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Everything posted by col_forbin

  1. I don't want to kill her, but I sure would like to "stab her" with something a couple hundred times.
  3. I'm just don't understand that sh*t.....HORRIBLE
  4. ... The Teddy Bruschi Channel. This sh*t is getting out of hand. They haven't even started Countdown yet.
  5. ...on the number of times Bruschi name is said tonight at the love in?? If you want to get hammered tonight drink everytime they say his name. You will be 3 sheets to the wind by halftime.
  6. Burger King Man
  7. Who are the Bills?
  8. How about the segment where Mexico explains how to date two women at the same time.....have two cell phones. He forgot to mention give them both herpes.
  9. you should have kept reading.......I was laughing my @ss off by the end. He has us beating San Diego in CA, and Denver.
  10. www.torrentspy.com Pretty good "videos"
  11. I can't wait to be on National TV.
  12. I agree. I mean look at the Romans and Greeks with their Gods and beliefs. These people were the height of society at the time, and people look back these wondering what they were thinking. In 2000 years they may be doing the same at us, or those us who believe in modern day religion.
  13. No....but up until this point that is all we have. Until I see different we are the cream of the crop. Like or not.
  14. No the bible to me is a book that tries to teach morals, much like the Code of hammurabi. It is a book that teaches you right from wrong. By no stretch of the imagination to I believe it to be true.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but evolution is theory that we evolved from apes. The bible says God created man. Therfore, if you believe in one you can't believe in the other. So what I'm saying is most christian folks believe that "God" did this (created man). Now, if evolution is correct, then God did not create man. Meaning there is no God, or at least one like most christians believe.
  16. I would have to say both in that instance. What's the difference....maybe I'm missing something?
  17. Well IMHO if you believe in evolution, then it is hard for me to see how you could believe in God. By God, I'm talking about the Christian form of God. Now if we are talking about energy or spiritual powers as being as God, well then I would tend to agree with you.
  18. "God" is a concept invented by humans. I think that is the point he is going for. It is amazing with all we know about evolution, and the universe that people still think the concept of God is pertinent. Whatever gets you through the night.
  19. Anything is better than the trickle we have now.
  20. If the glove doesn't fit, you must be in a luxury suite!!
  21. milka does the body good
  22. That's how I roll!!!!!!!!!!
  23. There is a guy at my work that goes up all the time. He seems to like it a lot. I have heard good things about it. Good luck.
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