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Everything posted by goober

  1. Sorry for your loss.
  2. Am I interpreting this too literally? Do you think past opponent QB performance against various jersey colors /styles should potentially be a factor in deciding which jerseys a team wears on game day?
  3. Locked in like you just locked in with your bookie for a month’s salary?
  4. Marc Maron has a podcast about their team. He’s not from DC and I never got the impression he cared about football. Weird.
  5. But based on that, Boettger was nearly as bad and he's listed as the backup for both LG & RG on the depth chart. Who else is there? Practice squad?
  6. That seemed odd to me also. There are certainly situations where it would be valid but wondered if they ever audited some subset of those - unless they are ignoring AVS validation checks when they process for billing, and you could/should put in a UK address in there as well (if your bank also allows it to go through on a bad AVS). Can you use a pre-paid VISA card from CVS? May be paranoid but that's what I start thinking about with this option.
  7. I thought this thread was going to be about watching all the special teams plays in super slow motion frame by frame to analyze the gunner performances. That's how I was thinking of changing how I watch this year (well, maybe not frame by frame, but definitely pay more attention).
  8. Hmmm. I definitely called last year b/c we had moved in recently and tried to get DirecTV but couldn't. Maybe it was just the person I spoke to, but she said we weren't eligible because our "area" or something to that effect wasn't listed in their system as a problem area. I don't know if it's because our neighbors have DirecTV and it works fine for them. I guess we could try getting it installed again first and somebody else could figure out how to get the signal to work for us. We'd just have to blow through a lot of stuff on the Fios DVR before we switch. Good thing the season doesn't start Sunday...
  9. I am probably going this route this year. Couldn’t get direct tv at my house because of tree blockage with dish (we actually would prefer direct tv in general for cable if it had worked). They won’t allow streaming package for me because neighborhood overall considered accessible. Last year used locast.org + plus ExpressVPN but locast just got shut down because of a court case. So I guess I’ll try the vpn Europe game pass option this year. I am happy to pay legit as an American in whatever package but they won’t let me.
  10. Right , having that much confidence in your rookie QB in addition to the apparent confidence that he couldn’t possibly get injured, that you don’t care about signing a backup with apparently any value? It makes me wonder if they have a weird mutation of Peterman overconfidence syndrome but realize pats* are always right , me not so much. So I will try to let Ghost bask in his glory for the time being anyway.
  11. Ok no need for a backup QB in NE. Got it. Odd question but did one of your top 2 gunners ever play QB in college? Just curious.
  12. Is that strategically getting around limits or having garbage backup QBs
  13. I think maybe he plays gunner on special teams?? Not sure though , I will Google it.
  14. The Ertz jokes were getting stale. So grateful for the fresh Taiwan / gunner material.
  15. Is it safe to say at least any other trades would've likely been reported by now?
  16. Ha, right. Maybe somebody has some good quick noodle recipes they could share here.
  17. Not sure. I have never ordered mild wings at Duffs but am good w/ their medium to hot. Wingnutz sounds like if I want to order wings w/o sauce that are huge & crispy, and I am getting them takeout, and at home putting my own sauce on them, and they stay crispy during the car ride, that sounds great? Not everything stays crispy during the car ride, especially when you order a bucket....how do you order a bucket to go and keep them from getting ruined b/c of the steam? That's what I would like to know.
  18. Is that just a random flavor there but regardless of flavor you consider them the best wings overall? I don’t get back to Buffalo that often and when I do it doesn’t typically involve trips to East Aurora. But I constantly hear about these bar bill wings on this board. As others posted above I just want traditional Buffalo wings in Buffalo. I don’t care who has the best bbq wings , dipping sauce selection, smoked wings etc just as I don’t care who has the best Chicago style pizza in Buffalo. (and always felt original Duff’s personally, don’t know about branch franchises. )
  19. Is it still live for NFL network or did they push to 4 pm now? FiOS is by standard oblivious.
  20. Of course a lot of it has to do with the Bills being successful. There are other threads about the experience and impact and history of being a Bills fan, and what losing feels like, and how seeing them lose ruins someone's day, a couple days, until the next week, whatever. I want to see everybody in the country get vaccinated so maybe we can help derail more mutations. But yeah, the Bills players have more impact on me personally than some random Joe in a far away place, butterfly effect or not. I also would like them to be a responsible example to the rest of the league, just as I don't want them engaging in any irresponsible behavior like driving drunk or whatever, it reflects poorly on the team and ultimately the community.
  21. Ha, I’m watching on DVR with a delay. Can’t we get some spoiler alerts in this thread?!
  22. I put that game on and thought, geez I’m obviously Bills-centric. Never heard of the stick before.
  23. Possibly, but I found this to be an interesting alternative perspective: Letting Tom Brady go is worse than trading away Babe Ruth, so the Curse of the GOAT could be worse than the Curse of the Bambino, which kept the Red Sox from winning a World Series for 86 years. https://www.pressherald.com/2020/03/31/the-universal-notebook-the-curse-of-the-mook-and-the-goat/ Based upon my many years research into the occult and all things supernatural, this does seem like the most likely scenario (unfortunately).
  24. I just saw Anthony Johnson is behind Ray Ray McCloud on the Steelers' depth chart. At one point I thought he'd be a first round draft pick.
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