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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I guess, if you have the maturity level of a three-year old.
  2. That's all well and good, but in case you didn't notice, they won. They are a lot mentally and physically tougher than we are. We are getting better, but we aren't there yet.
  3. It will be a dose of reality: New England 38, Bills 10 We aren't very good against the run, our OT's aren't good enough and our QB isn't accurate enough
  4. They have learned how to win? Jauron usually won 7 games. We have won four.....
  5. Being negative, with a little positive sells papers. Being positive most of the time doesn't. Lesson over
  6. I am not going to slam you for this, like a few others have, but anyone who doesn't hate war is a moron. There will be logistical problems- like housing. Why not exempt the war in Afghanistan, since it is ongoing. Other than that, there is no reason for the law, which never should have existed in the first place. That will be ok on the day that it is illegal to consider it a hate speech. Agreed- it is either ok for both or neither. No double standards, even if thats what the all-knowing majority wants. Well, back to sleep for me, as I continue to recover from my sinus infection/pneumonia
  7. Next thing you know, Val Venis will be our offensive line coach......
  8. I might have missed some of your earlier posts, as I have been trying to get enough work done in the office to call it a day as my so-called sinus infection is starting to border on pneumonia.....that condition makes it hard to find the good posts in the stream of psuedo profanity laden partisan hack posts. Don't be frustrated if I missed something- I am trying to keep up with an interesting post, despite dealing with stuff
  9. Fitzpatrick is fine, if you like a low ceiling.....
  10. What would you think if they allowed someone to post a bond, like they do with car insurance as an alternative and put in language blocking it from being used as a precedent in declaring another bill constitutional. I don't say I am 100% behind the mandate, but it would clearly lower costs- add opening state lines, and I really think we could be onto something. With the whole country as a customer and every insurance company in play, that's a heck of a lot of competition to further lower costs. I am sure that isn't a perfect solution, but there never will be anything perfect
  11. So do you think that is a good option to escape the mandate for health insurance as well?
  12. That would be a great move, if it were possible- parents are usually more responsible for the problem than the teachers!
  13. He is a garbage QB and always has been- just like I said last summer...... The Browns have had one of the most difficult schedules in the league. They also finally seemed to have found their QB in Colt McCoy.
  14. Kyle Williams is the only legit starter we have on the line. Fix that and much of the problem goes away.
  15. I don't see Bell as the dominant OT people say- he is competent at times and could be a good backup.
  16. The only way I change DCs is if we bring back Wade Phillips
  17. You are oversimplifying what I said. Fitzpatrick is a serviceable QB. He can take what the defensive gives him- but he can't impose his will on the defense. Also, our offensive tackle situation is in shambles. Spiller will never be a feature back, but he can do for us what Reggie Bush does for New Orleans, once we get those areas taken care of. Social Media is only going to get bigger, so you need to get used to it. There is no TV or printed news anymore, because it is no longer new at the point or reception- twitter, facebook and other social media sources and the new way to get news out. For better or worse, that's a fact.
  18. Spiller will be fine- we just need to upgrade the line and get a better QB. He will be a playmaker
  19. The "Greatest country on earth" argument has been stupid from the beginning. That doesn't get you anywhere. It is that great, because people stay informed and participate in constantly trying to make it better. Things with the government in control will get messed up, because of bureaucracy and wanting to get re-elected. Things in the private sector will get screwed up for want of short term profit. That's why nothing is ever easy, no matter how you go about it. Still, things get done, people panic on one side or the other, then things settle down and get taken care of.
  20. I am all for lowering malpractice suits, but I hope there is an exception for gross misconduct. I have heard some horror stories- granted, they are few and far between.
  21. It isn't just on the republicans and never was- it is on the american people, who talk big, but don't play big.
  22. I am back and forth on the mandate. I would be for it, if they would put in a provision, blocking it from becoming a precedent for future mandates on buying other things. The concept of everyone having insurance would eliminate the term "pre-existing condition" and go a long way to reduce costs. Add to that, opening state borders and we could really have some of the the best health insurance in the world- and it could be accomplished without adding to the deficit. Would that reduce the need for Medicade/Medicare and go even further to reducing the deficit?
  23. Is it really that hard to open state lines for insurance? Oh, wait, that would kill the influx of special interest money that the politicians from the best place on earth get.........
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