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Everything posted by Paco

  1. Everyone who uses this as an example of a poor Bledsoe performance yesterday needs to look at this play again. If he threw the ball in front of Moulds, it would have never reached him because two large arms were blocking the throwing lane. He threw it behind Moulds and to the right of the arms to give it a chance. The replay from the endzone showed the blocked lane. Bledsoe played poorly yesterday, but this is not a good example of a guy just throwing a crappy pass to a wide open receiver. There are actually people standing and jumping in front of the quarterback to block his throwing lanes.
  2. So basically what you've done is create a thread to remind everyone that you were right? Man, I'm sure glad it doesn't happen very often.
  3. When we hit that second field goal, I wondered why we didn't try for six since we were down by fourteen. Then I realized, get the three, score a touchdown, go for two, and you're down by three. Then I thought...GO FOR TWO? We can't get in for the fuggin' six, how the hell are we going to pull off a two-point conversion? Sad days, these days.
  4. I don't know if HE can't, but I'm fairly certain SHE can.
  5. Are you sure she wasn't asking about the Cardinals?
  6. Damn, I thought that was going to be the number of threads this week about who is the hottest chick doing the weather on CNN. If I remember correctly, Boller didn't complete a single pass the entire second half.
  7. Sometimes politics need a quick shot of humor. Sunday's Pearls Before Swine Today's Get Fuzzy. For the Nader lovers.
  8. Pity from Patriots' fans. And I thought this season couldn't get any worse.
  9. Elite franchise? C'mon man. That's stretching it a bit. We've taken a nosedive...but we were nowhere near an elite franchise four years ago.
  10. I don't care. You need to get it in from the 8 on a massive turnover off the home team's first possession. I can't help but feel like evertime we get to the 10 yard line our quarterback becomes useless.
  11. I seem to remember watching Trent Green tear them a new !@#$ by throwing quick crossing patterns. We had one crossing pattern to Moulds yesterday. Sometimes you have to gameplan to the chinks in the D's armor. We didn't do that yesterday.
  12. Relatively speaking for T-Bone? Yes...yes it is intelligent talk.
  13. She got busted lip syncing??? And then just walked off the stage?
  14. 100% right. It is hit or miss, but it happens more often than people think.
  15. me more stoopider.
  16. Sorry to say but the best part of the game Sunday was when the final seconds ticked off the clock.
  17. Rudy, I hate it when you forget your meds.
  18. Last great words before the dark clouds moved in.
  19. You obviously never met my ex-wife.
  20. He has something like 20-plus homes all over the world. In time someone will repost it. Stay tuned, Gidge...
  21. I thought Kerry said we COULDN'T win the war on terror. Damn, this guy gets confusing sometimes.
  22. Someone here actually posted all of the residences the Kerry family owns, Gidge, and it was not only a long list, but worldwide in scope. I'd be curious if someone can post that again because the cost to the American taxpayer would be brutal, in relative terms.
  23. The guys who watch college ball will likely tell you that comparing Roethlisberger with Losman is not a fair assessment given the programs under which they played. Fact is, pulling Drew for ineffectiveness would be a very, very big deal in the NFL, and if they're going to do it, look to reason number 3 as to why and when it will happen. We're 1-5 and have no signs of life. Letting Bledsoe bow out gracefully after all these years, however unpopular in Bills nation, is likely what we're gunning for.
  24. Actually, what he said was he was an American League guy first...but he's also an American. Still, kind of a silly thing. Either way, the reason you probably saw him there with Jimmy Falon and the very miserable-looking group from "That 70s Show" was because they were likely under some contract with Fox, who was airing the game, to plug their shows and movies.
  25. Finding fault and casting blame; the great American pasttimes. Find and fix the problems, and whomever is at fault will surface.
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