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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Um, I think you missed the message. Should a muslim hold a press conference, each time Al Queda does something stupid? I haven't seen you holding a press conference to refute Jim Jones' wanting to burn the Koran.
  2. I have seen a few good things out of Brohm, but not enough to know what we have. To be honest, until we have an NFL caliber OT, it really doesn't matter. We don't have a #2 caliber OT on the roster at this point.
  3. It is not a Muslim's job to refute actions that are not their own. It is not a christian's job to refute what that Jim Jones guy threatened to do in Florida. We are not responsible for other people's actions- that is how it works in America. As an American, it isn't my job to refute the actions of the democrats and republicans.....it is just fun, since they are so stupid.
  4. If you are looking for an argument, its not coming from here
  5. Nobody is going to prove he is the guy behind this travesty of an offensive line and the dearth of talent at WR. We aren't very talented on defense either, so that adds more pressure.....
  6. If Lynch has such limited value, why would anyone give up anything to get him? If he can score a few touchdowns for us this season, that is worth more than an extra 7th round pick. You have to be logical about this- and I don't believe the 3rd round and a player garbage.
  7. Been a tiring week at work after a very sick weekend and I'm afraid I'm not wording things as well as I like- there seems to be a link between the two as far as support candidates goes. The Republicans obviously fear losing support to the tea party and the tea party can use the financial backing. The more viable parties we have , the better, but I fear that never will happen.
  8. I believes he thinks it will further his cause to make it look as if he is extending an olive branch. I think it is a shame that that perception exists. My question is this- is there already a mosque at the location, and he is looking to add a rec center, or is he first looking to build the mosque. I have heard both, but have heard the first more. Either way, they are looking for a player of prayer, near the site of a great tragedy, and you would think people would understand that. It is ok to be fearful- people don't need to get so defensive about being afraid of something. You just can't let that fear guide your decisions.
  9. I don't know what all the sudden hatred for the tea party is. MY only problem is their association from the republican party. We need more options, not the failure that is the two-party system making this country worse off than it already is.
  10. Why not.....they already don't have an offensive line.
  11. Wrong. It matters very much as to whether it is worth time salvaging him. If it can;t be fixed, it is a waste of time. Knee jerk reactions don't solve any problem The primary problem is the offensive line.
  12. I will have to read that when I am feeling a bit better.....nasty bug seems to be going around the area down here...... I know many will misinterpret this statement, but a lot of War is just an organized form of terrorism, made by big governments that can't figure things out. They kill civilians which mean nothing to them, then use them as statistics for propaganda and sympathy. Not saying there isn't ever a reason for war, but......
  13. I have to disagree. True conservatives are not against the mosque- although some are tentative about it. You can argue whether they are right to be tentative from now until the end of time. This Jim Jones guy out of Florida has threatened violence in order to stop the building of the facility. He is a terrorist, just like Bin Laden. He is waging holy war against Islam. I believe it is high time he is charged with that.
  14. Maybe I should go greet some of the returning veterans with the requsite flag burning, which thankfully is VERY constitutional!
  15. The "islamic terrorists" you refer to are just terrorists. They are a tiny part of the muslim world, just as the 50 nutjobs in Florida are a miniscule part of the Christian religion. There is no religion of peace- we all just have to try to be the best people we can, religion be damned. As far as Clinton- perjury is a very serious crime. He should have told the truth and deserved to pay for lying. The fact remains that he shouldn't have been asked the question. Both sides were wrong....
  16. The fruited plains have rotted out, while the democrats, republicans and zealots argued over nothing.....or in better terms, while we fiddled, rome burned It was boneheaded all around. Clinton shouldn't have lied- only an idiot would disagree with that. Never should have been asked about it though, until he allows himself to be blackmailed about it. It is one of the best examples of how far our country has fallen and is very non-partisan. But there are those who just want us to close our eyes and keep chanting about how America is made from the best stuff on Earth..... Isn't there already a mosque there? And if there isn't, what is the problem- Muslims were lost there, as well as Christians, Jews and people of many other religions factions. People have to start realizing that we weren't attacked by Muslims, we were attacked by terrorists and thugs. The guy burning the Korans is a plain hateful idiot. To be honest, I think he is trying to stir up retaliation.
  17. I blame the kids' parents a lot more than I blame them- I am not really wary over christians, I was using an analogy to contrast people who fear muslims because of what the terrorists did. I really don't worry about any group of people- I am very unlikely to encounter many terrorists in a town of 17,000 in a remote part of N.M. And for the record- the incident I mentioned happened at Heim Elementary, in Williamsville, N.Y.
  18. Because I was jumped by 5 kids in elementary school, I now have a fear of all human beings- hey, they were human after all, and I don't want anymore broken bones. I don't want any humans living near me. I have that right.......They can live 14 blocks away from me
  19. I can't speak for anyone other myself on the rigidity of the interpretation on the Constitution- the wonderful democrats and republicans have ruined it beyond repair by situationally applying what they want to. In their fear, the people of NY have attributed "Muslim" to the terrorists, instead of idiots. I never attributed "Christian" to the people who mistreated me in school- they were simply children raised by idiots, who should have had their kids taken away, since they didn't know how to raise them correctly. I still laugh that they claim that Jews don't believe in god......since Jews actually worshiped God first.....lol
  20. Although I have no desire to move, as I couldn't be happier living anywhere other than the GREAT state of New Mexico, I would have no fear of going to Germany at all. As far as stereotyping, I haven't done that- although some of my hypotheticals my have created that confusion. I have met many christians that I like and dislike, and none of those feelings towards them were based on religion
  21. I hear what you are saying. Being from a jewish family, I was afraid of going to Bills games in the 1990's while Frank Reich was on the team. His name sounds german......
  22. Football is a lot more complicated than chess. Late possessions are at a premium. Force the opponent to lose one by defferring (or you start with a take away) and take the ball in the second half
  23. I would like to just see how we do....enjoy when we win, complain when we don't.
  24. Not sure if any was directed at you- some guy was trying to find you, so he could send you a check for $1,000,000. Must have been deleted I never have said otherwise
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