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Everything posted by Paco

  1. And a dalmation. And bells. Lots of bells. Maybe even...dare I say it...cow bells?
  2. No. You actually have some substance to a few of the things you write. I knew that would never be Tboy.
  3. And then there's all that.
  4. I appreciate that. I actually thought you were someone who currently posts regularly under another, that's all. And you're absolutely right about TH and HD.
  5. Just trying to align the guy with 89 posts with the guy he likely replaced. Can't remember who it was that always used to spell ridiculous with an e. Nothing personal. Just bustin' balls.
  6. More fire trucks is what we need. More fire trucks.
  7. Curious way you have of spelling "ridiculous." I'm sure it's just a typo. But I feel like I've seen that typo before.
  8. One would hope the voices of the African American community would understand the tactic and find a way to get involved and help us all overcome such an issue.
  9. NOW you're talking about personal accountability. Way to go ICE. First BF. Now you. I feel like singing!
  10. How about anyone who is a hypocrite is a lefty. You rip on people, and then criticize those people for ripping on people. Sounds like a lefty to me. If you're not, you should consider it because you have the rhetoric down cold.
  11. Are you brain damaged? We didn't rip on a goddam thing until you ripped on us for not responding. Typical fuggin' lefty.
  12. At least he'd be on a network that people watch.
  13. How I love this song. An American classic in every sense. And we decided that one big pile is better than two little piles, and rather than bring that one up we decided to throw our's down.
  14. Somewhere Karl Rove is smiling.
  15. We didn't stand up and say we COULD fix the economy, and everything other problem in the world. He did. We called him on it. If you're going to join the conversation, please understand the whole conversation...not just the little parts that you can nibble on.
  16. Oh, please. Stop that nonsense. He said he could fix the economy. It took forever to get an answer as to how. He finally gives an answer. After constant prodding. And even then it's clear he doesn't know how to fix the economy because his answer was so nebulous. It's like saying, "I don't know anything about fixing a car, but the first thing I'd do is find out what the mechanic knows, then I'd rotate the tires, change the oil, put in new plugs..." But if you feel that he provided a full and deep explanation on how to fix the economy, then I can also understand how you feel that Kerry actually DID have a plan.
  17. Absolutely.
  18. Nader made a concession speech?
  19. Still awaiting ICE's economic plan. Ice. C'mon man. You said you could fix the economy. Tell me how.
  20. I wish we could pin this.
  21. Why do I get the feeling that you'd be happy about this.
  22. Hey Bob, refresh my memory. Did Mawae have that club taken off his hand yet?
  23. Then there would be no need to hold the government responsible to provide jobs to people. I'm glad we finally agree on this point.
  24. The good news is, there are PLENTY of opportunities out there to learn a new trade for little or next to NO money. THAT's the beauty of it, BF. While the government should not provide jobs, it DOES in many cases provide opportunity! You have to find the opportunities that are out there and put them to work for yourself. Don't wait for it to come to you. GO FIND IT! Personal accountability, BF. You're almost there! Stay with me.
  25. As much as I fear extending this metaphor, the answer is simple. There may only be 5 welders positions out there, but there are also 25 auto mechanics jobs available. The other 5 welders need to learn how to be an auto mechanic. It's not the role of the government to come up with five more welders jobs. It's the role of the individual to adapt to employment demands. You think the government should concentrate on creating jobs for IT administrators given how many of them are out of work? Stay with me, BF. We're almost there.
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