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Everything posted by Paco

  1. You think after six games that you'd rather have Gregg Williams back? You accuse MM of not having any balls, but you think GW DID have balls? Yeah, a nice big nutsack he had while he let Killdrive ruin our offense and not doing a goddam thing about it. Real nice nutsack he had punting on fourth and short at the 30. He was quite the man, I have to tell you. How fast we forget and how fast we yearn for days that only seemed like they sucked less because they've faded from our memory. Who's next on the blame list. Let's just get it all out at once.
  2. Jesus, man, the guy is in his first year as a head coach. Remember your first time being the boss? Did you just walk in and know everything or did you learn some things the hard way? When you have a rookie head coach you have to account for the learning curve. He may as well learn while we're 1-5 because I'd hate like hell for him to learn this crap while we're 5-1. So many things wrong with this team right now. Mularky is the least of our problems.
  3. It is when you've beat the crap out of all the other crying needs.
  4. Yeah, it deserves thought if you're the kind of person walking around all day wondering what doom and gloom is right around your corner. It deserves thought if you feel like life is just one big butt-fug and you're the butt. Sometimes the defeatist attitude around here is just brutal. Here's a question for you B. What happens if he has far more talent than anyone expected and he gets us to the playoffs in his first year? Always look on the bright side of life, dude.
  5. You're telling me that there is NO chance that outside of Indiana there may be a 15-year-old girl who can handle herself, present herself, and even PROVE herself to be 18? And if she does do this, you feel that she's a "grown slut?" You're freaky, man. You need to get out more.
  6. Frog's Leap. Now that's a nice wine. From Napa Valley, if I'm not mistaken.
  7. You're awful high and mighty based on your own ability to think, BF. It's not difficult to tell a 15 year-old from an 18 year-old? And you know this...how? From your vast knowledge of women? Look around, BF. And judge not, lest thee be judged.
  8. Oh, man. First wine in a box. Now it's white zin. Yer killin' me, man. Just killin' me. But you're one of my favorite posters, so I'll keep my mouth shut. You took enough crap with your pool.
  9. I'm sure it'll be the next step up from the stuff in a box.
  10. Now we're talking about the real problem. Wilson is the one making all the decisions. Wanna blame someone for the state of the team. Look to the owner.
  11. You've obviously never finished off a bottle of Boone's Farm Tickle Pink on your own.
  12. Ummmm...no wine from a box is classy.
  13. It depends on how ugly she is. Is she a two-beer chick? A three-beer chick? Jesus man, the only answer here is to do what you would normally want to do. If she takes you for that, great. If she doesn't, it won't stop there, I promise. Even if you ask her if it's okay...what if she says "I'd prefer that you don't." Is that going to happen every time you go out? You'll have to spend the next two years not enjoying a glass of wine or beer with your meal? Be yourself. She'll either dig you or she won't. And tell her the whole story about Capt. McGillicuty and his trips on the open seas. Oh, and if you really want to see the girl run, absolutely go out and buy "a big old box of wine." Chicks dig wine from a box.
  14. Losman would not be starting right now if Bledsoe were bleeding internally and he were 100% healthy. He's not going to start until the playoffs are completely and totally out of reach...and maybe even not then. He's simply not ready for the NFL and you can't take a season that is officially not over yet and just throw him in there for whatever reason.
  15. You think the Bush supporters are ignorant? Two nights ago I had dinner with a Kerry supporter. She wasn't 100% sold on Kerry, but was one of those "Don't care for Bush, so I'll support Kerry" people. As the conversation continued, you could tell she was completely uninformed. A total Hot Pockets mentality that runs rampant through our country. It got to the point where I had to pull out the verbal Crayolas to help her understand some things she "thought" she understood. Ultimately, the conversation went like this: "So did you know that Kerry served in Viet Nam?" "Absolutely." "Did you know Kerry served 19 years in the Senate?" "No," she said with something of a surprise in her voice. Then she kinda gazed into space for a second and said, "Holy crap! He really did?" Real braintrust supporting that Kerry guy. Just a bunch of Mensa's. Sometimes being willfully ignorant is betting than being just plain ignorant.
