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Posts posted by Paco

  1. -

    -- Again, you're entitled to be in a bad mood. Your candidate has screwed up everything he's touched in four years, and I don't have to be a "libber" to see that. relax. Chill out. President Kerry will clean up your guy's mess ... just like he fought your guy's war in 'Nam. Jesus, you refer to show over substance?!? Wow ... Apparently you have been misled into believing that Bush did serve during Viet Nam and Kerry did not. You have it backwards. "Show" over "substance"?!? MY guy was in 'Nam. Where was Monkey-Boy? No one seems to know. Next ...


    Holy crap, PIA...even your CANDIDATE has stopped talking about Vietnam.


    You are absolutely, positively a walking liberal talking point. Do you ever discuss politics without referring to the things you're supposed top talk about? Bush bad, Kerry good. Bush screwed up. Bush lied. Kerry was in Vietnam. Bush wasn't.


    Care to discuss Bush's DUIs and coke habit while we're at it?


    Man, it's no wonder these guys pound on you when you show up.

  2. You keep telling us we are fools, yet we keep posting away... dry.gif


    You kinda answered yourself. Just reverse things a bit.


    You keep posting away, and he keeps telling you your fools. Maybe if you all didn't keep saying the same stuff over and over and over he might have something different to add to it.


    And Petrino...I suggest BiB has really hit the nail on the head here, and that if America's security is a priority with you, you may want to rethink your candidate because HIS plan is to pull us out of Iraq (exactly what the terrorist network wants) and begin unilateral talks with North Korea, and both concepts are a recipe for disaster.


    I think you should also heed his comments regarding WHO was involved with Hussein prior to our invasion...and then do a bit of cross-referencing of that list (France, Germany, et al) with who was against us invading Iraq. They were left with millions of dollars in unpaid bills, and to support the war was not an option for them.


    So when you iterate Kerry's talking points, it kinda stands to reason that you're gonna get bombarded not with alternate talking points, but with facts.


    And you know what they say about facts...

  3. Come on Defense force some turnovers!!!!


    Offense don't turn it over.

    Blitz pick up is crucial today.WATCH Rodney Harrison on the strong side blitz....McGinest also.


    Not just turnovers...but POINTS off turnovers. Every so crucial. Even if it's three points...GET THE POINTS!

  4. There is inherently a feeling of caution, so I appreciate your viewing the game in terms of how everyone is matched up. To be truthful, I think we do match up with NE. Rather well, actually. But all I keep thinking is "We lost the last two games. WE lost the last two. No one beat us. We lost them."


    One of your keys to the game is: This game is going to be on one or two big plays or a turnover so I feel that the least mistakes and turns overs wins this game.


    That's very, very true. And that's what bothers me. I don't question whether our talent on the field can beat their talent on the field. I question whether our talent on the field WILL LET our talent on the field beat their talent on the field.


    Play as we've been playing...but eliminate mistakes. Stay focused.

  5. Not only is this statement not remotely factual, there is no evidence that you could ever come up with to support it. These "apathetic" sports fans pay the highest ticket prices in the country in 2 sports and sell out every game. Now that is a fact.


    Right, and while it has been a while, just WAIT to see what your stadium looks like when your team starts losing. People go home so fast the refs turn off their microphones making a call because there's no one around to hear him other than the players.


    THAT's the point. When the going gets tough, the Pats fans get going...home.

  6. Lots of people seem to have this view on here - that the Pats' fans are fleeting.


    That is because Bills fans are probably some of the most knowledgeable fans around from virtually every aspect of the game. And you just have to rely on the fact that if a Bills fan believes something about a Patriot's fan, then it's probably right long before it's wrong.


    I've followed this game for a long time. Not just the Bills, but the game itself. Few fans tuck and run when the going gets tough like Fish fans and Patriots fans. There will come a day when your team is stinking up the joint. Maybe it's after your coach retires...or moves on. Who knows when. But it will happen. And when it does, the point we make about Pats fans will only be proven to ourselves because none of you guys will be around long enough to have a conversation about it.


    It's kinda like when you won the Super Bowl the year of the Tuck Rule. You all stand around saying "Oh, that was the right call." But a true fan of their team might take a moment and say, "You know what...that was kind of a BS call, but we did go on and win the big game!"


    You never hear Bills fans talk about the great Comeback Game against the Oilers without discussing a few plays (like Beebe stepping out of bounds, then returning to the field to catch a TD) that probably shouldn't have happened. That's was a real fan does.


    But none of you guys ever admit how much luck you had on your side. Ever.


    When you start losing...you WILL disappear. Mark my words.

