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Everything posted by Paco

  1. If the Cards lose, I suspect BF in Indiana is gonna be short for Butt-Fugged in Indiana because that's the only way I can imagine he'll shut up; by plugging that butthole of a mouth of his.
  2. Come to think of it...who the hell ARE you?
  3. Actually, ICE has great insight into many things. The tricky thing is he also has great insight into the same things and the insight has a tendency to contradict itself more often than not.
  4. Why don't you go to your boss and ask if there's any extra work you can take on to show great initiative. It would be a great opportunity to step up and show leaderhip qualities and...ahhh fuggit, I can't even keep a straight face typing this.
  5. I'm not sure why you can't have all of us backwoods morons banned given that half the threads started are things to keep you occupied until you don't need to be occupied anymore.
  6. Hey, Gidge, I'm fairly certain it stands for "not medicated."
  7. Economic Left/Right: 0.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.05 I might add that there are questions which ask you whether you believe the statement is correct, and in fact maybe you do believe the statement is correct, but that doesn't necessarily mean you subscribe to it.
  8. You are the quintessential fan and I salute you. I'm proud to be a Bills fan with a person like you. BF on the other hand...
  9. BF, this should actually mean even more coming from the both of us. You're a loudmouth obnoxious pain-in-the-ass fan who has absolutely, positively no ability whatsoever to exhibit even the least amount of class. You're the guy in the sports bar that everyone wants to beat up. You're the guy in the stands who grabs the ball away from the player and denies your team a homerun. You're the guy at the party who has everyone shaking their heads wondering how the fug you got invited. Only a mother could love a boy like you...and I'm not so sure about that. So before you start getting cats and dogs to join up in unison as well, shut up already, BF.
  10. This is virtually IMPOSSIBLE for people to understand. WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?????
  11. I'd be interested in you posting some of those. Not the ones you get at your house. Just post an email out there from someone in the war who thinks what they're doing is a mistake. If there really are that many soldiers over there wanting to get the hell out...they should be plentiful. Can you post some?
  12. Mickey, you're not the first person who hit some bush by mistake. We usually chalk it up to being drunk or high.
  13. I absolutely believe that gays should be able to have the exact same right to marriage as heterosexuals. There is no question about it. However, when that time arrives...and I believe it will come in my lifetime...I certainly hope they realize that if they are allowed the rights of the married, they are also held to the rights of the divorced. It all sounds good until you immediately surrender half of everything you own simply for getting married.
  14. Holy Crap! Over 72% favor Bush! Now this is a poll I can get behind.
  15. That, sir, is a global view of things that the left will never, ever, ever, ever understand.
  16. C'mon, BF. These guys are right. Your guys win and you're crapping red all over yourself. Your team loses and you hide in the basement? BF, surely you're not one of those guys who can give it but can't take it, are you????
  17. Michael Moore started it. If that fat, disgusting pig didn't stick his disgusting mug in front of every camera that will photograph him, we probably wouldn't have a good idea of how fat and disgusting people can get. We look at Michael Moore and think "Holy crap...I hope that doesn't happen to our women!"
  18. And with a lot of good reason. Did you see their 17-14 win over the Redskins? Seven came off a pick returned for a TD and the other was a punt return. He barely got them into field goal range, and a turnover helped there as well. They shut Jamal Lewis down and made Boller throw, which he can't do to well yet. Now you eliminate Jamal Lewis because he's suspended, and you know what you have? The Miami Dolphins. Beat Miami. Beat Ravens. Same thing.
  19. In that case, the left will say this is another Bush fug-up, and the right will say "that's what we get for letting Clinton put pussies in charge of our military for eight years." Personally, I think collusion is too strong a word. It's not like two guys got crazy and called their mommies, or it's not like the guy who fragged his superior officers tent during the initial move into Iraq. There are 19 people involved...all of whom wrote to their parents, left voicemails, etc, saying "Please get me out of here because it's too dangerous." They couldn't address this on their own? They had to start putting everything in print and audio? Somewhere in the middle...yes, maybe. But I can pretty much tell you right now that anyone who has served in the military is going to give these guys a ration of crap. They didn't just disobey a direct order. They left the other soldiers...the one's closer to the fighting...hanging. That's irresponsible at best, and would likely be the meat of this situation if it were not an election year.
  20. More like Alaska Darin the kitty-eating homo spell checker, given that he likes to eat cats.
  21. I read this last night (albeit, not from a salon website), and I'm not in the military so it's difficult for me to understand exactly what happened. What I do know is that when THAT many people all decide they're going to commit one of the mortal sins of the military (disobeying a direct order), there is much more to this than simply referring to it as a suicide mission or "a death sentence" mission. They may be making a statement, but they turned their back on the people who are fighting this war with them, and that in and of itself demands that they be retained. In fact, the mission was quickly run with other troops and no problems. It is one thing to simply not respect an order, but it's a completely other issue when they all start making phone calls to their parents, wives, etc. and pushing this into the media. There is more to this than simply a "revolt," and when the dust clears, you may be surprised to find out how this all took place.
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