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Everything posted by Paco

  1. LGB is absolutely 100% right. We need to kill bin Laden. That will end terrorism immediately and prove what a mistake it has been to bring the fight to Iraq.
  2. Yep. Libs are feeling the pinch now.
  3. There are more worldly types out there who can provide you a better answer, but my answer simply comes down to this: Kerry has done nothing but outline in crayons how he plans to move forward in the war on terror and through those colors has implied, as I have inferred, that he wants to cut back on fighting on their turf in exchange for bolstering our turf. Part of his plan is to increase our armed forces by 40,000, which sounds nice, but he doesn't say (1) how he'll do it and (2) how and where he'll deploy them. It's fine to have 40,000 other troops, but what's the plan once you have them? I'm also of the mindset that we ARE fighting the war on terror in Iraq. I'm not convinced he sees it that way, and in fact I'm not convinced the whole world sees it that when we keep referring to them as "insurgents." Regardless, I believe the war in Iraq is a part of the war on terror, and his plan is to get our guys out of there....uhhhh...exactly WHEN again? Was it six months? By the end of his term? In two years? Even still, his plan is to get out of there so he can bring our troops home. That sounds all comfy cozy, but I like taking the fight to them there rather than bringing everyone home and bringing the fight back here. This has nothing to do with his time in Vietnam (you brought this up, not me, so forget Bush's record for the minute...this is about Kerry), as far as I'm concerned, because I still have absolutely, positively NO idea (1)how he was only there for four months and (2) how he managed to get injured three times in those four months? Was he brave or incompetent? I'd really like to know how he got home so quickly when everyone else had to stay behind. I subscribe to the theory that he took the chance at volunteering strictly for his record, saw how messed up it was, and got himself out as fast as he could. To this day, no one has told me how he got home in four months. But more than anything else, everything I've read about him and heard him say shows a clear and obvious path of pandering and indecisiveness. I find it humourous that he sits at the debate saying "I've never waivered," and yet it is so blatantly clear that he has. Repeatedly. Just reading his comments today in that article about Afghanistan was enough to seal the deal for me on this issue. He says one thing at one time, then says something else when it's more appropriate. I don't want a personality like that running our country, let alone fighting the war on terror. I just don't. He displays absolutely no confidence, and I'm convinced a man of his nature will turn us into the most pussified sanction-happy country since Clinton was in charge. You can call Bush stupid. You can call him out on his mistakes. But I know where he stands. No waivering. No pandering. I'll take that any day.
  4. I wonder if Michael Moore sent him a free copy of F911. "Dear UBL...you'll get a real kick out of this. Your pal, MM."
  5. Yeah...let's sit here and wait for them again. Let them have their way in the Middle East. Let them buy what they want, train as they want, recruit as they want, plan and plot and attack as they want. Great strategy. This is the one Kerry plan I completely understand, and I can only hope it never comes down to that.
  6. This may not be a popular thing to say, but I'm not sure how this is our problem. I subscribe to the "everything changed after 9/11" position. They didn't fly planes into the Eiffel Tower. They hit us. They killed us. And then they laughed and danced about it. As far as I'm concerned, the rules changed after that, and we shouldn't need the world's permission to start going after these people. The other problem here is that aside from how we got into Iraq, it was just simply something that needed to be done sooner than later, and with the country still reeling from 9/11, it was the best opportunity to start going after the terrorists. Like I said...not a very popular position with the left, but I believe this country has to be able to go it alone in times like these because it has been proven time and again that the UN is worthless at these moments. I would also say this regardless of who is president. I don't want to live in a pussified America. I want to live in a strong America that isn't afraid to throw some punches on a global scale.
  7. I loved this part: “Bush cannot protect you.” I was waiting for the next part: "But Kerry can."
  8. After that unbelieveably embarassing sweep of your baseball team, I can't imagine how you can be optimistic about anything, let a lone the Bills.
  9. And there is a pretty good idea of what we mean when we refer to a Hot Pockets mentality. People absorb whatever they can get based on how quickly they can get it regardless of its absolute value. If they can absorb it in the time it takes for them to heat up a Hot Pocket between commercials during American Idol, it's typically good enough for them to believe. Looking for actual facts is too difficult for the American Idol crowd.
  10. Now that he's on the bench and can do little or no damage to the team, why don't we just leave Travis up there instead of putting someone else up there who's career could slide because of being featured?
  11. Excellent. I see you've peaked with your ability to carry a spirited conversation. Another American Idol groupie with a Hot Pockets mentality.
  12. I'd suggest you don't want to get into a discussion with KRC about issues, particularly as youare someone who thinks Kerry is "the everyman." I'd suspect KRC would teach you more about the issues than you think you even know right now.
  13. Or does he want to reduce our dependency on others for oil? "Oh, but I don't want to hurt the wildlife!" Yeah, whatever. Let the clubbings begin.
  14. No, it was Rod Stewart, as I remember it growing up. But I think there isn't much of a leap of faith going from Rod Stewart to David Bowie back then.
  15. You're suggesting that the world would be better if someone shoved a coat hanger inside my mother and scraped me out of her? Lower than snakeshhit, dude. Absolutely the crudest comment I've ever read on this messageboard. The fact that it came out of your mind says more about you than anything I could ever write.
  16. paco = stupid thread stalker. Shortly we'll have a thread that says : Chad Pennington; no turnovers in the redzone. How many turnovers does Drew have in the redzone? Or how about: Philadelphia Eagles are 6-0. What are the chances we'll win six games? Same thing over and over and over and over and over. I stalk stupid threads. I can't help it if that leads to me to the same people all the time.
  17. But a fairly damn good picture.
  18. This just in: our team sucks. The race is now on to continuously post threads that overstate the obvious.
  19. Long overdue for a gratuitous JLH photo.
  20. Kerry served in the Senate?
  21. You're kidding, right?
  22. Thank God this ammo came up missing. It gives Kerry something to talk about since he's obviously done telling everyone why he'd make a great president.
  23. The good news is, if Kerry wins, by the time he gets done changing everything, living in the US will be JUST LIKE living in Canada. "Welcome to St Judes Medical Center. Please take a number."
  24. The point, DeeRay, is that we know we suck. We know we have problems with Bledsoe. I keep waiting for you to post a thread saying "Bledsoe got out of bed and brushed his teeth BEFORE shaving! Is this what we want in a quarterback?" We get it. He's struggling. Pointing out every single little thing he says or does (even if he's saying the right things despite the futility) is just...well...beating a dead horse.
  25. Can't we put someone up there who already sucks instead of taking someone good, like Moorman, putting him on the top of the wall and watching his game fall to pieces shortly thereafter???
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