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Everything posted by goober

  1. Does Blink 182 really aim for the same demographic target audience as 20 years ago? Shouldn't maturity and experience broaden scope of material? These shows have been truly awful.
  2. Interesting idea but I don’t like the concept of some iffy defensive holding call nowhere near the play making it an automatic first down.
  3. I never realized that was a real thing. Now I see Tupelo MS has won 5 times (Buffalo once). Maybe we should follow Tupelo’s process.
  4. Does it even say "American"? I thought it said "All-America City" which just seems like bad grammar. In any case I think the same slogan appears when you approach Albany.
  5. He wrote a letter. You are free to write a letter too. Settle down.
  6. Screw off dude. Amidst years of misery yes it was another crappy day - after an incredible week of gratitude and excitement and joy and charity. Let's be the bigger people and focus on the latter part and for now just have hope for the future.
  7. I haven't posted in like a decade but please go away.
  8. I haven't spent a ton of time here recently, but I'm truly amazed that nobody has posted "Dooooooooooooomed" as a response to this post. is that no longer considered the epitome of the witty retort? in any case, i'm impressed. keep up the creativity, folks.
  9. make that movie and you'd just be inviting a lawsuit http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/mrjackass1.html
  10. You're awesome. Your 25th post since 2002 and it seems most of your posts are extremely optimistic and occur in the preseason before reality hits. Thanks Mickey in Rochester. I honestly do appreciate the optimism at the onset. At least you back off and don't spend the entire months of September & October posting "dooooooooooooomed" whenever anyone doubts a Super Bowl appearance.
  11. This thread has been going on so long I felt I should contribute... Mike Williams is overweight and has never fulfilled the expectations some people had for him coming out of college. Also, he is not on the Bucs roster so the original poster made a mistake.
  12. seriously. if the pain outweighs the pleasure, then stop watching. otherwise quit bitching about it. i don't watch espn, i don't watch the view, i don't watch the today show, i don't watch bill o'reilly. you won't need to start threads complaining about them when you have no idea what they're showing. espn isn't going to discover your message board post and switch their format to please you...so accept what they do or change the channel.
  13. aren't the rules of kickball basically like baseball but you kick the ball instead of hitting it with a bat? if kickball is the lowest form of sport in your mind, can baseball be more than a notch above? do you post antagonistic statements in all the baseball threads about how it resembles lowly kickball? i liked when rick reilly went to a baseball game with a stopwatch: Time of this A's-Yankees game: 3 hours, 15 minutes. Time the baseball was actually in play, including pitches, batted balls, foul balls, pickoff attempts, relays, throws to bases and anything else even Bob Costas might consider actual sporting activity (and I was being generous with the stopwatch): 12 minutes, 22 seconds.
  14. re. world cup - ABC's broadcast of three matches Friday through Sunday delivered an average rating of 2.8 thanks for the rolleyes, too bad I block those stupid emoticon thingies... And I like the sabres, I just got annoyed by ACor's anti-soccer rants...point being, just because the majority of the U.S. isn't obsessed with hockey, doesn't make it worthless. Same w/ soccer. I don't try to debate whether NASCAR would be better off if Kobe Bryant joined up. Get a grip folks.
  15. but why was it on the bike racing network? because no one in the country gives a crap about it.
  16. you're worried that your neighbors called the cops because you created noise with an empty plastic bottle? and I thought they named amherst the safest neighborhood...
  17. i welcome the idea of having a poster like JSP have a dedicated thread for himself as he posts his thoughts on life in increasing degrees of intoxication. since the off the wall board became an oft-ignored separate entity, we rarely get to witness the downward self-destructive spiral of members in altered states posting about something other than mock drafts. keep it up! we've all been there. i am there currently as a matter of fact...
  18. i am impressed by your self-restraint since 2003 in choosing which issues are worthy to opine upon.
  19. why did i waste my time reading this?
  20. church website? oh yeah, that's why i blocked you.
  21. hey, I assume that means the guy volunteered to go to Iraq, we should be grateful
  22. Penn Jillette (of Penn & Teller) has a radio show w/ free podcasts at iTunes also. I like the show a lot. Of course, the type of people on the board who start prayer threads might not appreciate the content as much as I do.
  23. you gave up chicken wings temporarily as a way to honor Jesus (but no way could give up beer because of the hockey schedule) ? send a message to george carlin with that news, you can probably make it into his standup routine. you'd be famous afterwards. what better way to celebrate lent than that.
  24. so you give up alcohol temporarily? big deal. there's always benzodiazipenes. try some. alcohol isn't everything. also - pot, meth, acid, mushrooms, sniffing gas fumes, inhaling butane, sexual asphyxia. I've read about that Jesus guy, and he undoubtedly still wants people to have their sh-ts and giggles during lent.
  25. but must be nice live in NJ not need speak complete sentences...
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