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Posts posted by Paco

  1. Hey, listen...I'm not closed minded about this. I'd have absolutely no problem putting Losman in the game instead of Bledsoe NEXT WEEK, provided that he can also: stop a team from converting a 1st and 35 with a 40-yard pass play...help Travis Henry stand upright when running at a gaping hole...not jump offsides when the opponent is kicking a fourth and one field goal...not miss obvious opponent fumbles...not call phantom holding penalties on long kick returns...


    You'd be feeding a rookie quarterback to the wolves of Buffalo when there is absolutely little or no upside to it. You think having him get his clock cleaned week in and week out is WORTH the experience he's going to get...while simultaneously quitting on the season?


    And again...I am very firm on this point because like John Kerry "I have never waivered in my life:" we're not out of it yet. When we're out of it, then sure, throw him in. But we're not out of it yet, and until we are there is no reason to change quarterbacks because the quarterback is not the reason we keep losing.

  2. I cant wait for Lawyer Milloy to get healthy



    Funny, but if you read the board you would think the problem lies with Travis, or Drew, or Mularky or Donahoe.


    You can hand two of three losses to Wire's play...not even counting the offsides on the field goal. Is there NOONE else who can play that spot in place of him?

  3. Don't be a mass hole.  If someone on the Bills did that crap to a Pat, I wouldn't like nor would most of the people here.  It is a hard hitting game.  There is no reson to try to hurt people.  If it happens it happens, but intent is another thing.


    Tiger's stripes never change, OGT. He will always feel that everything he sees is right and everything we see is wrong. It's his nature. He's a Pat's fan. On a Bills board. All the time. You're right...if it were reversed, he'd be pissed. That's what Pats fans do. Show up, blabber, and then run away until it's there time to blabber again.

  4. And prepare to have JP in a cast again, when Travis misses a block and JP gets creamed.


    And Bledsoe has to come back in.


    All I'm saying, folks, is you don't start Losman until you know the season is over.


    Maybe you're all right. Maybe the season IS over...but technically it's NOT, and blind as I may be, as long as there's a chance...as long as we're still in it...you keep trying to advance yourself, day in and day out, game after game...you NEVER GIVE UP AND YOU NEVER SAY DIE.


    The problem...and I'll get flamed red-ass for this...is that so many people here don't want to take that position because all they see is the pending doom. Instead of taking on the battle and fighting the pending doom, they want to invite the pending doom in for some tea and cumpets so it's less painful to take. I can understand that sentiment. The French built a country around that sentiment.


    But you guys want to quit right now? Three games in and you want to throw in the towel? This team doesn't get paid to decide after three games that the season is over and we may as well start from scratch.


    Pussification at it's best. Nice. Real nice.


    Flame on, but the season isn't over.

  5. Steve,


    Sorry you had a day like that. It's no surprise. The moment you said you were surrounded by Pats fans, I knew your day was gonna suck. Hell...we could've WON the freakin' game, and your day would have still sucked. I hope your kids weren't around. It's a shame if they had to be subjected to yet another moronic Patriots fan who's all talk and no balls.


    (Oh...wait...I hear the obligatory "All Patriots fans aren't like that..." Yeah, I'm sure. You're only like that when your team is winning because you sure as hell aren't around when they're losing.)

  6. I am not even sure if the Bills are making money, so the economic part is probably minimum.


    I would be most willing to bet that the Bills are making money hand over fist. Despite the fact that we've lost the last six games, the last 10 games have been sellouts. And he will always have a job as long as he keeps putting butts in seats and he'll keep putting butts in seats as long as he can reinvent the team...kind of like Dan Snyder.


    When all is lost this season, and you see Losman playing the last few games, with Evans and Moulds as receivers and McGahee running through holes without slipping and picking up blitzing linebackers with authority...please will start buying season tickets once again.

  7. Not so fast, i think Losman will develop better for the Bills as a QB if he follows the Vick/Pennington sit and learn to be a better QB method and then make the playoffs your second year rather than rushing him along faster than his background or talent merits and potentially make him into Todd Collins.


    I agree that this team is clearly not capable of winning by overdepending on the gunslinging of Bledsoe, but this fact does not mean that it can win by overdepending upon a rookie at QB or that this rookie will develop best and benefit most from being thrown in behind this Tulane like O-line.


    Granted that players learn things playing at NFL speeds they do not learn watching, but JP strikes me as someone who will profit most in player development by:


    1. Really learning how a good NFL offense flows and works.  He needs to replicate what Kelly learned which allowed him to call plays in the K-Gun and the best way for him to learn this is by sewing his ear to Sam Wyches mouth in the press box and really learn how the Os of both teams work.


