Why do you think Bush is too stupid to do this? And since you've pointed out that he's stupid, you must think Kerry is smarter than him? Can you point to any evidence that Kerry is smarter than Bush and how he would handle this situation better given the fact that you think he's smarter than Bush?
If you're going to call someone stupid, please justify it.
"So baby, I've been thinking. You know how easy it is to cheer for a team that's undefeated? Simple, right? You should really give 1-5 a try. We suck, but at least we don't boo our first round draft picks."
Yeah, that'll sell.
Have you guys ever seen the ads for the vibrating "saddle" with the little dildo on the front. Girls straddle the saddle and use a handheld remote to increase or decrease the vibration. They can either push up against the dildo or sit directly on it. I have a little video clip of a girl using one. Funny stuff.
It is my incredible sense of smell that keeps my house smelling the way it does. I'm the first one to smell the litter. The litter is electronic, for starters, and then is cleaned out and gets new litter every other day. I'm telling you...it's not the litter that makes the house smell. It's the people who don't tend to it.
Anytime ANYONE disses my team, I find that 99% of the time I simply have to ask one or two questions. Question #1: Who is your team? Half the time their team sucks, too, and it ends there, and half the time they lie and pick a team the like because they're winning. When that happens, there's another 99.9% chance you know more about their team then they do.
"Oh, you have a good game coming up against Denver. You think your 25th ranked defense can handle Ruben Droughns?"
End of conversation.
Just a couple of more posts, Rudy, and I'll have your medication schedule down cold.
So far I have the following:
1 pill Monday morning, but nothing the rest of the day.
1 pill Tuesday morning, one Tuesday afternoon, nothing at night.
No pills on Wednesday.
I'll fill in the blanks by Sunday.
Funny. My cat just loves people. Whenever I'd bring a chick over, I'd warn them that I have a cat, but not to be put off by the cat because the cat "hated everyone" and would just ignore the hell out of her.
Once the girl was comfortable, my cat would always jump on her lap and start purring, and I'd stand there saying "Wow, THAT has never happened before. She must sense something very special about you..."
Chicks. Can't live with 'em. Pass the beer nuts.
Yeah, I'm sure with all the daily stresses of sleeping, crapping, eating, drinking, sleeping, crapping, eating, drinking and chasing the occasional cricket, they need a little kitty prozac to get them through the rough patches.
Even if there are only 40,000 people there, that would be 40,000 more people than you're likely to see downtown St. Louis celebrating a World Series victory.
Sorry, dude. One downer thought deserves another sometimes.
There are any number of reasons why he is doing what he's doing, and we can guess at them all day and still not be right. Sometimes you just have to keep the peace until something blows over. When he starts changing quarterbacks every other quarter like Spurrier, then I'll be concerned. MM has some learning to do. Six games isn't enough for me to judge him.
I had high hopes for this year as well. Those hopes are gone. Breaking out the tar and feathers at the drop of the hat only creates more panic in Bills nation, and at the end of the day...we're still 1-5.