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Posts posted by Paco

  1. I hear you Mark.  TD is done with football.  His "up and up" attitude would work great in a casino, not the Buffalo Bills.  This city wants a winner, not a "we are high on this player"!  What the hell does that mean?  Were "high"?  You all sniffing clue in MM office?


    This team is becomming a circus.  Great players and idiots for a coaching staff.  Our scouts SUCK.  These guys must be in TD's office playing gay poop games or something to keep their jobs.




    You sure do panic a lot for a Navy guy. Aren't you supposed to be calm under pressure? Why would you go off calling TD a moron, the team a circus, and suggest they were playing games that involved a word that is so childish that the board replaced with with the word "stevestojan."


    We're three games into the season and I would say our coaching staff has done more right than wrong. You need to chill, man.


    But panic away if you must. I guess I'll have to rely on the jarheads for composure. :devil:

  2. I would add to all this that you can send the entire kitchen sink, but when Brady has a receiver running a crossing pattern all alone in the middle of the field, the blitz isn't going to mean crap.


    Successful quarterback blitzing relies, to a great extent, on successful downfield coverage.


    How many times did he hit people during a blitz?

  3. 15. Thank you Bobby April for bring special teams back to Buffalo. I missed them. It was kinda fun to watch A.Vinny be reduced to kicking out of bounds/short to avoid our return game. It's been awhile.


    When McGhee was running back that kickoff, was I the only watching him run, thinking to myself, "Okay...where's the flag."


    Freakin' McGhee has WHEELS. Why...he's almost as fast as Moorman!


    Moorman's play is just amazing, for a punter. Reading his post-game quote, I was encouraged by his feel that there was little chance he couldn't make the first down. Couple that with his audible against the Raiders, and he shows more smarts than most any player on the team in terms of his vision of the field. (I particularly enjoyed watching him point at people to defend while he was running.)


    As a side note, I think I read he broke a record previously held by Paul McGuire. I can't imagine Paul McGuire running with a football unless he happens to be carrying a football when he realizes Dunkin Donuts is about to close for the night.

  4. OK, so with the coaching change we now get Drew running bootlegs with the game on the line instead of Travis throwing an option pass into the endzone into double coverage. 



    So what have we learned here?


    Don't let Travis throw the ball and don't count on him to block a blitzing linebacker.


    Had he picked up Bruschi like he was supposed to, Bledsoe had a clear first down and it most DEFINITELY would have been the last thing anyone expected.

  5. Paco. I hate you. You hate me.


    I dont seem to have to mention you in every one of my posts. You seem to have a need to mention me. That's your thing. And thats sad, but fine.


    Anyway, we both are Bills fans. I am by nature pessimistic. You, opptomistic.


    This season has given me more to be pessimistic about that most seasons.


    You call me a quitter for saying the season is over? I like to call it being realistic.


    At this early of a point in the season, we should have still had hope for the division. Now, not only do we have TWO teams in our own division that are "6" games ahead of us (and six because to catch up and EVEN TIE one of them, we need to win three while they lose three) we have a MULTITUDE of teams that are that far ahead of us just for a wild card. If we cant win the games we should (see JAX), how are we expected to win against Baltimore, Seattle, New England again, or the 3-0 Jets?


    So, have I given up on Playoffs officially? Yes. Without a doubt.


    Everyone says how Losman needs a season to really play before he will be effective. Well, do you want 2005 to be that season so that we have a chance for playoffs in 2006? Or since the ship is sinking, why not let him take his knocks now, and be ready to compete next year?



    I don't hate you, stevestojan. I don't even know you. What I hate is that every time you have a fleeting thought, regardless of whether it makes sense, you have to start a thread about it. You have no discretion at all.


    I also hate the fact that you've quit on the season. Yes, I know. I can hear your little Popeye rant of "I yam what I yam and if no one likes me then they can drop dead." That's all fine and heroic. But do you have to be a quitter, too? And worse yet...be a quitter who calls it being realistic? We both know the only reason you want to quit is because you're afraid YOU'RE gonna get hurt. You're protecting your emotions.


