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Everything posted by Adam

  1. The liberals want more entitlements and the neocons want more toys that blow up. Both are for out of control spending
  2. Was that the game that Kelly faked out Neil Smith with the ridiculous two-handed pump fake?
  3. You really aren't wrong, but they helped stir things up. All people fear those who are different from themselves- some control it better. If it were easy, everyone would be able to do it...... Actually- that is pretty interesting. The toughest concept for the human mind to deal with is its own imperfection. Apologizing is a very difficult thing to do Those are the people we are hearing from. And they have every right to be offended, just as Williams has every right to say what he did. America still can be great.....sometimes.....
  4. There is no shame in apologizing for offending someone- even if the offense was their misinterpretation.
  5. My problem is that the terrorists wanted to create an atmosphere of distrust, fear and animosity between people, based on stereotypes and ignorance. They have succeeded. By default, what does that mean we have done? There is nothing wrong with fear, but when it controls us, there is a problem- and I am going past whatever Williams said on this.....
  6. Hey- I am going from what I read about it here- I don't listen to NPR. From what I read, I don't think he should have been fired, but I don't know what else the guy has done. People jump to conclusion way too much today and that may be the case with this, but the islamophobics are idiots
  7. Is either really a good thing? If Mr. Williams is truly afraid, then he can find another mode of transportation.
  8. All this talk about zombies. It must be getting close to halloween. I think the Bills might dress up as a bye week this year,
  9. Northern bottomed out after awhile, but was a good player for us/ Collins, Hicks, Nails, Knox and Louchiey were good finds, but just didn't work out
  10. As someone who works with the media, I back this up- most reporters have their opinions show in their work. It is nearly unavoidable. We want reporters to be perfect, but they are as imperfect as we are.
  11. People that do nothing wrong are not accountable for the wrongs committed by others. they are not responsible for the situation. My first reaction would be that it was an attrocity. I don't care who did it or why.
  12. Well, the terrorist that killed the doctor was a christian
  13. By that logic, doctors who perform abortions should be fearful of christians
  14. Those people dancing in the streets were idiots. But let them be idiots- dancing in the streets didn't kill thousands of people- just my opinion. President Obama is much smarter than the 4 year olds he has to pander to in our failing two party system. I could switch the name Obama for Bush and it would be just as true. The American people are the problem- the politicians intimidate them into keeping the status quo of the two party system. As far as engaging world leaders we don't like, I didn't like hearing about that when the liberals brought up Bush's meetings with the Taliban, prior to 9/11 and I don't like it from the neocons now. Our government needs to work with other governments whether they like them or not or whether the american people like them or not. The talk about Bush's meeting with the Taliban was as grossly unfair as the talk about him not leaving the elementary school sooner on 9/11.
  15. What happens is the same as other religions and politics- the whackos hijack everything and are considered to be the majority. Do the terrorists represent the voice of the muslim community? Of course not. Does the wacko that murdered the abortion doctor represent the christian religion? of course not. Do the idiots who wanted something bad to happen to George W. Bush represent the liberals? No. Does the idiot(s) who murdered JFK represent conservatives (might be a bad example), no. The majority of muslims and christian (and I am not a member of either) are very considerate and charitable people. Unfortunately, we hear the wackos more, because that's what the media wants us to hear. This country is bored by good people- they have zero shock value. We haven't done much to stop terrorism either. Our war over their was well intentioned- anyone who argues that is a flat out moron. When we removed Saddam, they wanted a theocracy, but we refused to allow it. After we leave, the insurgency will create the theocracy that should have been formed in Iraq a few years ago- and it might not be as friendly towards us as it could have been, if we didn't originally block its formation. Well intentioned actions are fine, but living in absolutes can corrupt the outcome. By the way- I was completely against removing Saddam, but research shows how close to Hitler he actually was. I hope to never unearth that kind of stuff again.....very depressing that people can do that kind of stuff. If only the world were ruled by four year olds......
  16. I am going to assume you are just trying to make a point, as I think your posts are typically well thought out and informed, even when I don't agree with them. If you think moderate muslims need to do something about terrorism, then hey....the terrorists are Homo Sapien Sapiens, as are we, so we have a duty to denounce what they do or we are the same as they are. Although many muslims already have denounced Al Quaeda and similar faction, many have jobs and lives, just like you do, and don't have the time or resources to accommodate all the salivating american pavlovian dogs that want them to hold a press conference. I apologize for any bad typing- just got back from PT and my arms are shaking as I type.....
  17. Whether they signal TD or not, they have to make a call- almost impossible to get that one right- no telling how many times the ball changed hands in there.
  18. In other words, stereotypes are lazy, bad and sometimes dangerous
  19. I am not so sure- Olbermouth and an entertainer, just like Rush Pillpopper. There is no telling which side either is actually one- they just like to fuel the hatred, so they can count their money......
  20. GM: Buddy Nix Head Coach: Chan Gailey Defensive Coordinator: George Edwards so on and so forth
  21. I think the guy's statement in the article is ludicrous. If they were terrorists and wanted to do something, wouldn't they try to be inconspicuous, particularly in such an Islamophobic country?
  22. I remember calling what we planned to use a 5-2 over the summer.....we don't have personnel to field a good defense and haven't for years.
  23. I have a question- and I will accept all the flaming about what an idiot I am to get a solid answer. Why not let them expire and move the age for retirement/Social Security up to 75. Cut defense spending by about 25%. Sure, we would have some lean times, but we would make a major dent in the deficit.
  24. Almost all Americans feel they are entitled to impose their will. The fact is nobody- INCLUDING the majority should be entitled to do that.
  25. Because on the internet, people can anonymously say whatever they want. Many cowards set up aliases and say things to people that they wouldn't have the guts to say to their face.
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