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Everything posted by Adam

  1. They don't have to prove they aren't terrorist.....that's preposterous. Why would someone who has done nothing wrong have to waste their time and energy doing that. We don't make all christians prove they don't love terrorism, despite their religion was founded on it.
  2. A lot of liberal organizations and people share that opinion. They have the right to express that opinion as does Imam Rauf.
  3. I like this post, because the liberals and neocons don't see this on themselves- they just use it to demonize the other side. +1 on this post RH I don't think that anyone doubts this, but as a political organization that is in power, it will be interesting to see if it ends up splintering.
  4. Why should people that had no connection to 911 feel any guilt whatsoever? Such is an insinuation that Islam=terrorist, which just has no basis in fact. The thought that the Germans should be on trial for what the Nazis did is laughable and that is a historical fact. The Germans risked their lives many times in attempts to assassinate Adolph Hitler and that is well documented. They went well above and beyond the call of duty to end that regime.
  5. I was generalizing a bit- not directing anything at you. I thank you for your service. What I am saying is that if we deny these Americans their rights, even to protect ourselves, we set a precedent of taking right away that is guaranteed to be used again. As far is Imam Rauf's opinions, which were brought up earlier in this thread- he has a right to have those opinions, and it doesn't make him a threat. Heck, Al Quaeda, which is the real threat wants him dead from what I understand. We should be cautious about terrorists, not Muslims.
  6. You know, maybe it would be easier if we just don't break away from England. Maybe we shouldn't have all those casulaties- it would be much easier to just allow slavery. Freedom, liberty and equality for all MEANS for all. It doesn't come free and some will pay with their lives. Maybe you, maybe me. But it is better than the alternative. One you take from one, you take from all
  7. There are millions of muslims in the world, so it isn't a small percentage, it is miniscule. I don't cringe from muslims or christians, democrats or republicans
  8. There is a big difference between muslims and terrorist organizations. Personally, I don't care what Glen Beck does- he is as much of an idiot as Rush Limbaugh, Mike and Mike, and all the other talk radio guys......he is supposedly an entertainer, but isn't entertaining. Anyone who gets up in arms over him, the onion or moveon.org is an idiot. There is no "Religion of Peace"....not Islam, not Judiasm, not Christianity. People are either peaceful or not peaceful.
  9. Thank you, I appreciate that. It seems as if I straddle the fence, because I try to find the wisdom on both sides of the aisle- and I also try to find the flaws. Sometimes people seems wishy-washy or like a wingnut on here, because argumentative discussion,particularly where anonymity is allowed can lead to that. I think the mosque should not be blocked, but I do understand the apprehension of some. It is just that they shouldn't let apprehension guide their actions. If the mosque is used for something illegal or wrong against our country, then take action- this country is supposed to be guided by innocent until proven guilty. I apply the same thing to Glen Beck's rally- I probably would agree with some of what he says and disagree with other things- but unless he does something wrong, he has the right, whether people find it offensive or not. Another thing I have been saying ad nausem. It is time for the american people to stop blaming the politicians (ie Bush and Obama) and look in the mirror at themselves. The Republicrats have the power because we allow it to be so. That is my biggest stand.
  10. You truly are living the cliche....... I have seen opinions from you that I agree with and some that I disagree with. This is one that makes me think you have just run out of things to say. Quite a shame 3rd, as I do have some amount of respect for you. As far as growing a pair, I don't believe in going on anonymous message boards and just attacking people......
  11. Hey- I can create words to suit my mood whenif I feelith like it! And I can agree with what you just said- the fact is, that people in general don't like things that are different than themselves. Everyone is a bigot to a degree if you think about it that way. It is why we have racism and terrorism. It is why those things will never go away.
  12. I am not insulted by it, and I doubt the millions of american muslims aren't either. I don't buy into this victory monument either- I think it is fear mongering.
