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Everything posted by Paco

  1. Not so they are not taken out of context, etc., but so America can chew on them and digest them before they get another sentence. Look, I agree in part with what you're saying. The problem, unfortunately, is that the tactics we're seeing in this election are a direct result of how Joe America gets his information. Sound bites. It's all Joe America can take before America Idol is on.
  2. One could also make the argument that these are the type of games a good team SHOULD win. Much like you heard about the Jets last week. Frankly, I just want two things: A victory against Miami, and the game ending with Bledsoe kneeling to kill the clock. I'll worry about the other games as they approach.
  3. I'm not a FF person, but my football sense says Brady would be a bad choice right now against the Seattle defense...particularly coming off a home OT loss. Truth is, Leftwich isn't much better, unless he's playing against us in the fourth quarter, but in the lessor of two evils, I'd say Leftwich has more of a chance to succeed than Brady...from a statistical standpoint.
  4. "People like Christopher Reeves will walk again." He may have been talking about all people and diseases and injuries, but he locked on Reeves as an example, and in a world of sound bites, if you're going to use an example like Reeves as a bullet, you shouldn't be surprised when someone shoots the same bullet back at you.
  5. Please don't take this as talking-point tripe when I say that there is little wonder Kerry is able to keep it close. He does what he's supposed to do when you don't have a prayer: tell people that their lives suck...regardless of whether their lives suck or not...then tell them Bush is the reason for their lives sucking, then tell them you can make it all better. Create a problem. Create a fear of the problem. Point to someone as the cause of the problem. Present yourself as the person who can fix the problem that may or may not even exist ("Hope is on the way"). When you do it that way, it doesn't matter that you are running around saying "I have a plan that can't be explained to you." It's marketing, plain and simple, and the only reason Kerry is as close as he appears is because he absolutely, positively says things that people just accept as gospel because most people are too lazy to double-check anything. People don't pay attention to, as an example, the dire difference between "unilateral" and "bilateral" talks with North Korea, probably one of THE biggest issues we're going to face in ther near term. They don't pay attention to the fact that his people say Republicans hate blacks when two of the president's key advisors are black. They don't pay attention to the fact that Kerry's 20-year Senate record is basically an abyss. They just hear what they hear and accept it because they are suddenly too afraid and too lazy to challenge any of it. Imagine what would happen if the Dems put a real candidate with substance on the ticket.
  6. He was responding to same, K-dog. Edwards was doing the "disregarding" and Krauthammer was taking a position on Edwards' statement. You can't blame Krauthammer for trimming away the meat of Edwards' comment and finding no bone.
  7. Hey JSP...I'm just curious. Is there a football team you have your eye on as well, or are you waiting until December to see who's in the best position?
  8. Shame on you, Mickey. You always appear level headed. While your opinions are too left for me, you at least seem to have your wits about you. But do you really believe the attack that took place three years ago...the attack that took years to develop and execute...should have been stopped by a new president not a year into his first term? C'mon, man. Be real. Because that's just crazy. The attack could have and should have been stopped long before the standing president. But I guess when we threw firecrackers at the same people after they attacked the USS Cole...that was just being mindful of the international community. We can't have it both ways, dude, and you know better than that.
  9. More like I was a fan of the book. And movie.
  10. Assuming you know how to use it, Gidge...
  11. Dude, I swear, I'm not a Mexican.
  12. If I recall, prior to the second debate, it was pointed out that the 250 or so people in the town hall audience were classified as "undecideds" going into that debate. Has anyone asked those people if they made a decision after that debate? With all the stupid polls going on right now, it would seem to me if you want to gauge where the candidates stand right now, asking the decidedly undecideds is a good place to start. And they had 250 of them all in one room, so to me if they didn't poll those people they missed a golden opportunity. Did that ever happen?
  13. Dude, don't you know polls are only relevant when they say Kerry is winning something. Polls don't mean crap unless they mean something good for the Dems.
  14. What? That's IT? The libs come running out and yell "Republican hate blacks," and then the Libs all run way? Please don't start a conversation without coming back to argue about how pathetically wrong you all are about this topic.
  15. You're kidding, right? You DID watch the debate, didn't you? You did see the candidates avoid any real answers, didn't you? You think in the battle of half-wits, your half-wit schooled my half-wit? You really don't care about anything but hearing yourself think, do you...
  16. And herein lies the second real indication that Kerry is losing. Libs making something out of nothing. Again.
  17. I think this is the thing I hate to watch the most. Many times we release a player, or let them get picked up as a FA, like Wiley or Cowart, etc., and you see little change. But if anyone can turn crap to steak, it's the coaches at NE. That's an ass-burner probably more than what Shaw's actual results may be.
  18. "Watch him produce." That's the key. First he needs to turn around when the ball is thrown to him. If it makes you feel any better, we were going to find ways to lose with him, and the Pats were going to find ways to win without him.
  19. Translation II: "I'm probably next."
  20. And you, sir, know nothing of reality. The reality is, TH DID throw a pick at a crucial part of the game that simply called for more ball pounding. It was a stupid call. You could just as easily make the argument that if there was no holding call on Villarial vs the Jags, and if the refs actually made the proper call with TH's score vs. the Raiders, that MM would look like a genius as well. And even THEN you would probably try to take a contrary view. And teams DO find different ways to get receivers into games by getting the ball in their hands at times WHEN...and please try to follow this...YOU CAN'T get the ball to the receiver. Sometimes it's on reverses, and sometimes it's from the shotgun. It wasn't a passing play, it was a running play. It didn't work any better than the TH pick, but it certainly wasn't WORSE! It was designed to get Moulds involved. ANYONE who knows football knows this...except, apparently, yourself.
  21. Mularky has brought a much more effective and understandable offensive scheme to this team. He's allowed his coaches to change players in key positions, do the simple things you never saw from a GW team...like actually run on 3rd and short, and execute some nice offensive schemes that bring running backs across grains with counter blocking by receivers. Hell, he fired a player a quarter of the way into the season. And yes, he HAS put Moulds in at quarterback because it was difficult getting him the ball in that game, and unbeknownst to you, apparently, sometimes you have to get players involved one way or another before they become stagnant for the entire game. In that particular case you didn't notice that that play got Moulds into the game and he caught another three passes after that. It's not like he had Henry throwing a halfback option pick into the endzone. Did we win? No. Are we still 0-4? Absolutely. In fact, MM has already lost more games than GW. But you just see losses and your brain freezes, which just further proves you find it necessary to provide an opinion on every issue regardless of the fact that often times what you have to say also leads us to a big pile of crap.
  22. Spoken like a man who sucks alcohol out of a bowling ball.
  23. African Americans must really hate Colin Powell and Condi Rice. One of the most powerful people in the ENTIRE WORLD puts two black Americans by his side..two black Americans who could easily make a run of their own one day (in part because of their current positions)....and suddenly most African Americans hate Bush. That's whitey. Trying to keep the black man down.
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