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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Nix doesn't have to comment on moves to make fans happy. He is a busy man and has a lot of work to do to rebuild the team. If fans need validation, then need to seek it elsewhere
  2. They have a right to say that, even though its wrong. You have a right to condemn them for it. It doesn't mean they are against us.
  3. I am talking about the overall economy and deficit. Neither side will stop spending, because they want to be popular and get votes. Then they just point to the other side of the aisle. It won't change because the american people are too cowardly to force change.
  4. Fixed Here is a nice read- I don't know about the website, but it isn't where I originally heard about this. If a Muslim group insulted our troops like this, there would be outrage http://www.theblaze.com/stories/high-court-looks-at-military-funeral-protests/
  5. As with many other things, the two ruling kingdoms (parties) will point the finger at each other and the weak-minded American people will play along- that is the real reason for all of our problems.
  6. I give it 5 years. It takes time when you aren't good at any position.
  7. he has been in the league for at least three years. It may take three more years to get the QB, OL, WR's and defense. How much would he have left by then? This move was good for all parties involved
  8. That's like saying America has more idiots than any other country. It's a percentage thing- high population= more idiots, because of percentage. Islam and Christianity has the two largest followings in the world, therefore, there are more fanatics. Doesn't mean that the majority aren't good people that you wouldn't want for neighbors. Problem is that people like to stereotype, and in doing so, they hold people accountable for things that other people did.....which is very un-american.
  9. I can't disagree with you- but the final fault is on the american people, themselves. We made our government the convoluted mess that it has become over the last 100 or so years. Liberals and neocons alike.....
  10. What you are failing to understand is that Lynch was picked under a different front office/coaching staff with a different vision than this one.
  11. No. Their run is coming to a close- Brady won't be playing another 10 years and they will beat us the next few years with or without Evans. Evans would help them against the better teams though.
  12. Sorry, but Lynch and Jackson aren't game breakers by anyone's estimation. Spiller is. Lynch was a mistake from the day we took him- sure, he is a talented RB, but isn't a threat to score on every play and is mediocre in pass protection and in getting open to catch the ball. Sure, those attributes aren't big in fantasy football, which seems to be what everyone wrongly gauges players on, but that crowd is a bunch of idiots anyways- their opinions don't count in the real world. Spiller was a great pick and one that will pay off. This is a complete rebuilding project- new coach, new GM, new offense and defense. Get ready to be bad for a few more years. Those are the facts and that's how it is. We should try to get picks for guys like Jackson and Evans as well- those guys will be on their downside in 3-4 years when the young guys start panning out anyways.
  13. Evans has shown he can be productive with a QB who is out of the league- our OL has steadily declined since those days. They are going nowhere without a WR who can challenge opposing defenses deep and they are nearing the end of their run. Evans is actually just what the doctor ordered for them and he won't stir the pot.
  14. If we could get that third round pick that New England just got for Lee Evans, I would jump on it!
  15. Fox has a good newscast- its the other stuff they do that gets tuned out. Hannity is no Hume.....
  16. It is always good when someone can avoid pointing the finger at another group. Almost without exception, every group- political, religious, you name it, throughout history has committed attrocities against other groups. The cause is one of the most diabolical and evil in human history- group think. And most people don't even realize how vulnerable they are to it.
  17. Just take 100% everyone and give them back what they need
  18. Are you saying that Jesus Christ can't hit a curevball?
  19. Nah, its only fun to make fun of democrats and republicans....in other words, idiots!
  20. Releasing Williams and Washington was a failure, but I can see the logic behind it. As the trend towards passing continues, defenses will continue to get smaller and more athletic. Donahoe's mistake was to try to change too quickly, and he removed what made our defense great all at once. That said, he was 100% better than Levy.
  21. As I have said on other occasions, there is no religion of peace or religion of violence. Religion is what it is- and that is neutral. People are good or bad and for the most part, influenced by what is around them, as they are usually too weak to think for themselves. We can only look to ourselves to do the right thing- we don't need somebody else to do it for us.
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