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Everything posted by Paco

  1. This is my greatest concern. The state is strapped as it is. And the interest to be paid on this is pretty bad. The institute would actually cost $3 billion...$350 million in bond sold each year. Over thirty years, the interest would bring it to around $6 billion, from what I've read.
  2. And that's just to get in into the country. Imagine if they had to get into the hospital ER. They'd be standing around saying, "Oh, so THIS is what Kerry was talking about."
  3. Hey ICE, I was gonna jump in the fray, but it dawned on me that the only difference between your post and the one from BF yesterday is that BF didn't want to hang around. So instead of me typing everything again...HERE YA GO.... And Ice, you may want to change your affliliation. Based on how your thinking, you're a lot of things, but a Republican is not one of them.
  4. I don't ask this to be a wiseass, because nothing like this ever surprises me anymore. I'm just curious; if an email like that went around to the number of people it would take to successfully pull a stunt like that, you'd think it would inherently find airtime if for no other reason than because the media got kicked in the nuts again. And no one digs into a story like that deeper than pissed off journalists. Just wonderin'...
  5. Ummmmmm...the younger one, right?
  6. He wasn't a fruit until France got its hands on him.
  7. We're trying to be more sensitive about it.
  8. Powers Boothe was downright creepy.
  9. What the fug you talkin' about. Everyone knows it's a country between Iraq and Afghanistan.
  10. You guys definitely need to get a room.
  11. Good luck with that.
  12. Sorry, man. You were MIA today. Plus, I saw that link you posted to the skit, and I have to say that is some tremendously funny crap.
  13. "There is no method of doubt..." Thanks for shitttkicking me back to my college days.
  14. After yesterday, I think the answer to this question is no. Yesterday was a great day. We changed a lot, including the makeup of the Senate. All of us did. As a country.
  15. And vice versa.
  16. One can only imagine how effective he would have been if he actually made an effort to apply any respect or ethics to his political actions instead of cutting and splicing his way to tell a story filled with lies. The fatass hitched his wagon to a mule. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong election. And I'm sorry that fat jokes get tiresome. Some dumbass on TSW suggested Bush had to stop counting after 20 electoral votes because he couldn't count any higher. Yeah, gets real tiresome. But Moore's still an obnoxious fatass, the guy on TSW is still a dumbass...and guess what? Bush is still president.
  17. To Michael Moore I can only quote the words of Jim Carrey in "The Mask." "Somebody tell the fat lady she's ON in five!"
  18. Did you see the photo op last night of the Bush family watching the returns? If you looked to the right of GW, Jenna was sitting on a couch with a boyfriend. Had his arm around her while she had her hand on his leg. I wonder if that was Dev Null....cuz that guy needed more cow bell.
  19. So let me get this right. Anybody who didn't vote like you did is an idiot? Wow. You really ARE amazing, Grant.
  20. It's like saying my favorite part of the Bills/Ravens game was the end of the game.
  21. Personal accountability. It's all the rage.
  22. There is the argument that doing this would provide some financial relief to a state that is pretty strapped right now. Frankly, I may be a bit extreme on this. It seems to me that if you commit two crimes, and you're not smart enough not to commit a third given all the warnings that you have, then you should go away for a long time. It does seem to be something of a deterrent.
  23. You guys probably know this, but California now moves forward with embryonic stem cell research. They also voted no on Prop. 66, which in essence "would have required an offender's third strike - and the 25-years-to-life sentence it triggers - be a violent or serious felony such as rape, robbery or murder. Currently, third strikes can be triggered by nonviolent crimes, such as shoplifting or drug possession." Had this passed, approximately 4000 prisoners would have had their cases reviewed based on the fact that their third strike was neither violent nor a serious felony.
  24. Absolutely 100% right on the money. It's amazing to me that all the Bush haters went out in droves to vote because of people like Moore, and everyone underestimated the response to this from the Bush supporters. One could argue that Moore cost Kerry the election.
  25. It's about time they bucked up and started contributing to the economy.
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