    If you actually played on this team, would you quit? Would you give up? Would you end the season right now? Or would you get up and fight the good fight? You have no idea what is in store for the teams we have yet to play. You could suddenly see a rash of injuries in Seattle...or Baltimore...or even NE, who, by the way, we almost DID beat yesterday IN SPITE OF a sloppy performance.


    It ain't over 'til it's over. Buck up. Find the good. Take one day at a time. Get ready to win until there's no more reason to win.


    When you know you're out of it, THEN put in whatever quarterback you want. But Matthews is your only change of quarterback right now, and DCgirl is right: MATTHEWS SUCKS. He's an emergency valve to finish a game. That's it. That's the only reason he's here. He's an emergency valve. Period. And the only reason to constantly scream for a change quarterback is obviously because you either don't understand football, which you do, or you love to hear yourself talk, which you do.


    Cry all you want. But for Christ's sake, people, DON'T QUIT!

  6. All you Drew haters have made your point ad nauseum. Do you have anything more clever or constructive to say than "Drew sux"????


    Frustration does that to people. There were moments yesterday when I was ready to kill Bledsoe myself. But it didn't take long for me to (1) be mad at someone else real quickly and (2) remember what our alternatives are at quarterback.


    The difference for me is that the season isn't over yet. People like the smart guy who started this thread say the season is over already and we're done. The difference is...I'm not a quitter. The season is NOT over. Last I checked we have 13 games left. And Matthews is NOT a viable option at any cost. (I know that's not a popular thought, but Threadstarter says I'm stupid, so you really can't go by what I say.)


    But the quitters can't see past their frustration and anger. Watching this team is a tough thing to do, year after year. It's very frustrating, but when you consider our options, the best plan with 13 games left is to move forward, keeping playing the best you can with the best people in each possible position (and yes, that means Bledsoe at quarterback) and never give up. Never say die. Never quit.

  7. And that's the entire problem with the Bledsoe backers.

    ANY prefessional level quarterback who is given 5 seconds will look GREAT.


    The great ones are the ones that know how to improvise, or just get the job done no matter what. Even some of the time. If he doesnt have a SOLID 3.5 seconds, he looks absolutlty lost.


    Did you see Brady stand in the Endzone for a solid 4 seconds, never once panicked, and completed a pass?


    Drew would have crapped himself, fell over, gotten sacked, seen yellow, fumbled and thrown a pick all on the one play.


    And you somehow think that if Brady was behind OUR o-line that he would sit back there for a solid 4 seconds like he does with the Pats OL? Cuz that's exactly what you're saying. If Brady were behind our line with the Pats blitz coming at him, he'd be crapping himself, falling over, getting sacked, seeing yellow, fumbling and throwing a pick all in one play.


    And you call me stupid.

  8. Well...Patsies 13-21 before Bledsoe was replaced...43-12 since with 2 Super Bowl Rings... B)


    I think, too, KOK, that after watching Brady throw yesterday, he's just a much better quarterback than Bledsoe. His patience in the pocket was freakish, and once in a while the camera angle would show him throwing passes that had ever the least bit of arc on them to get over the defender but directly to the receiver. It's not hard for me to see how they went from 13-21 to 43-12.


    Unfortunately, we don't have a Brady. We have a Bledsoe...and after that, the QB talent drops off dramatically on our roster. Which is why to me, changing up the quarterback has no upside to it at all. It also would change up the way the OL has begun to improve because they're still getting used to Bledsoe's cadence's, etc. Tossing Matthews in there when the season isn't over yet won't do anything but end the season a lot sooner.

  9. Right now the choice is Mathews or Drew.  Mathews is not an unknown.  It is well accepted around the league that he stinks.  If not for two, count 'em, two, injuries at QB he would not be on ours or anyone elses roster.  Don't tell me Drew stinks, tell me why Mathews would do better than Drew because that is the only decision to be made here.


