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Everything posted by Paco

  1. I wasn't talking to him about YOU, Mr. Meboy. I was talking to him about about BiB.
  2. But Mensa doesn't care if you can't spell, right?
  3. We can't wait. And neither can the masses who so adore your every thought. Fun, fun, fun...
  4. Things don't happen to you, stevestojan. You let them happen to you. Fun, fun, fun....
  5. Now THAT's something we can ALL agree on! Hey stevestojan, if you'd bother reading some of the football threads, you might see some of our posts about the team, the players and the sport. Go for a search. The football threads are the ones that don't have an OT in front of them and have been started by someone other than yourself.
  6. THere are a ton of factors that go into this. The bottom line, though, is that with five AFC loses, we ARE pretty much in the stevestojaner. From that point all you can look forward to is whether we progress as a team and see improvement heading into next year. Frankly, I can't believe it's mid-October and we're having this discussion.
  7. THere are a ton of factors that go into this. The bottom line, though, is that with five AFC loses, we ARE pretty much in the stevestojaner. From that point all you can look forward to is whether we progress as a team and see improvement heading into next year. Frankly, I can't believe it's mid-October and we're having this discussion.
  8. I'm not a dick to everyone dude. Just you and BF. And BF has a sense of humor about it. You, on the other hand, seem to get edgy about it. Like I said. Heads up, dude. It's ONLY gonna get fun from here.
  9. You're telling me to get the f-uck out? Man, you really DO think this board belongs to you, don't you? You have some high and mighty view of yourself. Heads up, dude. This will only get more fun as time goes on.
  10. Actually, I'm glad you've managed to turn this board into your own personal little playground. Any other hotties you'd like to discuss today? Maybe another TV show? Maybe someone is robbing your apartment again. Or maybe you're going to a basketball game. Maybe you have a date you'd like to discuss some more. Maybe you want to start another baseball thread...a sport you say you don't even like. This isn't TSW anymore, dude. It's SPP. stevestojan's Personal Playground. Oh, well, on to the next stevestojan crisis. What could it be today. I know, let's start a thread to determine what you should have for dinner tonight! Or what kind of beer you should drink.
  11. Apparently it's a football board SECOND and is FOREMOST a board to discuss which chicks you think are hot. Jessica or Britney. Jesus. Sometimes this place is like an AOL chat board.
  12. Oddly enough, no baseball team has ever come back from a 3-0 deficit in conference championship games, either.
  13. Having a sense of humor is important, BF. Equally important is minimizing the number of threads started which basically involve the same topic.
  14. In related news, a number of barnyard animals were found wandering aimlessly throughout the midwest this morning, walking with bowed legs and smoking cigarettes...
  15. He was just confused. He read BF's statement that "I can't get this grin off my face" but he misread the word "grin."
  16. So which is it? You're on cloud nine or you can't get the smile off your face? Good news; you'll have the same reaction after receiving your first gratuitous blowjob.
  17. If she was eyeing a strap-on, you may want to pass on her. Or at least don't turn your back on her.
  18. I've been to Jocks n Jills a number of times when in Atlanta on business, and they always show all the games. Great beer options and pretty good food.
  19. I thought maybe there was hope for BF with THIS OFFER, but alas, it turns out BF is short for black female.
  20. Yes, yes, yes, and if Norwood didn't miss his field goal we may have won four straight Super Bowls. The truth of the matter is he DID miss the field goal, Travis DID slip and fall down, Travis CAN'T block blitzing linebackers worth a crap, we DID lose to the Patriots and we ARE 1-4. How many running backs do you know have over 100 yards running without having a least one good, long run? And given that last week was Willis' FIRST NFL GAME, and ran with patience, power AND THE ABILITY to knock off a 30-yard run against a good defense, it seems you just want to rile people up with you knack for woulda, coulda, shouldas. By the time I got to this statement, it was suddenly clear that you're just trying to get people pissed off. Sooo...if Willis becomes a great back, TD was LUCKY? Who would YOU have drafted with the first pick two years ago. Given our roster...given our salary cap situation...tell me, WHO WOULD YOU HAVE PICKED that would have helped us be better than 1-4 right now?
  21. You should have BF help you with your retorts.
  22. I agree. People keep saying that MM is playing to the egos of people like Travis, and I think that's just bunch of mindless BS. They're not going to put Travis back in this week simply because we have to stroke his ego. Yes, Willis was good. I'd like someone to try putting them BOTH in the backfield at the same time. Stroking egos. Please.
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