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Everything posted by Enemarty

  1. Not to worry, this is all part of Ralph's master plan to sell the team to ESPN. The good news is the team stays in Buffalo, while ESPN operations are moved here from Bristol. And in a special side deal with the League, and a boost to Buffalo ex-pats eveywhere, all Bills games will be televised on the new ESPN-Bills channel. The first step is to have a staff in place that would remain during any transition period. So, for next year and as long as he is able, Ralph continues as owner/president, but the rest of the staff will experience a shake up. Although certain positions are yet to be filled, what we know so far is as follows: Chris Berman: GM Gruden: Head Coach Jaws: OC and QB coach (initially Steve Young was going to be QB coach, but Jaws couldn't stand the whining) Merril Hodge: RB coach Schlereth: OL coach Ditka: TE coach (why not ... da Bills) Carter and Johnson: TBD (they were approached about the WR coach position, but neither would shut up long enough so Berman could ask them, so he might go in another direction) Tom Jackson: DC Golic: DL coach Bruschi: LB coach Kiper: Director of scouting Clayton, Pasquarelli, Schefter: Pro personnel staff Matt Millen: Opposite Man (i.e., Berman will do opposite of whatever Millen says, sort of a sanity check on personnel decisions) Ed Werder: Director of PR (he just cracks me up ... Ed Werder...) Key to the deal was ESPN's agreement to keep Mortensen and Greenberg away from Bills' operations. Tim Graham could probably confirm this, but I hear he is set to replace all four Senior Vice Presidents, so he may not want to ruffle any feathers until it's all made official... sorry about that, my way of venting ... back to your regularly scheduled Jauron snooze-fest teleconference.
  2. what is really annoying about those two guys, and Orakpo, is that unlike the long lists of overlooked players that we see posted on this board from time to time, containing players drafted after our pick that became great, but who were not really on Buffalo's or most other teams' radars at the time of the draft, these three were well associated with Buff prior to the draft, with many on this board and many so-called professional pundits suggesting that they were Buffalo bound, only for the Bills to bumble the picks away on lesser versions ... or a db.
  3. Obvious to you maybe and to most on this board. But then again, people on this board tend to be over informed when it comes to the Bills. Indeed, that is the entire point of the board. However, with all due respect to SDS, more people get their Bills news from the News than from this board. And it's those people who need the shade lifted from their devoted eyes. Sully fits that bill when others either can't (given their reporter hat) or won't.
  4. sometimes you got to stand outside the castle gates yelling 'til your blue in the face. better that than just to roll over a take it...
  5. ahh yes, what a night. My roommates and I were putting the finishing touches on our house in anticipation of a halloween party we were holding later than evening when the news came in about CB. Of course we had to add a big banner to the wall announcing the news. Talk about a spirit raiser, one of the best parties I remember from that period in my life...
  6. Yeah, Gregg really screwed that one up, considering he had left the year before. Pat left after Mularky's first season. It was about money, and the desire to keep a then 27 year old (and at that time relatively healthy) Jonas Jennings at LT, rather then spend the money on a then 32 year old Pat, when Fat Sam was still on the team and they had drafted a bunch of young tackles. Thing is, as I recall, many, if not most, on this board were comfortable with the decision at the time... Then, of course, Tom D, screwed it all up letting himself get played by Jonas and losing Pat in the meantime.
  7. ... is the correct call. He lets go of the ball with his right hand, making NO attempt to retouch the ball with his right hand, as he is preparing to brace his fall with that hand, i.e., avoid smashing his head on the ground, a perfectly human reaction. All the while the ball never leaves his left hand as he brings it into his chest, again to brace for contact with the ground. There is no bobbling going on there and, as stated above, certainly not enough to overturn the call on the field.
  8. Coffee all over keyboard... thanks.
  9. oh my, what if it is Gregg.
  10. If this was Jauron's 4th game, instead of his 4th season, your point would be more than valid. But the same issues keep coming up again and again. No wonder people are losing faith.
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