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Everything posted by Paco

  1. I guess then that just begs the question: "Who's your Daddy?"
  2. Now there's something with which I can agree. Closing the bars won't keep cops from shooting their pellet guns considering they've been waiting their whole lives to shoot people with them.
  3. Yes, he obviously fugged up. But that automatically, in your book, makes him a cop who's been waiting his whole life for this very day. THAT's the point. You're so quick to classify someone with little or no thought to both sides of a situation. It's irrational thinking, and you have it down to a science for the sake of just making a statement.
  4. Woulda, coulda, shoulda...we're 1-4. That's reality.
  5. If we're smart, we'll see more two-back sets. Willis has proven to me his is at least a threat. Putting both he and Travis in the backfield provides extra protection on passing downs, and makes the defense take an extra second or two to figure out who has the ball. We likely WON'T do this, for some odd reason, but it makes an awful lot of sense to try it.
  6. That's because I tend to THINK before I just throw a thought down regardless of how stupid it is. You want substance? Great. Explain to me what you know about this Rambo cop that makes you believe he couldn't wait to shoot off an allegedly non-lethal BB gun.
  7. Then why don't you call her John Marie Paige Sarama? A daughter with the first name John surely has a better chance than giving her the initials PMS.
  8. Sometimes the things that come out of your head defy explanation.
  9. 'Ceptin' I subscribe to the theory "Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, and three times is a trend." On the other hand, he needs to be in there three times to see if it's a trend. I'd be curious to see how TH responds to sitting by himself last week.
  10. Newman, did you just copy/paste this poll from your new copy of Tiger Beat?
  11. We'll all get along fine, Gidge, just as long as that chick PMS doesn't show up with her on again/off again mood swings.
  12. Pretty big words coming from a guy who wants his daughter's initials to be the same initials that make men cheat on their wives and want to kill themselves.
  13. He must be closer to heaven than hell because he single-handedly beat the Yankees, and every time he hit the ball last night everyone in NY could be heard yelling "Jesus Christ!" The guy gets more trim than every guy on this board combined...AND he hit a grand-slam in game seven that all but sealed the deal in what has clearly become the biggest single choke in sports history. (Sorry, Thailog. I know you're a Yankees fan. I just don't understand why some folks find it necessary to bust this guys balls simply because of the way he looks.)
  14. I think it's interesting that the "I have a plan" mantra is getting beat up the way it is. There are two reason for this, I think. First and foremost, the GOP campaign machine destroys boulders while Kerry and his campaign machine can do little more than chew on pebbles. This is a direct result of Kerry micromanaging his campaign because he believes no one is better at running his campaign than he is. Second, the Kerry folks needs to stop sending people to a website. While, yes, the internet is a wonderful tool, somewhere along the line it is believed that everyone has internet access, and that's just not the case. Even those WITH internet access dont' want to do any more than they have to do to hear what the plan is. This is a fundamental fault in the Kerry campaign in that it is a way to hide the weakness of his plans while living off the fact that people are inherently lazy and won't look even if they can. To make matters worse, WHENEVER a Dem is asked about Kerry's "plans," the answers are always the same: go to the website, it's all there. That in an of itself sends the message, right or wrong, that the Kerry folks either don't know his plans or don't know how to sell them. Kerry is the reason this topic keeps coming up. I wish Dems would stop looking at those of us asking for his plans as though we're backwoods morons when they can't even answer the question themselves.
  15. It's like having stevestojan telling me I watch too much TV.
  16. Or maybe...just maybe...it's commendable that at the age of 23 he already owns his own business and is a person who is clearly steadfast in their convictions. Regarding this gay marriage thing, allow me to add two cents here. First, I believe that homosexuals simply want the right to marry. That does not mean that they will all run out and get married like the did in San Francisco because everyone knew the San Francisco marriages wouldn't eventually hold up. They simply want the right. As I've said before, there are few real benefits to being married. Tax breaks aren't that much better, depending on your income, and health care orgs increasingly have no problem allowings gay spouses to be covered as family even though they're not married. A lesbian under my employ had just that kind of coverage from Blue Cross. So what are the benefits? You tell me. One thing we DO know, as I've commented before; if they have marriage rights same as me, then they have divorce rights, same as me. THAT will temper a lot of gay marriages right out of the gate. We have so many challenges in this world. Why this has to be one of them is beyond me.
  17. Great. Now that I understand they don't use their batting helmets to clean up after their dogs in the park, maybe someone can explain the origin of the "Who's your daddy" cheer while Martinez was pitching.
  18. You always start by protecting your own, Gidge. If we have time, then we get to everyone else. "Wherever there is injustice, you will find us. Whereever there is suffering, we'll be there. Whereever liberty (and good taste) are threatened...you will find...."
  19. If I needed the world's view of the Buffalo Bills to validate my existence, then yes, this might come close to being relevant. But c'mon...who the fug cares what USA Today has to say?
  20. The 1997 Club sounds intriguing. Do they have TVs there?
  21. Guys like him have no idea how to score with chicks. If you really want to make it with the babes, the first thing you do is whip out the 'ol TV Guide and show off your viewing habits.
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