    2. Focuses on his own head learning the game rather than focusing on learning how to motivate and teach Travis Henry which he will have to focus on if he might play in the game.  I take Kyle Boller at his word that his season ending injury last year was great for his development because their were simply things you can learn when you have no chance of playing that you cannot learn when you are playing.


    3. Works on his own mechanics so he does the same thing every play rather than exhibiting the bad habit he picked up under the run at Tulane of throwing off the wrong foot or improvising to make the play after a blocking breakdown.


    I am not saying that QB scrambling talent has not effect on sack outcomes.  One need only look at Doug Flutie's example to see that.  However, one need only look at the Flutie example to see that there is a lot more to being a successful QB than running talent.


    I hope that JP focuses this year on improving his game and not on simply playing for the short term benefit of fans.



    Absolutely, postively, 100% full-goose-bozo accurate. Putting JP in would be a Wannestadt move...indecision wrapped in a white flag. I undertstand the frustration, but to play JP would be short-sighted and wrong.

  8. Well Paco I'm glad you are happy that Travis fell down AGAIN in short yardage.


    How many carries did Willis get today??? None........


    Why are we not even giving him a LOOK????


    Because running back is not the problem. The problem is a secondary that got beat repeatedly...just like guestjason76 comments. Brady had virtually 300 yards passing. We had them shut down on a 3rd and 35. And the convert.


    But yeah, it's Travis fault.

  9. This is not directed at anyone who is criticizing the play of the Bills today. They did fuk up on many occasions. THIS is directed at you sniveling, worthless fake fans who act as if it is Buffalo's priviledge to have you as a fan. I can hear some of you know whining to yourself "Woe is me, I have six more season tix left!" "I am forced to watch 13 more games this year" "Convince me to stay a Bills fan!" HA! Kiss my @ss.


    This team is not on top right now. But they will be great again. Maybe not this year, maybe not next year. But soon the Bills will be back in the Playoffs and maybe back competing for a ring. Then I'm sure you whiny, pathetic fair-weatherers will come runnin back.


    If you dont have the heart to stick with a team when they are down, then you do not deserve to celebrate with them when they win.


    Take a F*ckin hike


    Right on, Bart. Boo fuggin' hoo you whiney ass babies with eighteen threads crying about every little nuance of the game. Boo !@#$in' hoo. Shouldn't you be crying to your mom?

  10. I'll tell you this much, this has the look of a Team that is just good enough to break your heart week in and week out...I just can't possibly believe how many ways they come up with to blow Games...Dumb Penalties, blown assignments, dropped passes, guys running the wrong way not knowing the Plays, misreads between the QB and WR, it just goes on, and on, and on...


    And just like the hokey-pokey...THAT'S what it's all about.


    Listen to the guys yelling it's all about Bledsoe. Just freakin' amazing.

  11. Why wait ? Cut his stupid slow statue fumbling ass now. He is done. I hate him beyond believe and hope he breaks both legs and both arms in an accident on the way home so I never see his pathetic ass again.


    Sorry, man, but Drew did not lose this game. You think the sack where he fumbled and Pats got a touchdown was HIS fault?


    Look at the play again. I know you're angry, but the LAST person you should be blaming for this loss is Bledsoe. A lineman missed his assignment COMPLETELY.

  12. typically the back up quarterback is the most popular guy in town, but the buffalo faithful has now made the back up running back the greatest player in the NFL.  6.5 yards per rush and people still B word.  There is no making anyone happy here.  This was a hard fought game with a lot of mistakes, that goes to coaching and discipline. 

    Another week of "willis would have scored on that play".  Ho hum.


    Save your wise approach, Garranimal. Unfortunately, people like BF need a person to blame in thread after thread after whiney ass thread.

  13. Terrible call, no need to have the immobile Bledsoe turn his back to the line of scrimmage with a play action.  Give us a chance at least.


    Truth is, from I saw, the play WOULD have worked, but someone on the OL pulled and went to the RIGHT when the entire play went to the left. If he stayed in his place, Bruschi was picked up. Look at the play again. Everything worked EXCEPT one player going the wrong way.

  14. See I'm tired of hearing "They are hanging in there."


    This team should be up 2 TD's........but stupid penalties, dropped balls, etc etc etc have once again proven the downfall.


    Do you REALLY think we are going to win this now?


    Being the leader of the whiny ass "Oh, boo hoo hoo this team sucks" parade, I suggest you should probably just find another team. You did nothing the entire game but post stupid fuggin' thread after stupid fuggin thread, and each one more depressing and stupid than the last.


    Yes, the team sucks. If you're tired of hearing about it, THEN STOP FUGGIN WATCHING SO WE DON"T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOUR INCESSANT WHINING!


    God, you are such a fuggin' baby.

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