Trey Ananstasio doing "Divided Sky". Truly a beautiful thing if you were able to catch Phish on the right night.......3/1/03 is a fine example. Glowstick war taboot.
I would hope I was into to her for more than her looks. Like you say physical appearance does fade the older we get, you have to be into more than just the physical attraction. Although..........
What do you think those people who would use pot legally tomorrow are doing today?? Sitting at home waiting for it to be legalized. Believe it or not you pass high people on the road everyday. Their the ones looking for the "Hot n' Now" sign to light up at Krispy Kreme
Do you know what the deal is with these chicks? They appear to be front row or on the field of every game....home or away. If I was AD they would be on my payroll
She'd get it for a 48yr old........but I'm not marrying her. Hell I don't want a marry the mid-20's hotties around here. Can somebody say what's the flavor of the month??
Really....someone please tell Shaud you can't lateral forward.....WTF??? Not that it matter, but I'd like to think we actually knew what we were doing.