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Everything posted by Adam

  1. My apologies. I didn't realize you answered somebody's question. I didn't mean to piss in your coffee. I was merely speculating on a topic that I find intriguing.
  2. To get away from the back and forth insults, how about I pose this question about the origins of the Big Bang- What if our universe isn't everything and was just part of a greater whole- that solves what could have led to the Big Bang creating the Universe that we exist in. It doesn't solve the problem about how existance itself began. A problem that I find hard to believe will ever be solved. Not definitively, at least.
  3. I miss the days of not knowing what a player makes. Back then, you could just enjoy watching the football game.
  4. I find it interesting. Always good to look at other point of views, even if they don't change your own. It isn't very logical. But, the beginning of everything that exists defies human logic, or at least, my logic.
  5. Better off as a franchise or better off for the draft?
  6. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. Maybe Magox and Conner will exchange gifts this year
  7. The problem is that while we all exist in the real world, we also live in our own little reality. What makes sense to one, is utter nonsense to someone else. The majority can deal with that just fine, but some people just want to persuade everyone else that their alternate reality is better and more real than anyone else's. Personally, I believe there is a god. I believe that religion is very important, as is science. What that means to anyone else......couldn't care less. And before anyone blows a gasket, this isn't in response or retort to any specific post. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, or any other holiday you celebrate. If you don't celebrate anything, have an enjoyable vacation and hopefully some time with the family.
  8. Pardon me for not being the most eloquent person in the world. Sure, maybe my meaning of flawed is different than yours, but I think what I meant got across. Sure, many use the scientific method to disprove current knowledge, but people are usually very resistant to changing what they have learned over time. Am I an idiot? Sure I am, I won't disagree. That's why I enjoy engaging in discussions like this one. I learn a lot from both sides, whether I agree or not. Laugh at that if you want. As far as taking a stand for my personal beliefs, Magcox, I don't feel the need to. I believe what I believe and you believe what you believe. Neither of us will persuade the other to change their minds, and I am completely at peace with that.
  9. They are both flawed, as they are created by the flawed race of man. But, they also are both necessary. I find people who think that you have to go with one or the other to be as foolish as those who think democrat and republican are the only things that exist. Both come at the same thing from different angles and don't always need to be in opposition. Funny thing is that both are equally resistant to changing when proved wrong.
  10. On a serious note, this arguement could go on forever, because science and religion are equally flawed for obvious reasons
  11. The explosion of the internet and advertising mediums have allowed for the increased spread of ideas. People seem to think that others will want to see their ideas. They can't handle when others don't accept their ideas. Drives some nuts. It would be a much better world if people kept their philosophies to themselves unless asked and just lended a helping hand to others when needed. That world used to somewhat exist, but has eroded over the generations.
  12. liberalism and neoconism are religions in this country. Everyone is right and everyone else is wrong.
  13. Welcome to the world- the minority of all sides are militant.......and they are the majority that we have to listen to.
  14. What was the sign at the Lincoln Tunnel?
  15. There are some good people in the world too- they just aren't as loud as the bad ones.
  16. Belief in God is just that- it is a concept that mankind is not capable of explaining. There is nothing wrong with believing in God or nor believing in God. The problem is when people think everyone should believe as they do.
  17. +1. For me, I couldn't even stay at work after seeing what happened. I just went home and puked. The people who went to the site and helped must be incredibly strong people.
  18. While I am not completely knowledgeable about the subject, I think it would be difficult to work that site for hours on end with the safety equipment the whole time.
  19. Yeah, that makes no sense. How many times did we change offenses when he was here? How many great QB's have we had. How many guys taking attention away from him. Need I go on?
  20. It might be a big deal for awhile- which is why it might be a good idea to exempt to ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. It will cause logistical problems for housing, but those will be overcome in time. As far as the problems it will cause on the battlefield......anyone who has a problem with that, shouldn't even be on the battlefield, as they obviously lack the mental toughness. Our soldiers are among the most courageous people in the world and saying that sexual orientation would affect how you fight a war is ludicrous.
  21. If you think that, you may reread my posts. Hatred? I think you are overstating. If I had an irrational hatred, I would be persecuting people for no reason- Never have done that. Picked on, eh? I am sure you think what happened to the little Jewish carpenter was just picking on him...... By the way, just because I was born to a Jewish family, doesn't make me Jewish....it isn't a genetic thing, you know.
  22. Yeah, I am boring that way. I sometimes take shots at someone when they say something stupid. I don't mindlessly create threads to mock them. Wish I could be more interesting, but I guess that is beyond me.
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