  13. The problem is that after 10 years of decline, the fans aren't able to separate emotion from fact. They want simple solutions, like Jauron sucks or Edwards sucks. The bottom line is that changing coaches or QBs won't do much. Gailey and Nix walked into a mess, and they will need to clean up that mess before they can build anything. Our first line defense looks like it can be decent at times, but guys like Troup will need time. We have nothing viable at OT and aren't very strong at center. This makes the formation of a pocket for our unproven QBs next to impossible. Add that we don't have much at WR and that compounds the problem. We have some young talent, we just need time to add more
  14. While we are on the topic, I find the fact that everyone needs to put up christmas lights to be quite annoying. We aren't a theocracy and don't need it.....
  15. We are not talking about what goes on elsewhere to justify what we do here. Limbaugh and Olbermann are idiots that beget more idiots. What they do is inappropriate.
  16. It is inappropriate to have guys like Limbaugh and Olbermann, butu they are out there. Muslims don't need to build a bridge or justify anything the do- they did nothing wrong. Victory monument? What does that mean anyways- it could mean anything from what you are thinking, or that they survived 9/11, just like the rest of us. They should not have any rights that christians or jews don't have- and they should have all the same rights as well. One is not better than the other and all are deserving of respect.
  17. I agree and if we truly care this little about the constitution, let's just scrap it and have a constitutional convention. We could start over and maybe all of the liberals and all of the neocons that think they are better than the liberals can go away somewhere
  18. What is considered appropriate and who decides? Is a mosque near ground zero ok? Is Da Pope making a trip to a nursery ok? Do we put it up to a vote? Maybe play for an answer? Torture people?
  19. You can assume anything you want. They can build a hamburger stand and claim to sell 911 burgers. I think you believe something you read online a bit too much. I don't care if they worship at ground zero, the pentagon or in a sub in the bermuda triangle. People need to get over their muslimphobia, cause they don't need to justify anything to anybody. I don't need to bring up which religion is built on torture....
  20. It doesn't matter. You can't assume a guy in a bank is going to rob it. They have done nothing wrong.
  21. It really isn't a ^%$^$^ from the muslims, nor is there a need for them to reach out to anyone. There were plenty of muslims who dies on 9/11, and I have no problem with them praying there. It doesn't disrespect the dead one bit.
  22. Not that I want toget this back on track, after all the interesting talk today about how to rate certain posts, but..... It is not wrong to be fearful and cautious after the tragedy of 9/11 and all that followed. The footprint is not a matter of blocks, or where the dust of the fallen had touched. The footprint will be forever scarred in the minds and hearts of all Americans and many non americans who were alive on that dreadful day. Although, I still don't know if any family or friends were in the towers that day, having to watch the reaction of kids who had parents in the tower that they couldn't reach by phone was gutwrenching. It sometimes had me wishing I had been in the tower, so I didn't have to deal with the reality of what was happening. Yes, caution is good, but cowardice is not. The people who associate muslim with terrorist are wrong. When we see a bank robber or a murder on the news, do we ask ourselves what religion the person was? A person is good or bad based on their own merits and deeds, not religion. I have seen posts that Imam Rauf thinks that we had a part in what happened. I say so what! Thw loonies at moveon.org also think that, as do many others. We don't try to silence them (no matter how much we want to). Al Quaeda from what I understands, wants to see him dead, so I don't think he is with them. If the only reason to prevent the mosque is the muslim association, then holy war has been declared. And if that is the case, the protesters can be associated with fundamentalism and that will lead to terrorism. We need to show the courage and conviction to stand by what used to make this country great. I say used to, because the country resembles talk radio, reality tv, angry america, more than it resembles what the founding fathers built for us. There were many muslim americans that died at ground zero. The cowardice that is going on right now, not only shames their memory, but the memories of all those who died on that horrific day. Remember that day, look at the family and friends you have now. Don't take any of it for granted and don't try to place blame or take vengence on those who are innocent. Life is too short for the hatred that has enveloped our country. Good night and God bless.
  23. Gotta love those violent religions....oh, wait...
  24. We aren't a christian country. And hopefully never will be.
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