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Everything posted by Paco

  1. Oh look. Jad1 disagreed with you, so he's a Bledsoe lover, too, ICE. I had no idea there were so many Bledsoe lovers. Or is it simply the fact that there are so many people who don't agree with you, which automatically makes them Bledsoe lovers in your eyes.
  2. Oh look, ICE. He disagrees with you, so he MUST be a Bledsoe lover like me and everyone else who doesn't agree with you.
  3. I'm not a Bledsoe lover, ICE. I'm a guy who loves to watch his team win and doesn't care to watch a Bledsoe hater minimize the fact that he threw three TDs today. But you're so desperate to see him and the team fail just to see him get out of there that you don't even know how to appreciate a good game. So I guess I get the point. You're only right if you're a Bledsoe hater.
  4. Bledsoe's three TD passes were misleading? Let me see. He made three throws into the endzone that resulted in touchdowns. Were those fake touchdowns, or are you going to tell me that they were flukes? Oh, one was as a result of a great runback from Fast Freddy, so that doesn't count. And all three were made by Campbell, and he hasn't caught one all year, so those don't count. And Bledsoe sucks, so they must have been just a blind squirrel finding some nuts. And speaking of nuts...where do you come up with this stuff?
  5. I'm fairly certain he's attending Cat Juggling School.
  6. Why do I have this vision of the local paper visiting the little town for one of those "One Year Later..." feel-good pieces, and the reporter shows up in town, there's not a dog for miles and all the old people are sitting around wiping bbq sauce from their chins.
  7. I don't want some chucklehead like Danny Snyder. He's stupid enough to hire all the blue hairs, it's no wonder his team sucks. We need an owner with forward thinking. Like you said: TODAY'S NFL. You can build a winner. You just need someone who knows how. It's not popular thinking, but the reality is simply that Ralph has not built a winner. He gets a free pass because he's old and the last owner from the good old days. The only way to fix this problem is to fix it at the root. Blame Bledsoe. Blame Mularkey. Blame Donahoe. Bottom line, Ice. Blame Wilson. If this were a regular corporation in terms of revenues, people under employ, etc., EVERYONE would blame the owner for sucking for so long. But oohhh, we're so afraid because he's the golden idol. It's time to move on. A good owner could keep this team in Buffalo, build a championship team...and make a mint doing it.
  8. Okay...no disrespect, but get back to me with your thoughts on this after they were shooting (and hitting) you in the face.
  9. Ice is right. The only person he spoke to was Donahoe. And that single decision makes it clear who is to blame for our problems. It's not Drew. It's not Donahoe. It's Wilson. Some owner he turned out to be. I'll be glad when someone else owns this team. You guys keep signing the petition to get him into the HOF when he has done NOTHING but deliver one crappy team after another.
  10. So here we are again, and again we can make this very simple. If we're so desperate to blame someone for this season, why stop at Donahoe? Who hired Donahoe? Wilson. Who allowed Donahoe to hire Drew? And Williams? And Gillbride? Wilson. Who allowed Donahoe to move forward with ALL of his decisions? Wilson. Wanna blame someone, blame the owner. If anyone needs to go, it's Ralph. As an owner he's done nothing but deliver us mediocre team after mediocre team. Ohhhh, but we don't wanna blame Wilson because we're so goddam busy signing petitions to get this old fug into the Hall of Fame when he's done nothing but deliver one piece of crap product after another. Get real, people. The problem is Wilson and the sooner he's no longer the owner of this team, the sooner we'll have a winning team on our hands.
  11. Bring back Wade. I missed that genius suggestion. Right up there with "Who do you prefer: RJ or Bledsoe II"
  12. You know, I see an awful lot of dialogue here, but got to the end of the thread and realized that absolutely, positively none of it is from the person who started the thread. I don't understand. You can just pop in...make a nebulous comment like "we've gone to s-hit" because he replaced Powell with Rice, and THEN LEAVE???? Hey Ice...who the fug are you? Petrino? Why don't you take a moment away from running the Bills organization to explain exactly WHAT YOU THINK IS WRONG with Bush replacing Powell with Rice. Really. Honestly. Any explanation will do. Any explanation at all. Or are we just supposed to believe that we've gone to s-hit simply because you said so.
  13. That's not altogether true. Petrino was here to discuss it. Actually, that's not altogether true, either. He showed up long enough to blather about this topic and then go hide and not come back to argue whatever point he felt necessary to make with this topic.
  14. So you think he should pick one side or another and not see the way things are and think for himself?
  15. Gonna be a long four years, Geno...
  16. I'd like to know where the hell he went? Come on, Petrino. You make this stupid-ass comment and then run when everyone wants to argue the point with you? Christ, even BF stays around after making such a naive comment. Like you say, Petrino. BRING IT!
  17. Holy mother of God, I can't believe you are pissing and moaning about this. What kind of fuggin' world do you think we live in? You think now is the time to be some bleeding heart kitty? Christ, Petrino, I knew you were something of a liberal, but bitching about something like this is so incredibly pussified I'm at a loss for words. I'm sure Nick Berg and Hassan would prefer we take a more liberal approach to these scumbags. You're lost, Petrino. Completely lost.
  18. God forbid we think our initial thoughts through. Hey BF...the good news is, your new Giants shirt will look just swell with your Cardinals hat.
  19. I'm sure Clinton Portis is on Cloud Nine.
  20. Prayer to you all...
  21. If she saw last night's game, do you think she'd want out? Good luck, today, Scott.
  22. Are you kidding me? They can't even figure out which sports team to root for until it starts winning. You think they've figured out how to cook wings and cover them in three combined ingrediants? Ain't happening.
  23. And at one point people wanted to consider this an actual language. I wouldn't consider him in the top 10 list of rappers, however I would put him in the top 10 list of people going to hell this week.
  24. I think you're misreading the policy. It's most likely the discharge of a nuclear weapon they're referring to is your fiance should you ever ask for the ring back.
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