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Everything posted by col_forbin

  1. Blue on blue is the way to go....I like to see us go red on red too.
  2. I think it is a good idea, but then you probably already knew that.....
  3. That's how I roll
  4. Here, Here......next team will be "Department of Corrections"
  5. Rickey isn't a factor even if he is playing. I would say you have it about right IMHO.
  6. Good luck with that!!!!!!! On second thought, nobody buy table dances at strip bars until they come down to $1.00 too.
  7. Pretty interesting.... Link
  8. are you telling me you wouldn't hit this
  9. That is one hell of a split if you ask me.....props!!!!
  10. I think the Grateful Dead said best: "He's gone.......nothings gonna bring him back.....He's gone!!"
  11. Don't forget dem der biscuits and gravy!!!
  12. Arkansas Chili Dog anyone???
  13. ....with her sister......"Big breasts Mcgee"
  14. ..........I'll be right back, need to step into the bathroom for a second
  15. Boller blows!!!!!!!!!
  16. She'd get it!!!! Then again I'm partial to cottage cheese
  17. There are actually people that think like this????
  18. Vasser has passed on to a better place. Link VASSAR CLEMENTS (1928 - 2005) AUGUST 16, 2005 Dear Friends, On August 16th 2005 at 8:25 am Nashville time, the angels in heaven stopped singing for a moment, as they heard the most beautiful music approaching from a distance - the high lonesome sound of Vassar Clements' fiddle. We are deeply saddened by the passing of this truly wonderful and beautiful man whose purpose in life on Earth was in spreading love and happiness to people, both through his music and through his generosity and light of spirit. Vassar indeed has touched the lives of so many of us, and we can all count ourselves as blessed to have been witness to the musical genius and kind-hearted nature of this great yet humble man. It is a great testament to a life when those whose paths you crossed hold you up as an example on how to treat others. Vassar's guestbook is that testament and shows how incredibly loved and admired Vassar was on this Earth by both those who knew him personally and those who knew him only through his music. I would like to thank Vassar's daughter Midge and son-in-law George on behalf of all of us that loved Vassar for the great love and care they have shown him since the passing of his wife Millie just over seven years ago. Selfless and devoted, they not only took care of Vassar emotionally and physically, but also jumped in and learned the music business so Vassar could continue to play for all of us around the country. I picture Vassar and Millie in heaven, reunited in the love they shared that transcends all things, him playing while she dances. Thank You Vassar - God Bless You. Rest In Peace.
  19. Pooj....Here is to hoping your kid will soon be dropping bombs like Phil the Thrill
  20. #3 Tell her you're a 40 year old virgin
  21. I quit smoking weed about four years ago. I have smoked it twice since, none in the last two and half years. All I can say is after a while you don't really miss it. At first, it is kind of a habit related want. I would go drink some beers, and want to get high. After a while you lose that feeling of wanting to get high. Look....nothing is going to replace the feeling of getting high, but you can find new things that you enjoy doing that are less destructive. Although I don't really think weed is all that destructive, but you get my point. Good luck.
  22. 11. tell her you are wearing rubber underwear
  23. 88. Say "today marks the 1 month anniversey since my last herpes breakout!!!!"
  24. The real sluts start @ over 5,000 posts
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