    If Mathews was in there, would Smith not have held on 3rd an 1 taking away a frist and ten at the NE 35?  Would Reed and Campbell have not followed that penalty by jumping off sides on the next two plays leaving us a 3rd and 21 from our own 43?  Would Smith not have tripped Bledsoe on 3rd and 6 from the NE 34 causing a 12 yard loss?  With 1:07 left in the first half, would Moulds not have dropped a first down pass at midfield and then followed that with a 15yd penalty for a PF?  Would Travis not have tripped over his own feet on 3rd and 2 from the NE 16 with a huge hole in front of him?  Would Coy Wire and McGee not have been toasted in the secondary?  Would Schobel have had a sack or even a pressure on Brady?  Would Fletcher not have taken two PF's?


    You know what wouldn't have happened if Mathews had been in there?  Evans wouldn't have been hit in the hands on a dead run for a 55 yard gain and Moulds wouldn't have been hit dead on from over 40 out for a TD.


    Maybe if we stopped going crazy every time Drew blinks an eye and worked on some other things like, oh, I don't know, cutting the penalties down to less than 20 a game we might win one.


    Lindell misses a FG in week one and Villarial holds on a 3rd and 1 first down run that takes out of FG position and it is Drew's fault.  Clements blows a coverage on 3rd an 75 and it is Drew's fault. 


    This team spent it's FA $ on the defense with Adams, Milloy, Fletcher, Spikes and Vincent and nothing of note was spent on the offense.  Problem is, the defense doesn't get turnovers to help the offense which needs it given the neglect of its personnel over the years.  "Win with defense", "look at how Baltimore won it all, they had no offense".  We bought into that and now we have just what we wanted, a good defense and an offense that can barely get out of it's own way.  But you're right, its all Drew Bledsoe's fault.


    Mickey, you really hit the nail on the head and I appreciate your saving me the trouble of having to iterate it once again. My biggest fear is that the Bledsoe haters will get their wish one day soon...and they'll only realize that swapping out Drew is no different than Miami putting Feeley in for Fiedler, and then Fiedler back in for Feeley. You can change them all you want, but you're still going to have the same results.


    People think "Oh, it'll provide a spark for the team." And it may. For a moment or two. And then you'll see the same thing with Matthews that you saw with Drew.


    All you have to do is look at the way Fiedler played yesterday to see what happens when you start flipping quarterbacks with a team like ours. In five and a half games, Fiedler has 10 interceptions, 6 fumbles, 16 sacks and three TDs. Prior to yesterday's brilliant three picks and two fumbles, everyone felt Feeley should start. And that's exactly what the got halfwaythrough game two.


    What did Feeley do? Provide a spark? No. Five picks, four fumbles...umpteen sacks.


    Different quarterback, same results. Gee...I wonder why that is?


    But some people just don't care because they need SOMEONE to blame.


    And some people, like stevestojan, just keep posting the same things over and over because they apparently feel that each new thread is an original thought.

  10. Paco - Im sure this was just an oversite - but you forgot to actually add anything of intelligence or even add anything to the conversation with your post.



    Kinda like this entire thread. Absolutely no intelligence whatsoever. But you ASK for intelligence in return?


    Ooookay. I'm the dumb one here.

  11. We should just replace the other 10 guys on the team. That shouldnt be too hard.


    I mean, since we know he isnt 100% of the problem, lets just toss out the entire OLine (who played well for 80% of the game yesterday - and seem to finally be "gelling"), get rid of our entire WR corps. Travis and Willis? Bye bye.  And dont forget the tight ends. Hell, thats even more that 10 guys.


    So, since alot of people are saying its not all his fault, lets keep him in there, forget about our first round pick Losman, and just trade every other player on offense.


    Simple - now TD, get on the phone, and QUICK!


    Keep that brain chuggin' there, little fella. Sooner or later you'll come up with something that sticks.

  12. Sorry to disagree, but I was raised to feed a cold, starve a fever.


    Reason?  If you're running a high temperature (fever), eating may make you nauseous. You need to take in lots of fluid and keep your skin cool. Once the fever has broken and you are left with the "cold", then you should start eating, especially imunity building foods like fresh fruits and vegetables.


    HEY, WHO ASKED YOU GIDGET!!!! I happen to have a Ph.D in Patriot Fan bashing, so I'm fairly certain I know just a LITTLE bit more about how to treat a sick person than you do.


