that is the only reason for opposition. I don't care if it is for healing or heeling (rodeo reference). There is only one reason there is opposition and that does not meet a constitutional standard. if you don't care about the constitution, then go on and continue your protesters. I wish I could be up there to help build it and wave to the "peace loving" fundamentalist protesters walking by
  7. Please, oh please show me that the religion of peace, tolerance and love of fuzzy wookies is Christianity. This should be good......
  8. It wasn't a joke- it was a point and a good one. I remember in first grade, a kid picked a fight with me, cause I come from a jewish family. His mom, a christian, taught him that ONLY christians believed in god. Anyone who knows history knows why that is a laughable scenerio. She should have had any children taken away from her.
  9. I am so in fear of all that stuff...maybe I should never go outside again....no, wait, maybe after what happened, I should always be outside. Whatever should I do. Why can't I just surrender my liberties to people who want everything their way. That's it, completely different than having the government decide everything- I'd never have to think for my self again. Brilliant!
  10. Is that to a specific political party or to America in general. The republicans are not our saviors, they will continue to drag us down Things would be just about the same as they are now with McCain in office....or Bush, or anyone else. The American people are what is wrong with this country
  11. At this point, what would getting him even accomplish? It would have little effect on Al Quaeda
  12. You haven't heard any of my jokes yet, then
  13. I was making a point- it is a person's choice whether they want to be married or not......my points are like my jokes, they all need to be explained
  14. What is wrong with you? Why wouldn't you want to be married?
  15. I haven't seen anything that leads me to believe that. that religion has the same faults than any other organized religion has- and it is the people, not the religion that I find fault with.
  16. People hate that which is not like them......humans are stupid
  17. There are so many churches around where I live now. This is no way to make me feel safe. They need to explain things to me. This is no way to build a bridge- I am worried that I might have enhanced interrogation performed on me, or see pedophilia taking place......I am worried for my own safety. They should move- NOW.
  18. I am expecting a lot of misdirection, but defenses will maintain their lanes. We just aren't a talented team yet. I would be shocked if we don't get a top 3 pick this year. Like I said- I want to see what we do on the field- I don't care what the final record it. Its year 1 of the rebuilding project and we will take our lumps- finally
  19. I doubt it. He knows we aren't good anywhere and took the best player available.
  20. Our line stinks- even when healthy. Its a fact. Why did Nix take a RB? Because neither Lynch nor Jackson are building block players, and none of the OLs left at the time were either. Spiller could be the first player on either side of the ball that the other team has to respect or fear since Eric Moulds. And no, neither Schobel nor Evans fit into that category. I can't see a team in the league I think we should be favored against. That is ok- we are rebuilding, something we should have done years ago. All our moves need to be for the long term, not winning now- what we do on the field should be about trying to win now
  21. Reaching for a need is a sure way to have a good team
  22. Disagree- whoever is in power will bring war to Somalia and probably Iran and Pakistan
  23. The deficit will not go away under Republican leadership- we have to disempower the repiblicrat party and take the country back
  24. I am still waiting for the hot dog vendor to educate me on how best to apply mustard........
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