  7. Using that logic (and ignoring the absurd 70 million number - divide it by 10), what happened in Los Angeles? Shouldn't they have a successful team based on population alone?



    Any idea why Los Angeles can't keep a team? Ever been to Los Angeles for any length of time? Anyone even close to getting to the stadium is not from Los Angeles. Half the world moved there from another state, and if they're a football fan, they stick with the team they left behind. You can't drive down the interstate without seeing license plate frames or window decals from virtually every team in the league. The other half are there illegally AND follow the Raiders, who didn't leave Los Angeles for any other reason than to be a prick.


    Trying to find a native Californian interested in football is like trying to find Brady celebrating after a touchdown without his right hand doing that gimpy tea-cup holding thing he does.


    You're just going to have to accept the fact that without that monstrous population, the Patriots wouldn't be able to fill a stadium even WITH two SB rings. It's the nature of the people from that area. Very, very apathetic.

  8. Ummmmmmmm... because there are 70,000 seats and there are 70,000,000 people within a few hours drive?


    They have a ridiculously difficult time remembering any of this. They want us to believe they'll be there through thick and thin...but we all know that's just not the case. They think selling out a stadium in their area is a tremendous feat. They want to think they know what being a fan is all about, and yet the Raiders, who only won FOUR GAMES last year, sold more team merchandise than the Super Bowl Patriots.


    Of course, they probably just use their entire allowance to get in line for a season ticket and can't afford a jersey or hat anymore.

  9. Jets-Felons under is still the smartest bet IMO.


    Miami O will not put up any points

    Miami D will be competitive against the Jets...


    Only way to lose on the under that I see is IF Miami's D & ST score TDs,

    I'll take that play, & I'm going to ride Felons under all year long

    until the number gets really low.


    No question here. Miami's under is a tasty treat week in and week out.

  10. Stevetojan-  I think you're going to be wrong on this one.  With Miami improving their quarterback situation this week and the fact that they're at home, I would take Miami with the 7 points.


    Dude, the Fish have no running game AT ALL. And Fiedler is not what you might consider an upgrade at QB when the problem with Miami's offense is not particularly the QB position. It's the line. It can't protect a damn thing because defenses are completely ignoring the run. Everyone is going after the quarterback. Fielder. Feeley. Payton freakin' Manning. It doesn't matter. No running game. Depleted offensive line. They can't move the ball or get a sustained drive at all! A bunch of three and outs...four and outs...and then their D is back on the field. Again. And again. And again.


    Meanwhile...and this is the most important part...the Jets have it together in virtually all aspects of the game. They will completely and utterly destroy Miami tomorrow.


    And I don't say that as a Fish hater. I say that as a guy has watched Miami play for three straight weeks. They're a mess right now. A total mess.


    DCM...where you are, sir?

  11. Wouldn't be entirely different than the Bills Love-Fest NBC broadcasted every Sunday during the early 90's. :)


    This is true except for one caveat.


    If the roles were reversed, we would undoubtedly enjoy the fun. BUT...if the roles were TRULY reversed, and the Bills were on a streak and the Pats were struggling, you wouldn't find a Pats fan around for miles. They'd be sitting at home flipping through their Red Sox media guide, hoping a day would come that they could overcome a lifetime of mediocrity.


    Look at our team right now. We've done nothing but struggle for the past few years. And yet we're heading straight into our 10th consecutive home sell out.


    Sure, it's easy to give the team credit for it's streak. To do otherwise is just ignorant. But the true test of a team of where everybody is at when the team is down.


    And where are the Buffalo fans? In the fuggin' stands.


    Where would the Patriot fans be if they were in the same shape as the Bills?


    Probably registering on TBD and announcing they have a new favorite team.

  12. I've never been missing it.


    You wonder why Pats fans respond to so many posts?  Look at all the posts dedicated to the Pats and how they "suck" or are lucky or whatever.   

    Its so much fun isnt it?


    Yeah...it's not like we play the Pats this weekend or anything.


    You DO know there's a game this weekend, don't you?


    Real brilliance there fella. Real brilliance.

  13. 30 hours from now its gonna get real fun in here.


    Spoken like a typical Pats fan. I only regret you won't be around the day your team starts losing. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it.


    The reason people like you live on a Bills message board is because we're the only kind of fans who stay with their team regardless of their record and give you an audience. You can't do this on a Jets board because they're tied with you at 2-0. You can barely do it on a good Miami board because most of them have abandoned ship already.


    But you can always count on Bills fans to show up...and where there are hardcore fans, there will always be guys like yourself gloating and prodding and spouting off.


