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Everything posted by Adam

  1. We are garbage at almost every position.
  2. Go Bills.....for we are here to cheer for you......
  3. While the Browns stomp the Patriots to make their bread......
  4. Second guessing doesn't get points- you take the points when you can get them until late in the 4th
  5. Interception- if they get a FG, its a two point game. Wonderful call to go for 2.....you take the points until you HAVE to go for 2
  6. Should have kicked the extra point....bad call
  7. No- we needed a slow, plodding, dancing Marshawn Lynch back there! lol
  8. Unfortunately, he is playing the Bills, who are dying to drop the ball
  9. Yeah, continue to build around mediocre players, instead of great ones. That gets you far......
  10. While I agree with you that many voted for Obama for that reason, the President HAS to have a certain level of charisma if he is to influence people. He can't be mechanical. John Kerry had zero charisma and would have made a terrible president, as would McCain. Nothing against either of them- they probably are great people and have done a lot for their country without being president. Having a ton of great ideas is of little value if you can't convince or reassure people of things. I am for pushing back retirement/social security by at least 10 years, getting rid of all of the Bush tax cuts and cutting defense spending by at least 25%. The deficit won't pay itself off. We all have to tighten our belts for awhile, like it or not. Personally, I think there is some benefit from the health care bill- forcing everyone to have it before they gets sick will help to lower costs. They should have opened state borders to create competition though. Instead of looking to repeal the bill, they should be looking at doing something like that.
  11. Hope and change? Please! Obama's/Bush's fault? Please! WE are where we are bacause of the citizens of the United Gutless People of ADD. Not exactly the founders on either side of the aisle. Until this country grows up, it will continue to decline......but they will continue to proclaim they are made from the best stuff on earth. America- Grow up or get out.
  12. So glad Linda McMahon lost. I despise that family.
  13. There are elitists on both sides, there is no doubt about that. Both sides can be a bit abrasive, as they think their methods are better. The people who I can't stand are the ones who feel it is more important to be right than to fix things- and they unfortunately have a lot of power on both sides of the aisle. Which is why I think groups like the tea party will be good for the country- the more power we take from the democrats and republicans- splitting their bases an many ways as we can, will only benefit the country
  14. I agree with you- some of the tea partiers are racist, for sure. But so are some democrats, republicans, green party and libertarians. Demonization helps short term, but will backfire long term. I hope we see more splinter groups from both sides. The more options we have, the better off we are. The one-party system is a complete failure.
  15. While I don't have a full grasp on a lot of the financial stuff, as it isn't anywhere near my area of expertise, that doesn't sound good to idiots like me.
  16. If healthy, even if not at his old form, he is an upgrade over Maybin and Ellison. If he can hold his ground at the line, he is an upgrade in the starting lineup.
  17. Fitzpatrick is a good QB, I hope he is still the starter next season, even if we draft Luck. He is a smart QB, who can read the defense and take what they give him. What he isn't, is a guy who imposes his will on the opposing defense and dictates the game. For all the fools out there that called for Frank Reich to be our starter in the 1990's- that is why he wasn't a starting caliber QB either.
  18. Just goes to show where "The Greatest Place on Earth" is right now......
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