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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Will Wolford might not make this line look much better. Incognito? Ha!
  2. I don't expect him to be what he was, as far as pass rushing. If he can provide a veteran presence and hold the point of attack, I'd be happy.
  3. Not in this country...... The Republicans pose as the messiah this time......
  4. It will be a Nightmare on Southwestern Blvd.........
  5. Now you've gone and done it. Now all the WGR listening/Sully reading idiots will be out in full force.....
  6. The bills fans are little more than marionettes on strings to easily be manipiulated each and every season. As expected
  7. Poz does enough all by himself to suck
  8. The only player who even might be elite is Spiller. I don't EVER want to coach again, but I don't even think I would yell at anyone on this team if I did. It would be a waste of time and energy- you only dedicate that much energy to players who can do something.
  9. He would be better with better players up front, but I don't think he is good enough
  10. Wasting a first round pick on Lynch was a horrible move and I was as disgusted with it as I was with the Parrish pick. Every down backs are few and far between these days. Jackson, the MVP of a horrible team....who cares...just like schobel, he isn't good enough. As far as how Nix approaches things, 1-2 decisions makes a line, not a pattern. You don't make up for a decade of bad drafts in one year. Everyone was so excited about the new offensive and defensive schemes in the offseason. Well Bills fans- you wanted to kick Jauron to the curb. Well, you got what you wanted. So deal with it, suck it up and stop acting like a bunch of overgrown babies while we rebuild
  11. Yeah- Lynch is an MVP alright. Don't disagree or he may pull a gun on you! Bwa ha ha ha. Glad that bum is gone. Now that we have Spiller, Jackson can eventually be his backup. Yeah, Nix drafted Maybin, Williams and Flowers. Maybe if they banned the tailgating and booze at games, it wouldn't be such a bad experience being out there....
  12. Doesn't pay to be a good player on this team- just ask Ruben Brown.......an him off. If the Bills want to win, they should ignore the fan base- maybe even alienate them
  13. For all the times I have argued with you, I think you have nailed this one. So much talk-radio type mentality in this thread. People need to stop listening to that garbage and take some classes on critical thinking.
  14. Lets see- from JP Losman to Trent Edwards, to Dick Jauron, now Whitner. Hey- why don't you be original and put everything on our backup longsnapper. Maybe the speaker of the house? Thats too easy a target. Sorry, our problems aren't as simple as you want them to be. If they were, then getting rid of Jauron would have made us a good team. I hope Jauron is laughing at the Bills fans right now- they deserve to be laughed at and they deserve what has been happening on the field
  15. Get as hostile as you want under your anonymous internet alias. I will just flash my national championship ring, while you fall back on your onion rings. That tells all you need to know about which of us knows what he is talking about.
  16. This is what a decade of bad drafting and taking reach picks will do. When we came up, there were no OLs that weren't a reach. Spiller will be a stud. We didn't need to take an average or slightly above average player in the first round. Spiller was the correct choice
  17. Come on, man- you are smarter than this. Although the idea of getting rid of everyone is very inviting, it is unrealistic. You can't go as an expansion type team and try to play fantasy football with free agents. Kelsay is being payed like an average player and maybe he will look better when there are better guys up front- hopefully he will be reserved to special teams. Either way, his cap number won't break the bank. Nix and Gailey will have to decide who goes and when. You have to assume we will have good drafts, because if we don't, then nothing else matters and we will be starting over in a few years again anyways. If that happens, so be it....
  18. Our team lacks talent. Jauron and Nix are trying to win with less than what the competition has. That's why they say things like that- they do it, cause they aren't going to take shots at their boss. Take some public shots at your boss and see what satisfaction you get when you are unemployed.....
  19. Luck will come out for the draft and the Bills will take him with the top pick this year
  20. The Kelsay signing isn't ridiculous. We locked in an average player, who is destined to be a backup once we have some good drafts- at that point, he will be a veteran player, who knows the system at a low price. People are up in arms that it looks like he is getting a bonanza and a reward for sub par play, but that isn't the case. Probably works out to about the same amount.
  21. Getting rid of him wouldn't be nearly as productive as trading Lynch was, and unlike the RB situation, there is nothing behind him to put out there. He is making peanuts and not causing problems- he could be a decent backup when we have some talent. Not hurting the cap, no trade value and nothing behind him on the depth chart. Whats the problem? Niox never said he wants a dozen guys with Kelsay's talent level
  22. 2009: Vontae Davis, Brian Hartline 2008: Jake Long, Phillip Merling, Chad Henne, Kendall Langford 2005: Ronnie Brown, Matt Roth, Channing Crowder 2004: Vernon Carey, Rex Hadnot 2003 Wade Smith 2002 Seth McKinney, Randy McMichael 2001 Chris Chambers Not to mention their deal to acquire Ricky Williams, who is still productive. Look attheir committment to building the offensive line early in the decade- although some of those players are gone, most were productive. That got a couple good ones each year, while we took Erik Flowers, Eric Williams, Roscoe Parrish and Aaron Maybin Lynch and Jackson are nice players....as second string guys. Neither makes defensive coordinators lose sleep at night- just like Schobel didn't strike fear in offensive coordinators.
  23. The fact is that watching film of guys like Edwards tells nothing. Nix, Gailey and co. needed time to see him live in THEIR system, to properly evaluate him. Anyone who is rational knew that we were going to have a top five pick this year. We didn't have a QB, OL or WR's and we were switching from an undersized 4-3 to a 3-4 defense. It takes time to get players. The bashing is getting to the level that Jauron was bashed for losing without good players. I perdict if there is a season next year, we will have a QB that we take with the first pick and will win 4-5 games, behind terrible OL/DL that are somewhat better from this year. The following year, we probably get near .500 and it takes off from there. Spiller was a great pick, because he is really the only playmaker we have on the roster- Lynch and Jackson are nice players that will get you 4 yards a pop if there is blocking- which is very important too, but you need guys who will make plays, unless you want just a handful of wins per year.
  24. They already were pretty good when they made those mistakes- they build a great offensive line. I called ted Ginn a bust before he was drafted, same as Maybin
  25. Dear Harvey: You have a skewed version of history. Said teams drafted well for years, then succeeded after the coaching changes. You are wrong, but we still love you anyways Regards, Adam
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