    Until your team starts to lose.


    Which it will someday...and thenl you'll be like every other Pats fan. Gone. Looking for Red Sox tickets. Talking about how you've ALWAYS been a hardcore Red Sox fan. Until they lose. And then you'll be stuck by yourself wondering why Pats fans don't hold a candle to Bills fans.


    Someday kids like you will learn. And when they do, Bills fans will still be gathering regardless of how our team is doing.

  14. Yeah, when asked to provide a link to the source I'd have to give up my own email. :) From what I've heard come out of Kerry so far, on these particular issues, I'm pretty convinced your cats know more about this stuff than Kerry does. What's sad, is I really at this point believe that he does know more about it, and is deliberately twisting and lieing just to get the seat. He can't produce what he's advertising, and we will end up in serious stevestojan for it.




    But, I'm sure his campaign website is much more accurate and informative. I don't think anyone can come up with a more clear cut example of what that guy is all about than I just did, and I only say that to make a point. I'm equally certain that the Kerryites here will completely skip over this and go back to 4 points, and consider me an uninformed lunatic.




    That would be uninformed lunatic asssshole, wouldn't it.?


    Like I said above, it's not that they love Kerry. They hate Bush. They're not even paying ATTENTION to Kerry because if they were, and had any level of objectivity whatsoever, they'd realize how bad of a president he would actually make.


    But I suspect these are the same people who think Shane Matthews couldn't possibly be worse than Drew.


    Be careful what you wish for...

  15. You know the response you're going to get to that post is along the lines of "Kerry's a presidential candidate who gets briefed on this stuff. I think he knows more about the subject than you do."  :)


    I think, too, that Kerry supporters don't really support Kerry as much as they hate Bush. So they refuse to actually SEE how off base Kerry is because they're not really looking at Kerry. They're just aping his message while they B word about Bush and Halliburton and DUIs and cokeheads and the such.


    It's probably scarier now than it has ever been. The more I read up on what Kerry wants to do, the more holes I see. And the more I look into his plan to have bi-lateral talks with NK (this issue stood out to me as THE BIGGEST difference coming out of the debate, aside from Kerry showing he'd never truly do anything pre-emptively), the more you see how America's position in the world as one of strength will quickly become one of pandering. Again.


    It's getting to the point where I find myself seeking out "fence walkers" because everything about Kerry indicates he will bring back the pussification of America while taking money out of the pocket of the very people who need it to advance civilization.

  16. I read today in a fact checking article about the debate that there were, indeed, several stations that were closed. I, too, doubt that it was because of the reasons that Kerry suggested, but from what I know the stations were actually closed. It was factually correct.


    So I guess it was factually correct that 10,000,000 people in Afghanistan have registered to vote when, in fact, they have a terrible problem there with people registering multiple times?


    The point is simply that while it may, technically, be somewhat factually correct to say the subway was shut down, the implication as inferred by the audience is that the "entire" subway system was shut down. That's the way he came across because he knew the American Idol crowd wouldn't question what he said beyond what they picked up watching the debate. The same goes for Bush and his 10M registered voters bit.


    But to me it's just wrong to defend Kerry's comment as accurate when you know he was embellishing the truth for the Short Attention Span Audience.

  17. The book only knows two things PIA - most gamblers are idiots and 10% makes for a great margin. I know because I've been gambling football for years. The number is not some mystical figure they pull out of their ass. It's formulaic, and then adjusted in accordance with the actions of us idiots. It's our previous performances that lead to the number.

  18. Yeah, that's got to be it.  Every single other person on this planet looks normal.  John Kerry looks like the his head is made of mandarin.  Must be the TV.


    Yes...it hasn't been all over the media. The only person mentioning it was Darin. And it's most obvious his TV is messed up. What the hell kind of reception are you getting up there living in igloos?

  19. it wasn't only Kerry doing it, Bush did it as well, Kerry just looked more like a president doing it.


    Changing your mind is part of being human, EVERY Bill fan last year was hoping that Killdrive would start running the ball, if he had listen to us, would he be a Flip Flopper?

    God Allows U-turns


    Exactly how do you know that God allows U-turns, by the way? I'm just curious. Cuz everytime I'VE talked to him, he never talks back. Did he tell you Kerry really didn't mean to be all over the chart? That it's okay for the president to have an absolutely dreadful plan for this country. Did he tell you that bilateral talks with North Korea is a very, very good idea? Was there any discussion about the subways?


    God allows U-turns....


    If God allowed U-turns, he'd have U-turned our entire civilization somewhere between disco and rap.

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