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Everything posted by Paco

  1. Now that's funny.
  2. Absolutely, positively 100% full-goose bozo accurate. Great post.
  3. What do you want to hear us say that hasn't been said over and over for the past six months on this board?
  4. Man, you are one bitter, bitter person off of this loss. You may want to take a few deep breaths.
  5. Michael Moore, is that YOU??? Got bad news for you, seq....we're in the next four years together. Sounds like you're going to need more good luck than me.
  6. We'll disagree about this forever, Simon, but I will at least answer your question: I think, for better or worse, Bush has shown a crapload of grit since 9/11. Yes, we've had mistakes made, but I believe we're fighting a different war than we've ever fought and I think it's natural that mistakes will be made. What's important is that we recognize the mistakes internally, adjust, and move forward. We're not fighting a country. We're fighting an idea. In my opinion, that's a tough sell, but he sells this based on his resolve and I'm of the opinion, right or wrong, that it's a war that had to be fought sooner or later. This guy chose to fight it despite how popular it makes him look today. That, to me, displays grit. (I only brought up Clinton because of your reference to the biggest kitty ever in the White House. I believe Clinton was far and away a much bigger kitty than GW. Much bigger. Clinton, particularly in his second term, was all about the legacy and not about the American people.)
  7. Unless I'm wrong, the only effort to bring back the draft was put forth by the Democrats. Fortuntately, a GOP run country will continue to squash the Democratic-backed efforts to reinstate the draft.
  8. But more than half are not. That's a good start.
  9. People like you copy and paste your thoughts so randomly, it defies logic sometimes. Kerry used the same intel as the president to decide to go to war in Iraq. In fact, Kerry actually sat on the intelligence committee, though no one is sure whether he actually showed up or not to the meetings. The point: If Bush lied about the war, then so did Kerry. Get over it.
  10. Thank God the majority of the country doesn't think this way. Thank God the majority of the country has the ability to see more globally than others. And thank God the Hot Pockets movement couldn't get up from the couch.
  11. But I think we can all agree that Kerry's approach to North Korea would have been the most dangerous, no?
  12. Were you asleep during Clinton's terms? You wanna talk about pussies in the White House. "Oh, we got attacked by terrorists. Let's toss a little bomb on them. THAT will get them." Bush is a lot of things, Simon, but a kitty isn't one of them.
  13. The only way to get the yutes to vote is to allow them to vote by text messaging from their cell phone. If the election had an American Idol feel to it, you'd probably get a higher turnout.
  14. Last night they reported that this age group represented 17% of the voters, exactly the same amount as last year. They actually were interviewing P. Diddy, of all people, and he kept talking about how great the youth movement was and how much progress they made...and the woman on NBC kinda was looking at him like "Ummm...Hey P. Did. You P. Didn't.
  15. Okay...we can do this based on the popular vote if you want....
  16. Can't say it much better than that.
  17. The difference is, under Bush, Small Business wins, too. Thank you, Jesus.
  18. Damn fuggin' right. Personal accountability. Don't have any? GET SOME!
  19. One war at a time, Simon. One war at a time.
  20. What you do is noble, respectable, and batschitfugginloonycrazylike. God bless you brother. And God bless this great country.
  21. BF, do me a favor and give me some detail on why you don't like Bush's economic plan? And if you could, tell me how you would handle it differently. I'm also curious why you think the world will end in four years under his leadership. Thanks in advance.
  22. I think what you do is noble, respectable and takes nads the size of Ohio. Thanks for fighting the good fight, sir.
  23. Anyone vote for Krippen?
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