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Everything posted by Paco

  1. That's not what I said. To answer your question, I think Iraq falls under the heading of places that harbor terrorists. Plenty of terrorists, including members of Al Quada, are well documented as being in Iraq. I think by our being in Iraq, they realize we're not going away, and they're coming from all angles to attack us. I think we are fighting terrorists in Iraq right now. The problem is we don't call them terrorists. We call them insurgents, which I think is ridiculous. Just once I'd like to see a headline that says "Terrorists kill 12 Iraqis with car bomb." But I digress. My point is just this: leave Iraq...leave Afghanistan...stop fighting, and you can get ready for many more 9/11-type events. Would you disagree?
  2. Dude, would you please read what he wrote and rethink what you wrote. BECAUSE we never took a more aggressive approach, 3,000 people were killed on 9/11. If we don't fight over there, we will have another 9/11. And then another. And then another. We are losing 1100 lives, but we are saving tens of thousands of lives on American soil...and the general freedoms that we have on a daily basis. You DO remember that 3000 Americans were killed a few years ago, don't you?
  3. The truth of the matter is, there will always be a right and a wrong side, BF. Quite simply, if you're going to make an idle comment then you need to be prepared to argue your case. You can't just make a statement and expect people to just randomly agree with you. Most everyone here has simply argued their position against yours. You don't want to present your case anymore so you split? Make your case and be prepared to defend it, or shut up. But don't present your case, say it's pointless to debate and then walk away.
  4. You are so far out of the park on this I'm afraid if you try to find some figures to support this thinking you may end up hurting yourself. Unemployment is NOT at an all time high. Did you know it's actually at the same level, if not lower, than it was when Clinton was president? Did you know that? Did you know we've gained over a million jobs in the past year? OVER A MILLION? We're not "still losing jobs." The working class families need relief? So you think the best way to do that is to take more money from the rich and give it to people who won't get off their ass and take personal accountability for their lives? You need to get out of Indiana more often.
  5. And lip balm?
  6. ANd when you're done with that, I'll ask again: Please explain Bush's economic policy and why you feel it is a bad thing?
  7. I asked this before, BF, and I never got an answer. Please outline Bush's economic plan and explain to me why it doesn't work.
  8. What we need is an offical GOAT thread.
  9. You have the single most fugged up view of things that I find it absolutely incredible that you can get through each day without tucking the barrel of a gun under your chin. Is it the government's job to put money in the pockets of the rich? Should we stop defending our country because people die in the process? How do you even get to sleep at night, dude...
  10. You know what cracks me up? People were still voting in California last night, and NBC gave it to Kerry. No fuss, no muss. That's a problem I hope to see resolved in my day.
  11. Damn. I completely misread that. I thought this was The Official Goat Thread. My bad.
  12. You're about a day late looking for this info, aren't you stevestojan? -2.18/gallon for gas with oil going above 50.00/barrell (If the left would let us drill for oil in Alaska and stop worrying about the caribou, this would be less of an issue. We need to reduce our depency on foreign oil. Environmental left keep us from digging locally. And that doesn't even touch on how it would help the economy in Alaska. I suspect Darin can fill you in on this better than myself.) -The national debt is back with a fury (The national debt is high in terms of a raw number, but it is not near as bad as it has been during, say, WWII. The percentage of the debt as it relates to economic trends is manageable. Remember, we're at war. It's no wonder the debt would increase.) -it is tougher to find a job these days...nobody's hiring. (Go to Monsters.com and tell me people aren't hiring. Jobs are there. You have to go find them. Stop waiting for the government to take responsiblity for your life.) -1000+ plus soldiers dead in Iraq- these are someone's children) and still climbing (You may as well get comfortable because this number is only going up. If you are not aware of what and who we are fighting in Iraq at this point, then you probably don't want to know. We may be there because of bad information, but a free, pro-American Iraq is good for the future of the Middle East and the entire world. Look at a map. Find Iraq. Find Afghanistan. Do the math.) -inflation skyrocketing out of control....been to the food store lately? (I have no idea what makes you say this because there is no discernable inflation and it most certainly is not skyrocketing out of control.) - Osama bin Laden still not captured (Yes...that will end the war on terror. There's an old saying; time and pressure make a diamond. Sometimes you need both to be successful. Afghanistan is a free country which recently held their own elections. If you prefer to keep staring at a guy in cave as a barometer for success, no one will be able to stop you from overlooking the good that is happening there right now. And what's the last thing you heard from OBL? Stop coming after us and we'll stop coming after you. Yeah, got it. Thanks for the warning.) - economy is swirling the bowl (Given the fact that our economy went completely into the crapper after 9/11, and that hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost as a result...and that major transportation companies got pummeled...airlines shut down, imports and exports put on hold, some would argue that the economy is doing better than expected.) The alternative was John Kerry. Given that he was your candidate, apparently, there's likely no need for me to explain where he was at fault in terms of how he would approach any of this issues.
  13. You think Bush losing would have made her go away?
  14. Seems to be a day for anything goes, so I thought this little comic from today's paper might give folks a chuckle. Get Fuzzy
  15. Amen. We need to move forward, and Kerry will need to participate in that early and often.
  16. Worst Moment: Reading a thread from Ed while people were still voting, saying "It's over, we've lost, life sucks." Best Moment: Reading a thread from BF after the voting was over, saying "It's over, we lost, life sucks."
  17. He asked who was the biggest loser IN THIS ELECTION...not who was the biggest loser in general.
  18. Thank ya, Jesus! My business is cranking right now, and thanks to the fact that I won't have to give anymore money to the people who rely on the government to carry them along, I can expand and grow and contribute to this economy and give opportunity to the qualified people who seek opportunity out.
  19. Ahhhh...POST OF THE DAY!!!!! We need to merge this with the Sarcasm Thread!
  20. America didn't get attacked on its own soil on Clinton's clock. Well...not literally, anyway. You can't compare the two. You have no idea what Clinton would have done had he been president during a 9/11-type attack. I don't know why people seem to forget that we were attacked early on in Bush's presidency. It's like we've completely forgotten the effect it had on the economy...jobs lost...the wars we wage.' (Ding! Woops, there's the microwave. Gotta go.)
  21. If you don't like it in four years, you're welcome to put a candidate on the Dem ticket who can provide a better option.
  22. Don't mind admitting...had to go looking up that word pabulum. ' Pabulum puking. Very descriptive.
  23. It is my personal hope that the American people realize that their responsibilities did not start and end yesterday. There's a lot of work to do.
  24. And more cow bell.
  25. Thanks for those pics, Rich. I really liked the photo of the dude wearing the WWF belt. Funny stuff. Glad you had good time and got to watch a game where we put some points on the board. I hope the weather warms up just a bit for the Mrs. when you head to the Pittsburgh game. (Yeah, I know...not likely...but I'm just sayin'...)
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