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Everything posted by drunkenirishmann

  1. Nothing like adding another highlight real to Deions resume :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  2. I just get up from my nap (overslept ) and that's the 1st play I have to see......WTF
  3. That guy has some negative feedback.......I would be cautious.....
  4. sack.......there's a surprise
  5. Penalties, miscues,play calling.........this is getting painful to watch
  6. I finally have the mystery solved.........you give Bledsoe 10 seconds to throw the rock he's probably the best QB in the league.
  7. Well.......what got under my skin was they were complaining (calling the players bums, coaching sucked, etc.) about EVERY play that didn't result in a net gain of @ least 4 yards. I along with every other fan in the stadium can understand why they would be pissed about the goal line play calling and execution but ranting on every other play from scrimmage was beyond acceptable, IMO.
  8. Obviously they were rank amateurs, that was easily identified by their 'cheat sheets'.......but amateurs or not their constant ridicule of players and play calling were more than irritating for 3 straight quarters.
  9. Ahhhh.......I see where you are going w/this clayboy but I don't think your analogy is correct. Now, if you said you were going to take your significant to a fine dining experience @ the local McDonalds and the kids were wearing shirts that said "I love Mickey D's" but @ the same time screaming how they had the food is this joint, then you would be correct to give them a beat down.....and your analogy would be more effective
  10. I agree w/ya Bear it definitely does take away from the experience. Don't get me wrong I can very easily deal with justified criticism. Hell I've even been fed up more times than I can count on the many occasions when we've been shellacked............ but yesterdays game (as far as I'm concerned) did not deserve constant ranting.
  11. Hit ya like a ton of bricks huh?,lol. The wedding was a blast, thanks again for the invite!! I know what you mean about these fickle fans now-a-days. Any mistake and they're all over them. But as you know I've been going to games for years and I have never come across such negativity throughout the whole game from home team fans. Hopefully this was just an abberation.
  12. Let's put it this way........My GF and I sat @ the table w/your mom @ your wedding reception.
  13. Hey 34-78-83........in case you didn't know this is your 'old time friend'
  14. I had 3 blues tailgating and 2 beers inside (obviously before halftime). I asked my GF afterwards if I was out of line (she had zero drinks) and she said no, absolutely no way.......and trust me, if she can catch me in the wrong for anything she will As for them, I didn't see either of them drinking.
  15. I didn't catch your last post......no worries......I've been called worse than a douche-bad before. Thanks for the welcome Cablelady & gantrules
  16. Mike.....not sure where you got the idea that this was a freindly chat about football. Not even close.
  17. Mike, 1st off i'm not a voilent person. Second, it wasn't a discussion as you put it. It was a very heated profanity ridden arguent that seem to last for quite a while. And 3rdly, was that you? I ask that because your comment seemed a little harsh for my question
  18. As a longtime Bills fan I would like to start off by saying hi to everyone. I've been lurking this board for sometime but I finally decided it was time to 'join the club' Now here's my question......I went to the opener yesterday with tickets I purchased on ebay (3rd row 20 yd line). While I was there w/my GF there were 2 guys sitting next to me that would constantly criticize Buffalo for every little mistake they made and not cheer when they made any type of positive play. Eventually someone near them ask the one guy (who for some reason was wearing a bills cap) where his Leftwich jersey was. They had a verbal disagreement for a couple minutes and basically nothing was said afterwards. After 3 full quarters of these clowns making disparaging remarks I finally lit into both of them. They were both acting like such asses that after arguing with them for about 5-10minutes I asked either of the 2 to step outside to finish our 'discussion'. Nothing came about it and all 3 of us calmed down. I know they purchased tickets as well as I but was I wrong for saying something? I've been to many games and have made friends w/fans of other teams who we’ve had fun w/friendly 'taunting' but I never came across such negativity from so-called Bills fans. (not sure if it matters but they were using cheat sheets to identify players like Jimmy Smith, Josh Reed, I. Reese, etc)
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