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Everything posted by Paco

  1. You know...I heard some woman the other day comment that Michael Moore is like herpes. "Just when you think you've got your life back, it plows it's ugly head back into it." Look, we get it. He's a pest at this point. Honestly. He can keep popping up all he wants...as long as people will stop referring to his movie like this: It is not a documentary. It's just not. I've read places where even HE says it's not a documentary. Please stop disrespecting documentaries. Please. Thank you in advance.
  2. Swift capital punishment. Hey Mikey! He likes it! I bet if a president put a question to the US about faster, swifter punishment, PLUS death penalties that were waiting, with no hesitation, at the end of the judicial assembly line...he'd had many more supporters in this country than one might think. Here's a simple one; anyone sentenced to death must serve out that sentence within six months. Throw in some stricker three strikes laws... Mike is right. Crime rates would Rosen.
  3. Hey Baddad...I'm afraid your question looks very much like some of the language I see written at the bottom of sex spam emails I get. Care to post that in English?
  4. This is just the kind of thing that makes this a great country...and pisses off the lefties...all in one fell swoop. These two entrepreneurs havent taken the intiative. Somewhere along the line they, like myself, decided they were never going to progress much father from a career standpoint. And more importantly, I didn't want to find myself 55 years old and waiting to get bumped by my employer. I had to take matters into my own hands. Like your client, my business has been doing very well, relatively speaking. The key will be growth. Expansion to my business is inevitable, and expansion means I hire more people. We have orders, we have paying customers, we have opportunity...but if Kerry gets elected, I'll be stuck in a holding pattern because he's got half the middle class liberals thinking that I'M the bad guy with all the money! First thing on his plate: take back my tax cut. Next thing on his plate: increase my tax burden. Last thing on his plate: never even remotely come close to getting a second term because he'll have all but buried the US economy. This is a fundamental difference between Bush and Kerry, but since most liberals like being dependent upon the government to take care of them, none of them give a crap if people like me get taxed more. Somehow they feel that people with more money SHOULD pony up to cover their co-dependant asses instead of allowing me to contribute to the economy and make more jobs available. Pathetic, really, when you think about it. Nice to know the first thing he'll do with my extra taxes and socialize health care.
  5. Yeah, that's the attitude that helps build coalitions. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? If his opponent said he'd have the troops out by Christmas, and he didn't get elected...sounds like the Aussies understand what we're doing better than a talking point liberal!
  6. Melissa, When I decided to buy a house four years ago, I turned to this book. The best part about it is you can just find the chapters that you are interested in at the time. Very simple to follow and understand, with a lot of input from realtors, lenders, etc. It walked me through a lot of tough questions in a very simple format and I was able to get the absolute best deal with great confidence. It is worth every penny, and comes highly recommended in the real estate world. Do not get frustrated with people getting offers in before you. Just be patient. And read this book.
  7. You know, it dawned on me this afternoon... Since Kerry is so familiar with Bush's holdings, maybe what we need to do is take a look at Kerry's holdings. I'm sure his wife and he won't mind opening up their books to show how much they're like Joe America.
  8. That's exactly the response Kerry was hoping for, Tracy. The truth is, people who have the same kind of financial holdings as Bush and Kerry are not always aware of precisely where their holdings lie because they generally have financial advisors handling such things. They simply do not handle their day-to-day financials in such detail because it's neither a good idea nor a plausible one. I would be willing to bet my next paycheck that we could find companies that Kerry owns, of which he has no personal knowledge. I hope you're not relying on the fact that Kerry is the average Joe America as a result of this, because he and his wife are so rich it'll make you puke. They are so far removed from mainstream America that it's downright incredulous that he would pull a stunt like this. He BANKS on the fact that Joe America is a lazy-ass couch potato non-thinking moron. Unfortunately, he's more right than wrong about that. It was just a strategy on Kerry's behalf, and he got what he wanted; folks like yourself, who have no knowledge of what it's like to have tremendous wealth, to feel like people with tremendous wealth are bad.
  9. Kerry came out and said the $2.2 trillion number was the Bush campaign using fuzzy math. THAT is the moment when I would have liked Gibson to ask, "Then what IS the number, Senator Kerry. If it's not $2.2 trillion, is it $1.2 trillion, because even THEN you have a significant gap! Where will you come up with the $600 billion dollars????" Of course, we don't get to go there. Which is too bad. Someone needs to ask Kerry what the number is and how he plans to fund it.
  10. This, unfortunately, is one of those soundbites that will go completely over the head of Joe America. Three years ago Bush reported an income of $84 for a timber company, in which he apparently had a very small piece. The question is: DOES HE OWN THAT TIMBER COMPANY TODAY? That's what Kerry implied. That's what the audience inferred. And when America first hears that Bush DID own have a small part of a Timber company...three freakin' years ago...they will roll their eyes at Kerry for such a childish stab at trying to make a ridiculous point. This is what scares me most about Kerry. He will say anything and bank on the fact that Joe America is only paying quasi-attention. Unfortunately, he's right. And so all America saw last night was a side of Bush they found humorous and endearing after he delivered his "Need some wood?" comment. God help us if Kerry gets in. This guy will make Clinton seem standup.
