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Everything posted by Paco

  1. That's exactly why I enjoyed it, Ice. Because I didn't expect it. Christ, man, despite what you think, we're NOT morons. We know we suck. But today's a good day because I can read the sports page without wincing. It's a good day because we did a tremendous job yesterday. Next week we'll probably get our asses handed to us again, but today's a good day and if it's all the same with you some of us would like to enjoy it before you start reminding us how bad we really are. Thanks for bringing us all back to earth, Ice. God forbid there should be any joy in Mudville.
  2. So we're never allowed to enjoy anything at all? Ever? Until the Bills make the playoffs? We're not allowed one single moment of joy from a 24-point win, regardless of who it was against, because we still suck? We can't enjoy McGee's second kick return for a TD? We can't enjoy McGahee running for over 100 yards...AGAIN? We can't enjoy watching Sam Adams consistently climb over people and take down both the quarterback and running back in a single play at the point of exchange? We can't enjoy a special teams performance that put us in tremendous field position all game long? We can't enjoy a no-sack day? We can't enjoy finally watching a successful redzone performance? And we can't enjoy any of this because we know we suck and will only continue to suck? As I've said earlier...there are those who live in the moment, and there are those who cower in fear from the future. Excuse me while I enjoy the wins when we get them. And make sure you stretch your legs once in a while, Ice, because they can cramp up from cowering for too long.
  3. Before the season started? No. After the season started? Absolutely. Yeah, we'll probably get our ass handed to us next week. Yeah, we'll probably only win four games this year. Yeah, we'll probably be disappointed again. Yeah, we suck and we know we suck. But I think some people live in the moment and others cower from the future and want to bring everyone else down with them. And when the former are trying to enjoy the moment, the latter should maybe shut up for a bit while they enjoy the moment.
  4. I know I had a lot to drink yesterday, but didn't I see that picture posted here at one point yesterday?
  5. It's like McGahee is saying "There'll be plenty more where that came from." Man, did TD screw up that pick.
  6. So what you're saying is you were hoping to watch home movies but ended up watching porn? It's nice to know the Patriots aren't invincible. I really enjoyed watching them fall apart. It doesn't happen often, so you have to enjoy it when you can.
  7. I didn't see the speed people talk about, and he certainly didn't look any faster than he did in the Dolphin's game. There were times I was expecting to see the jets turn on, but it just wasn't there...particularly on one outside run when he get taken down from behind by a linebacker. That's not to say he won't get faster. It's just to say in all the football I watch, I don't see him as being extraordinarily fast. Yet.
  8. As does KC. They're not in the top ten, but watching them is like watching "To Tell The Truth." Would the real KC Chiefs please stand up.
  9. I really wish we had picked up Sumuther Guye when we had the chance. It's funny how some people want Bledsoe benched in exchange for Matthews. Or Losman. When I think most everyone would agree we'd just rather have Sumuther Guye at quarterback. We really missed the boat on that one. Further proof Donahoe sucks.
  10. Note to self. Log entry #4. Rudy med schedule. No pills on Sunday night.
  11. Dude, you crack me up. Your avatar is the nastiest avatar I've seen in the longest time.
  12. For the same reason Leon Sanders can mug receivers whereever and however he wants. I'm just not sure what that reason is.
  13. Drew Bledsoe. 80 Yards. Win. That was fun to watch, too.
  14. Look at it this way. At least you'll get a chance to watch a Cardinals team actually show up and compete.
  15. You mean like Clinton did? I'm still waiting for someone to tell me how Kerry only had to spend four months in Vietnam while everyone else had to stay? I'm also curious how he got injured three times in those four months. Was he that incompetent in battle? Oh well...off to PPP you go.
  16. Man, that absolutely embarrassing ass-beating your baseball team took has sucked any life out of you. But look at it this way...maybe today you'll finally have a Cardinals loss to get excited about. If not, you finally get to see a Cardinal win, which has been missing pretty badly the past couple of weeks. Your cloud has a silver lining.
  17. Would you feel better if he referred to them as "homos," which is essentially what you just did by referring to him as a person who has a phobia about homos? You want to get upset about something? Last week stevestojan suggested the world would have been better served had my mother aborted me by shoving a coat hanger into her vagina and scraping me out. But call someone a fag and everyone get's high and mighty.
  18. You just described John Kerry's entire campaign.
  19. Frankly, just watching our game in HD, regardless of who they are playing, is a wonderful thing. I think every football fan should spend their last nickel to get the games in HD.
  20. I am a bastard-covered bastard with a creamy bastard filling.
  21. I have to disagree with this assessment, Rk. Just this week they were looking for a fair and impartial picture of Bush as a cheerleader. They're very open-minded.
  22. I bet you can't wait for Thanksgiving, when the whole family will be together, sharing a nice meal, watching some football, and cuddling on the couch all lovey-dovey.
  23. Or surfing moveon.org.
  24. It will end in a tie, go to the courts, and the Supreme Court will have to pick the winner.
  25. I have a better idea. Instead of not running any passing plays, how about we just stop playing.
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