  16. And the man whose judgement was relied upon to hire Donahoe must go as well.
  17. And an owner who is responsible for all of it. If we're going to blame people and point fingers, do it right. The buck stops with Wilson. This is his fault.
  18. I've found alcohol helps a lot. There are a number of things you could theoretically do at this juncture, but I'd argue that it would still take some time for those changes to take hold. If you had to choose ONE thing to change, it would have to be our redzone mindset. It's easy to say Bledsoe cost us the game this week, and I'll be the first to say I've lost my patience with him, but the bottom line is we had four opportunities in the redzone to put this game away and we ended up with six points and two picks. Even with all the other boneheaded crap that went on in this game, if we could have only punched it in when we had the chances, the boneheaded crap would be more tolerable. I suspect the answer to this sub-problem is playcalling to some extent. I suspect, also, that Bledsoe falls apart when he only has 12 yards of field in which to play. To that extent it may be somewhat defeatist to say "run it, run it, run it" in the redzone...but passing with so little room to maneuver doesn't seem to work, so maybe giving McGahee the blockers in that situation would be an option since he has a way of turning one-yarders into four-yarders. Other than that, I defer to my original response: alcohol.
  19. A better question is actually "Does Ralph Wilson know what he's doing?" After all, he's the one who had the vision to hire TD. It's time we hold Ralph accountable.
  20. People probably like Drew because he can spell the word 'higher' correctly. Look, Drew is a high profile quarterback who came into this league, and into the Bills nation, with a lot of fanfare. Like it or not...right or wrong...it's very difficult to just cast that issue to the side and dump him. We're going nowhere fast and what you will inevitably see is us go the way of 1-7, and Drew put on the bench with a nod that "oh, we're out of it, so we may as well give the new kid a try."
  21. What we need is an owner who can figure out how to hire a GM. Everyone wants to blame Donahoe, but we all give a free pass to Wilson even though he's the one to hire him. We need an owner with an idea of what it takes to make his team a winner. Bob Kraft certainly has no problem doing this. Wilson is one of the most storied owners in NFL history...and he just keeps missing the boat lately with the way he's running the shop. If you want passion and emotion from someone...if you really want to hold someone accountable...and you find it easy to blame Donahoe, maybe you need to realize that Donahoe didn't just show up one day. Wilson hired him. Hold the right person accountable.
  22. Yea, but the Colts and Bolts have fans who want to watch them play. Bills fans have had it. And the truth is, at the end of the day, we can say it's Bledsoe's fault, or the line's fault or Mularky's fault or Donahoe's fault because that's where the buck stops... But the buck stops with Wilson, and it is clear that he is responsible for the piss poor condition of this team. Everyone is oh, so worried about whether one of the most storied owners will win the big game before he dies. Everyone is oh, so worried about whether he'll get into the Hall of Fame while he's still alive. But you know what? HE's the one who hired Donahoe! He's the one that signed the check to bring in Drew! He's the one who pays all the free agents! If our owner can't use better judgement than hiring Donahoe and letting him do this to our beloved team...then we really have nowhere to go from here. As long as Wilson is the owner, the old adage will always apply: If you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting what you're getting. And we're getting WORSE as a team! People want to pin that on Donahoe, but the truth is...the buck stops with the guy who signs the checks. He needs to go. And we must take over. Using his money. It's the only way we'll ever be able to please anybody. We could have polls asking Bills fans what they want to do. Pull Bledsoe. Fire Mularkey. Start Willis. We'd be a completely interactive team. And when we start sucking again, we'll have no one to blame but ourselves. And we'll never do that. It's a win-win.
  23. And Ralph should go with them since he's the final decision maker who let Donahoe and Bledsoe be a part of all this. When it gets right down to...f-uck the whole team. Who needs this crap? F-uck 'em all and send them to LA.
  24. Check it out again, AD. He was getting ready to hit Moulds but defensive arms went up and his throwing lane was blocked. That's why he threw it behind Moulds...to get past the arms.
  25. Hey Dead Horse Beater's Club! Just want you to know I'm a big fan. I can't wait until your brother shows up "LookAtMeThread Haters Club."
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