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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Nearly passed out from a bad allergy attack, this time of year isn't exactly fun. I also don't post from my Blackberry much after I leave work. Not many people in this world are peaceful. I know I am far from perfect- and I am the only one I can have much of an impact on.....I try not to worry so much about others, at least until I am beyond reproach.
  2. Flutie was a better option than Rob Johnson, but wasn't all that great. The only positive is that he kept some plays alive to make up for a terrible line- that doesn't win a lot of games.
  3. Not really, they don't. And my example it just to show that no religion is perfect. I don't really think I should get apologies from people who didn't do anything- thats lidicrous and would be a waste of time and energy on my part and on the part of people who did nothing. Look at the uproar from the Vatican over a couple of very good movies- Angels and Demons and Da Vinci Code. Both had a great message- to be wary over religion. No religion is truly peaceful, because people are not peaceful- we are the lowest form of animal on the planet and don't ever forget that. What other animal makes war for the made up reasons that we do?
  4. Really don't care. I think its silly that you are minimizing a religious-based attack, because you just want to defend that religion. Five kids beating the snot out of a first grader because they are incorrectly taught about reality isn't right. And justifying it by casting stones at another religion is pretty sad. They did wrong in the name of your false god.
  5. NO- it's year one. This is Nix and Gailey's first year. Everyone wanted Jauron and Guy out. Congratulations, you get to start over again and they get five years.
  6. No, its just that the truth hurts in Buffalo. Mort has been on the money with everything he has said- and that is an irrefutable fact.
  7. yeah, cause if there is no explosion, there is no issue. They sure aren't the religion of peace and no such statement has come from Da Popey
  8. You say toleration is as bad as the act itself, but what about people who weren't there to do anything? They did nothing wrong. We have our own f'ed up culture and need to start admitting that, instead of looking to others to clean theirs up first. No religion or political group is perfect, but people should look more to do right that ask others to do right.
  9. This is America- he has as much right to say that we brought it on ourselves as you do to call him a D-bad for it. I will bring personal experience into it regardless of what people say. Those people attacked me were Christians- and that is why they did it. I want my apology from the Vatican and from all "Christians" What they did to me can be considered fundamentalism or terrorism.
  10. When I was in first grade, I was assaulted by five christians who were taught by their parents that I don't believe in God. That is the way Christians are taught to deal with such things. I deserve an apology from everyone who is christian and a big apology direct from the Vatican.
  11. I DEMAND an apology from you, then. And I DEMAND it tonight.
  12. Ghandi was a great leader......a shame we won't have any more like that.....
  13. We will draft Mallett, upgrade the center position and do what we can at the OT spots.....if there is a draft.
  14. White non-racists don't need apologize for what white racists say. Muslims do not need to apologize for what Al Quaeda does, just because Al Qaueda claims to be of the same religion. I am accountable for my own actions, not anyone elses' actions. That's funny, since many so-called christians want to deny rights to so many people right now- they should be called anti-christians or original christians, because they are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ- who, by the way, was Jewish.
  15. Yep- he's an idiot, just like the last guy you people elected and the next one you will elect....wait- what does that say about the voters......Oh Wait, I am supposed to deny anything bad and claim that we are all made from the best stuff on Earth, my bad....
  16. He whined about not playing on offense. He doesn't play on offense when he is out there. He was a wasted pick, just like Maybin.
  17. The GM looks to fix things long term, but if someone pops up that can speed the process up, you try to fit it under the cap. They try to win each game, but don't have the talent to compete. The people that talk up Roscoe Parrish's talent are a joke, just like he is
  18. I can't say I am a fan of Fitzpatrick. He isn't even a journeyman type player. We aren't very talented on defense, I agree
  19. Wood and Levitre will be ok linemen if surrounded by talent. We don't have an NFL caliber offensive tackle. Evans is a good #2 WR and Parrish is a marginal #4 at best and is nowhere near as good as people think he is. We will have a top 3 pick, but I think we are headed in the right direction- I like our coaching staff, as I wanted Gailey to be hired when Levy retired.
  20. It really isn't a tossup- if you have a weakness, the opponent will find it and exploit it. We have a dearth of talent at almost every position. Except for Byrd, who do we have that makes a difference on defense? Aside for our RB's, what do we really have on offense? We need to move either Lynch or Jackson for a starter or draft picks. We are in full rebuild mode. We can change coaches and QBs every week- it won't help
  21. Seriously, what QB or offensive tackle would you have brought in? They have to be available to have a shot at getting them.
  22. What Vick did is inexcusable. There is no place for dogfighting in a civilized world. That said, I hope he has changed for real and can become a productive member of society, regardless of what happens on the field. He wasn't considered a quality person before the dogfighting, so he has a tougher road ahead of himself.
  23. If you read the thread on the other board, not only should we condemn Vick for what he did, but hold it against all NFL players as well. Vick has repeatedly shown that he isn't a very good person and that he is a streaky QB. If he can repeatedly show that he has changed, then I don't know that he has earned forgiveness, but maybe the benefit of the doubt. People can change- I hope he can.
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