  11. Actually...it's been a while since I've had to pull out my Michael Moore debunker ring, but if I recall correctly, this speech was skewed, edited, and misrepresented in some fashion. Not so much what he said, but to whom and when and under what circumstances. I could be wrong here, but I remember this was another challenged moment in the film.
  12. I'm still waiting for Kerry to answer the question posed by the women; "We have not been attacked on US Soil since 9/11. Why do you think that is?" Kerry responded something to the effect that: "I've asked in my security briefings why that is, and I can't go into all the answers, et cetera, but let me say this to you. Bush Bad. I'm not Bush, so I'm not bad." What a maroon. And Chef... That's what they gotta pay them quarterly, man. I know, you know that. But when you see it coming in, you know some of it's gonna go back out. But it's the extra amount Kerry wants to tax us that will keep a small business like mine from hiring more people. He keeps referring to "taxing the 2%" and hopes that anyone not making $200K will say "Yeah, let's get the rich bastards." I'm not rich. I own my own company as an S-Corp. I'm about to hire another person. But I'm waiting to see if Kerry is elected so I'll know whether I can afford it. If he's elected, I won't be able to expand because I'm too small and can't afford to give extra money back to the government while providing this person a salary, benefits, etc. And it'll start with giving back the tax cut I received when he rolls that back. I wish I invented ketchup. This wouldn't be happening to me.
  13. I really appreciate how you guys leave this to one thread.
  14. That must be how Kerry plans to enhance the coalition of the bribed and coerced. Put Saddam back in power, and then he can pay France and Germany all that money he owed them before we took him out. Nooooowwww I get it.
  15. Sorry, Nod. I absolutely did not mean to infer those were your views. I've read your views and I know you always approach the games with a level-head. It was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek synopsis of all the "reactionary schithead" views posted since the last game. Sorry 'bout that.
  16. And peace on American soil since 9/11. Oh, sorry. That doesn't help your case very much.
  17. I hate Michael Moore. My wife hates Michael Moore. We're also staunch Republicans, so you do the math. That said, one night she was commenting about him and his piece of crap movie, and fortunately it was just the two of us. So I asked her why she felt that way about a movie she never saw. We both realized that it would truly be unfair to be critical of a movie we've never seen. So we stopped being critical of the movie. We use the extra time telling people why we hate Michael Moore.
  18. Funny how having planes flying into buildings and killing thousands of people and shutting down the entire US ...including our airlines and other forms of transportation that play such an huge role on the economy and, thus, employment...can have such a ripple effect, huh Blz. Jeezus...is it even possible for you to think more than one-dimensionally?
  19. Mick, I try not to talk over my head, so I apologize in advance if I don't communicate this properly. What the terrorist want...more than anything else right now...is us OUT of the Middle East. As long as we have a presence in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., they have to fight us there. That is why we are getting attacked all the time in Iraq. These aren't Iraqis pissed because we're in their country. There are terrorists who have been operating LONG before we went in their and broke up their party. I believe that is why we see people crossing borders into Iraq. What you see are terrorist cells coming to the aid of the fight in Iraq because when we DO liberate Iraq, we've taken away one of their big playgrounds. They want us out of the Middle East, if for no other reason than it allows them to communicate better...convert people better...organize better...plan better...and execute their plan better. When we're not taking the fight to them, they take our planes and fly them into our buildings. When we DO take the fight to them, the world as a whole is...oddly enough...a better place for the long term. That's why I believe...YES, they WOULD like Kerry because they know Kerry will do everything he can to get our troops out of the Middle East as quickly as possible, and when that happens, they can regroup, retrain, and then hit us again on our soil. We also can not overlook the strength of having a free Iraq in terms of the entire Middle East picture and the leverage a free Iraq brings, but that's another thread. This is also probably one of the most upsetting parts of the entire WMD thing that everyone is so fixated on. It was easier to explain WMD to the world than to explain how the terrorist networks operate, and that...as it turns out...was a mistake. But it's a fight we were going to have to fight sooner or later. Can I get some verification here? If I'm off base, can someone correct me?
  20. I don't know why we just don't do what Kerry wants to do: pull our troops out of there as quickly as we can and let Iraq fend for itself.
  21. So, c'mon Brandon. What'd you tell them, what'd you tell them? Wait! Let me guess. We need to start playing Losman, even with a broken leg! No, wait. Donahoe is a pinhead and has no clue how to draft! No, wait. McNally is wasting our time! No, wait. Mularky is a bust as a head coach after three games! No, wait. Holding calls in quick running plays are stupid! No, wait. Okay...I give...
  22. Actually, according to John Edwards during the debate the other night, these beheadings are happening because we're in Iraq. I guess that means this type of stuff never happened before.
  23. No self-respecting dancin' cowboy would refer to his Wranglers as "starched."
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