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Beach Bum

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Everything posted by Beach Bum

  1. McGee should have been replaced after the first fish series & score. Coaching today was very sad. I live in the fish bowl in south west Fl., and at 70, I'm past my prime fighting the fish sticks down here. Looking good every other week is not going to get the team into the playoffs. Oh well, six days of beach bunnies before the next game. Uncle Freddy Bills Backers SW Florida VP
  2. We all will be at the park until 4:00 pm that Sunday.
  3. Sure do, San Carlos Park. The Bills Backers of SW Flordia has exclusive use of the Groove Street Grille & Discotheque located in the plaza at Collage and Winkler. It's nice having our own place on game day. We average 70 Buffalo fans per game. Our Web site is: BillsBackersofSouthWestFlorida.com
  4. Just to let you know that Anthony "Homegrown" Hargrove will be a guest of the Bills Backers of SW Florida at there Annual Spring Picnic at Centennial Park, Fort Myers, Florida. This will be on Sunday April 22 from 11:00am until 4:00pm. For more information call (239) 481-5710 or (239) 223-2856
  5. 68 Finish the year than do what is needed to be done regarding his future.
  6. Try nflnut.com
  7. Four seat season ticket holder since 1964. Moved to FL in 1980 but my kids/grandkids use them now. I do try to make at least one game a year, but have missed the last two. However this year will get up there for one regular game and WILL BE THERE FOR ONE OF THE PLAYOFF GAMES!!!!
  8. Sorry I haven't reached the lofty position in life of being perfect. Obviously you have.
  9. After reading your coment and several others, I have come to the conclusion that you are not a parent. Perhaps you and some of the others failed to read the part that gives the little girls age as 5. This is a kindergarten class, not a military boot camp. As per the teachers statement, this was to serve as a disciplinary action. That type of action MAY be suited for a young adult, but most definitely not a 5 year old child. The result of that DISCIPLINARY ACTION has a consequence. This one resulted in this child reverting back several years in her bathroom training and has affected numerous day to day activities of which I won't enlighten at this time. I will however say that this event has disrupted the entire family in there day to day activities plus having to place this child under doctors care. As to some of the other coments, YES she has a serious disorder and has had it since birth. Also, every teacher in that school was spoken to by her mother advising them of this disorder, including the principle and staff. Now as to the $$$$ that has some of you concerned. The only reason a lawyer was brought into this was because the school dropped the ball when it came to paying for the doctors expense. THAT IS THE ONLY REASON THE PARENTS OBTAINED AN ATTORNY. Publicity, notoriety, or seeking a stage is the LAST thing that the parents of this child were/are seeking. Would you subject you child to this type of exposure? I would hope not. This came about because of the insensitivity/stupidity of the media. How do I know about this? Well, I have been very close friends with this family for 10 years and spend a lot of time with the parents and the kids on a weekly basis. In fact, I was the first person called when this incident occurred. Having 3 children of my own, along with 7 grandchildren and 16 years as a teacher gives me a little insight to this unfortunate incident. My hope is that this never happens to any of YOUR children.
  10. It was in September 1964 and I can't remember who we played. It was the 2nd or 3rd game of the season and was raining. I had just returned home from the Navy and was excited to find out that we had a pro team in Buffalo. The one thing I do remember is that I parked in the driveway of a little store that was in sight of the main entrance. After the game I made a deal with the owner and that was my parking spot until we went to the Rich. If I remember, there was a Loblows parking lot right across the street. Seems like a Loooooooooong time ago. Things get a little fuzzy when trying to remember the old days.
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