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Everything posted by Enemarty

  1. +1 We gave him his first shot as a HC. Even though it all went bad, a guy with Gregg's ego doesn't forget that. If he ever makes it big as a HC, I would not be surprised to hear him say a lot of positive things about his experience here.
  2. Michael Irvin surprised me the other day. He was on NFLN talking about which receivers, outside of Jerry, deserved to go to the Hall and as I waited for him to say Chris Carter or Shannon Sharpe, Michael says without a doubt, Andre would be his choice for the HOF.
  3. ha ha ha, now that is a good one!
  4. well, that's him gone midway through next season.
  5. Well, given the public view that Marty would want final say in personnel matters, perhaps Buddy thought, hey Marty, I love ya, but I just got my dream gig and I'm not about to hand over the reigns after a month.
  6. boo hoo. I don't know how closely you followed the Bills back then, but the two times we faced the Chiefs prior to that night were both in KC (one earlier that year, the other a MNF game a few years before that), in which we got our shorts handed to us and we had to suffer through that stupid tomahawk chant through the fourth quarters of those games. All of Arrowhead standing in red doing that stupid chop with the stupid chant while the Bills are getting smacked around on the field. So, to this day, I will bow down to the genius Bills fan who started the chop at Rich when the AFC Championship game was in hand. It was like the entire stadium reacted in unison to the Arrowhead taunting from earlier in the year, standing as one and essentially saying @#$% off Arrowhead. It was a beautiful moment and it was quite funny. Ahh, the memory of it still brings a tear to my eye.
  7. ha ha, Charlotte. No character, just nice lawns. Reminds me of the old expression about Rochester (no offense), which applies equally to Charlotte - a couple of parking garages surrounded by suburbs. I'll get my hat ...
  8. Well, if the rumors that the League is considering banning the forward pass come to fruition, we're in like flynn...
  9. ha ha, I can see it now: Buddy - "now before I introduce Chan as our new HC, if there is anyone here who believes that this coaching hire should not occur, please say so now or forever hold your peace." Tim - "please stop. You should know that the Bills really love Marty and Marty really loves the Bills. Just give them a chan-ce..."
  10. would explain his son's reaction to our interview offer...
  11. I know Tim didn't write this, but ... I have to say the more the national media (and even the local media) harps on this hire, the more I'm going to forget my very disappointed feelings about the hire and close ranks with my fellow Buffalo Bill fans around Chan Gailey. As they say, they may be the stumblin, bumblin Buffalo Bills, but they are our stumblin, bumblin Buffalo Bills and no whiney Mosely, Clayton, or fat guy with a funny grey streak in his hair can take that away from us.
  12. I heard that. Very strange coming from a former Belichick player. How many people said the same thing about NE when they hired the Cleveland cast-away...
  13. erm, the term is sarcasm.
  14. It's when the coach stands behind the QB during practice and if the QB doesn't release the ball within three seconds, the coach shoots the QB in the back of the ankles. Sort of a derivation of the Tuna's count to three technique.
  15. It all makes sense, instead of watching the Vikings D smackdown of the "hottest" team in football, OBD was interviewing Chan.
  16. I think Sully is usually right. Oh, except for this time.
  17. OK, according to Casserly: Buddy Nix conducted a stealth interview of Jim Harbaugh; Harbaugh impressed Buddy so much that he wanted to offer him the job, but Buddy has already stated that the ultimate decision as to who gets the job is made by Ralph, so... For Buddy's first real hire as GM, he offers the job to Harbaugh without Ralph's blessing, NOT LIKELY. Instead Buddy would say to Jim, if Ralph gives the green light, would you want the job. Harbaugh says yes?? and then Buddy gets Ralph's blessing and THEN Harbaugh says, oh sorry, just kidding, I want to stay in Palo Alto. I call BS. All that happened here was Buddy called Harbaugh to inquire as to whether he was interested in the job. Harbaugh, either after sitting down with Buddy to discuss it, or maybe without the discussion, said no. This happens all the time, but is a far cry from Casserly's "Buffalo offered the job to Harbaugh." Casserly is still bitter about not getting an interview for the GM slot, because as he'll tell you at the drop of a hat, he is the greatest GM of all time...
  18. Yes they will. Yawn. And many of the same have criticized our recent drafts as DB heavy and overly focused on light linemen, blaming Jauron's influence, something that the local media appears to have confirmed. So, having succeeded with a big guy front four in Minnesota, which type of player do you think Frazier will want Buddy to focus on if he comes here. As for Al Saunders, I'm not his biggest fan, but at least he has experience running an offense, which would be a change for us, and perhaps he learned a thing or two from his Washington disaster.
  19. Let's all hope the Vikes put a spanking on the Cowboys this weekend and maybe Brian S can bring in our old buddy (and Marty's) Wade to run the defense.
  20. yes it is. On another note, and in an attempt to contribute to the Cowher frenzy in whatever way I can, as has been observed by others, neither Cowher nor any other member of the CBS team hinted at a Cowher-Buffalo connection yesterday, but I was intrigued with Cowher's comments on (I think) the Pete Carroll situation. My memory on whether it was PC or some other coaching candidate is failing, but Cowher spoke passionately about having that coaching desire to prove yourself when referring to PC's return to the NFL and stated something to the effect that he understood that feeling perfectly. He even had a bit of a grin on this face. I think he really wants to coach next year. I also think people associated with the Carolina gig are in his ear, maybe not official team people, but the potential investors we've all heard about. And it is this factor that is keeping Cowher from making any commitment to the Bills. If this goes away in the next week or so, Cowher's desire to scratch that coaching itch may be so great that he comes to Buffalo afterall. And if he were to do so, I would not hold the Carolina delay against him. Like any of us when faced with a great offer, with perhaps an even greater offer (from his familiy's perspective) developing, you see if you can buy some time, hence the failure to publicy distance himself from the Buffalo job. Meanwhile, Buddy looks to develop alternative candidates until such time as one side or the other hits a drop dead date. At that time, if the Carolina situation hasn't resolved itself, it will be time for Bill to put up or shut up.
  21. My sentiments exactly.
  22. I'd say that Jason Peters fella from Philly. It may cost a pretty penny, but he has a history of wanting to move after a pro bowl selection, so he may be ripe for the picking. Plus, if we get him, he won't have to face Demarcus Ware unless we're in the Super Bowl...
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