    (I swear to God I am only kidding. :) After reading the board the past 24 hours, it seems like anyone can bash anyone for anything. Thanks for correcting me.)

  13. I agree, I never felt like starting trouble at a game but this game was different.  Walking back to my car I seriously considered punching the lights out of 3 seperate Pats fans.  Not like me at all.


    That's because 90% of the Pats fans are arrogant, classless, mindless chuckleheads who have only been around long enough to see their team win and will never be around when the time comes...and the time WILL come...when their team starts taking another dump.


    They will go away once their team starts losing. And their team WILL start losing. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But one day. And for a long time after that.

  14. I'll admit all of those things helped contribute to the loss...but what do the defensive mistakes have to do with the fact that our O hasn't put more than 1TD on the board in 3 weeks?  Let's stick to offensive production.  How were our 3rd down conversions Sunday?  Is that Wire's fault too?


    Sure, it's the entire offenses fault that they're not producing, but something needs to be done to fix the problems.  I've never heard of replacing the center or a guard on offense really sparking a team to some victories...I can't say the same about switching the QB.  Maybe Drew's getting a bum deal (I don't think so but...), but if the offense doesn't start producing then Drew will be benched at some point.  Hell, even if Drew starts playing better, the week we get our 8th loss (thereby ending any playoff chances) I want to see JP (if, and only IF, he's healthy) starting the next week.  The moment we're playing towards next season we should put our future on the field.


    Okay, let's take the defense out of the equation.


    First drive of the third quarter. We get to the Patrtiot's 37. One holding penalty and two false starts, and before long we're 3rd and long, and before long we're punting again. Every time we seem to get momentum, we get another offensive penalty.


    I saw three dropped passes yesterday, and two plays where Moulds ran the wrong route. I saw a couple of players get hit late, but never saw a flag come out. I saw more than enough things happen on offense to make me realize that Bledsoe is not the primary problem. If I saw anything wrong with Bledsoe yesterday, it was the one thing people have always seen from him since he first became a quarterback. The more you have defenders bumping into him, falling around his feet, forcing him out of the pocket, the more his abilities fall straight to hell. But not in any game-costing manner.


    Now, back to the defense; let's say we STOP them from converting a 1st and 35, and we end up with the ball in great field position. Now eliminate the holding penalties, and false starts, and dropped balls. Or let's say the referees are NOT so quick to call "down by contact" and we get the second Dillon fumble...which was clearly a fumble.


    It all works together in one form or another.


    I'm not saying it's not broken. It's VERY broken. I'm just saying that plugging in a new quarterback won't fix things here any faster than it has managed to fix things in Miami.

  15. My biggest problem with the game yesterday happenned before the game even started.

    Buffalo's sloagn is this is our house. If it is our house why in the world was the 20,000 patriots fans while many Bills fans have been shut out. It was the last straw I have sold My season tickets and will resort to watching it on TV til things change.


    As long as you keep selling your season tickets, there will be a Patriots fan standing there to buy it from you.

  16. Did i say he played badly yesterday?


    Let me go check my original post. . .


    Nope, I didnt.


    He played above average yesterday. Not really happy about him throwing the ball right to a pat, or not realizing the last play wouldnt work, but I cant really complain about that.


    Sorry if his slightly above mediocre play yesterday didnt make up for his 22 out of 26 previous AWFUL games. 


    I hope they replace Bledsoe as soon as possible. That way you can suddenly and unequivocably realize that he is not the team's problem. He's a part of the problem, but if you think getting rid of him will suddenly make this team win, then you must be turning your TV off every time our defense gets on the field and gives up a 1st and 35 pass play...or a 3rd and 27 like Gannon did for his one TD of the day...or four consecutive fourth down conversions like they did against the Jags.


    I guess it's just easy for you to keep saying it's Bledsoe, so keep on pounding the same point. You will get what you want, soon enough. And when you do, you'll find someone else to B word about, I suppose.

  17. and was not impressed, looked like there were kids everywhere. Not Johnnyfairplay's scene


    That's too bad because I'm sure Johnnyfairplay could've tripped up that scene in a groovy, happenin' kinda way. Dig, daddy-o?


    Where's Moondoggie when you need him, Gidget?

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